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Christmas Time Is Here….Still.

Due to the writer’s strike, we bring you reruns of last year’s posts. Here is a picture of our Christmas tree from 2007:

OK, OK. I’m kidding.

Not about the writer’s strike. About the tree. This picture was taken yesterday.

In our living room.

Why? Because we are lazy, that’s why. And who are you to judge anyway, Ms. I’m Wearing Yesterday’s Clothes? – oh, wait, that’s me too.

Oh yeah? Well, what about you and your filthy car that hasn’t been washed in months?

Oops, nope, me again.

Oh, you think you’re so perfect with your perfect teeth and your perfect cat and your perfect kids and your perfect figure and your perfect house, and your perfect marriage and….and…well what the hell are you crying about?

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One Comment

  1. That IS good! An entire tree. I’m impressed. The year I had my second baby we had a smaller tree at the end of the upstairs hallway. I used it as a nightlight, and I used having a 7 month old baby as an excuse to leave it up until July.