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Wake Up and Smell the Cough

So you’re on this horrible blind date. “What was I thinking?” you ask yourself. This guy is a total serial killer. And now he’s asking you if you want to go somewhere with him after dinner. You know what that means, don’t you? Yep, a long bumpy ride in the trunk with duct tape plastered across your face, totally ruining your lipstick. He coughs and you could swear you see green beasties shooting out of his mouth. They smell sour and evil.

The problem is, all your friends are losers and you can’t depend on them for anything. If you had some real friends, you could have asked one of them to call you during dinner so you could pretend to have an emergency and get out of this date and why doesn’t the waiter have this man arrested already for leering at me all night?

You excuse yourself to the ladies room for a frantic call to a friend or two, to ask them on extremely short notice (how rude of you, by the way) to call you back in five minutes. One friend doesn’t pick up and another is clearly in the middle of something that cannot be interrupted, judging by what sounds like the phone dropping into a swimming pool after fits of giggles.

Now you’re really stuck. What are you going to do? You can’t spend all night in the bathroom.

Or can you?

This would have been so much simpler if you had just gone to Wakerupper before this monster date. It would have taken you 20 seconds to enter your phone number, time, and any message you wanted to send to yourself like: “Something terrible has happened, you have to leave right now!” At least then, when your dinner with this vampire-wannabe maniac is interrupted by a phone call from Wakerupper, you can easily extricate yourself from the date with a “Oh my God! Oh that’s terrible. Which hospital? I’m on my way!” And boom – you’re out of there with apologies.

Wakerupper can be used for all sorts of things. Like wake-up calls for when you are traveling and you don’t trust that mealy-mouthed woman at the front desk to set a wake-up call because you pissed her off earlier when you asked to have your room changed four times because you could swear you heard voices, or smelled ectoplasm, or whatever. is there to accomodate your needs, regardless of what a freak you are.

That’s Wakerupper.

If you have a suggestion for a cool or useful website, just click on the suggestion box and tell us about it. We’ll be happy to pass on a site that you’ve more or less discovered (because you think maybe lots of people haven’t heard of it yet) and give you credit for it with a link back to your site.

* * *

For a brief time yesterday, Nanny Goats in Panties broke into the Top 10 on Humor-Blogs (not that I’m checking every hour or anything). Click on this link to see where NGIP ranks now. Your click will help vote us up the ranks.

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  1. april says:

    well a shot to the face with some pepper spray would have given him a good subtle hint..

  2. Tricia says:

    Oh yea. I can think of lots of uses for this great resource. My husband says in that dramatic guy voice, “we need to talk” and just as we’re sitting down, my cell phone rings. It’s a client with a major dilemma and I’ve got to go now, now, now.

  3. Scratch Bags says:

    This was hilarious Margaret. I wish I had discovered it earlier when I actually went on a blind date, and just could not find anyway to get out of it.Boy! today also when I think of that date the only thing that comes to my mind is-‘how could I’?

  4. Margaret says:

    OMG, Sonja! That’s SOOOOO immature!
    And hysterical.

  5. Sonja says:

    I suppose you say this site is useful if you are having a bad day and have a really immature sense of humor (like I do):
    click on either hand

  6. natalie says:

    you know…i was blog surfing and came across the title of your blog. and it drew me in. i had to look. i was compelled to. and i laughed. heartily. but i was sorely disappointed to not find any goats wearing actual panties. only because i would have liked to see the goat that would allow itself to be clad in women’s underwear. i would think it would be more of a ninny goat. hee hee…

  7. You’re still number 10 this afternoon! Wee Ha! I always do Woo Hoo and thought I’d try something new. How do you think it went over?… what I just typed…….. I think I’ll go back to Woo Hoo. : )