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Peet and Repete Are In a Boat

If you blink in Sacramento, you can miss spring entirely. This desert city that ironically boasts the most trees in the world, flips from winter to summer before you can exclaim, “What a nice day.”

So it was in awe that my friend and I walked around the city after a late breakfast, only to be assaulted by corporate expansion gone awry. I give you Exhibit A:

Just because Starbucks and McDonald’s (the Starbucks of hamburger joints) sees fit to open up stores across the street from each other, I was dismayed to find out this unforgivable sin didn’t stop with them. Shame on you Peet’s. Or Pete’s. If that is indeed your real name(s).

Actually, I have a good mind to lease a 3rd corner here, open up a gardening store and call it “Peat’s”.

Nanny Goats In Panties debuts on BlogHer today. In the forum introductions, I noticed that the prevailing tone seemed to be somewhat timid, so I decided to bust in like a loud obnoxious Neanderthal. Perhaps the others will think “Uh oh, there goes the neighborhood.” What do you guys think? Too pushy?

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One Comment

  1. ByJane says:

    I still think they need to be hanging their freshly washed panties on the line.