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Hell Hath No Fury Like a Woman Scorched

sacramento weather, hot weather, weather forecastYou know, it’s weather like this that keeps you locked up inside your house because it’s too damn hot. And when there’s eight hundred (give or take four hundred) wildfires blowing around Northern California and killing people’s homes, they tell you to stay inside because of the air quality.
Unless, of course, they’re telling you to evacuate. So you sit on your couch of nails, watching the weather channel, ants crawling all over you because you just HAVE TO GET OUT OF THE HOUSE BEFORE YOU KILL SOMEBODY!

So you leave the house. And while you wait for the air conditioner in your car to blow out cool air because right now, the interior is searing you like Sushi Grade Ahi Tuna, you see the grey hazy air that looks like a foggy winter day, except that you’re beginning to sweat.

A ball hangs in the sky like an out-of-focus fuzzy orange, as if you forgot to put on your glasses. And you hear the news radio guys talking about the heat and the fires and you immediately switch it to your Pink Martini CD to get your mind off this ever-lovin’ heat. You pull up to a red light and take a look at your dashboard:

car dashboard, 113 degrees



Some anal retentive angel is running around up in Heaven like a headless chicken right now yelling, “Good Lord, who left the oven on? BAWK! BAWK!”

Oh, by the way, did I mention that it’s hot here today?


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  1. Liz says:

    113 – oh dear God! I don’t know how you do it!!! It hit about 82 here today. 82 with a breeze and I thought I was going to melt. I think 113 would kill me.

  2. Mojo says:

    I’ll take your 113 and desert humidity over my barely subtropical 98 (with average humidity starting in the 70s up to about 90%). Frankly, they both suck. But look at the bright side. At least we’re not in Texas where they get the shit end of both sticks.

  3. My blog-mistress is feeling the SAME WAY up in Chico…thank GOD for air conditioning, eh?

  4. honeywine says:

    Sitting in panties and little else while it’s 100 degrees and you’re in a perpetual clomid-induced hot flash ain’t nothin’ to sneeze at either. Though, I can breath non-gray air…Ok, you win! 🙂

  5. ALF says:

    It does look like winter when the mountains are socked in – we haven’t seen them all week.
    It’s been over 100 here this week but not quite that hot. Hope you’re cooled off soon!

  6. It’s not so bad heat wise today, but it would be nice to see the sky. It’s weird being able to look directly at the sun. Breathing clean air would be a real treat as well. We’re staying inside all we can.

  7. Yeah. Enough with the heat already. And wtf is up with the humidity in CA? I’m not equipped for dampness.

  8. Kathy says:

    If it helps, but it probably won’t, I was just moved to a new office that is both freezing and wet. Ran a dehumidifier for 3 hours and had to empty a bucket of water. Oh, yeah. Heat’s awful, but so is working in an office that feels like camp, only without bugs crawling up your shorts. Oh, wait. I should check that.
    Here’s wishing you a giant cold front.

  9. merlotmom says:

    come on down to LA, the weather’s a cool,cloudy 74 degrees. a bit muggy but I won’t complain…

  10. MadMad says:

    I guess that means I can’t complain about 95 degrees, then. But it’s a really, really humid 95. Would that count?

  11. MJ says:

    I’m feeling your pain here in GA – at least for the heat part. Stay safe! And don’t kill anyone…

  12. WomenBloom says:

    Uh, hey…we’ve just been through something like 30+ consecutive days of 100+ degree heat here in Tejas. No wildfires thank G–! It’s a danged good thing because everything is so crisp around here one spark and we’d be vaporized. That’s the kind of heat we get in August NOT May and June.
    I will admit that 113 is a little over the top. I’ve heard people say once it hits 100, there’s no difference. Rigghhhttt…I don’t think so.

  13. Brittany says:

    I would die in 113 degree heat. die.

  14. We have rain here….again. Who can guess what country I’m in. UK? how did you guess.if I send my washing over would somebody dry it for me please?

  15. Ugh … I know what you mean. It was 94 here today … with the humidity factored in it was 102. Ugh.

  16. peggy says:

    Ouch, thats hot! I’m feeling the same anxiety over the fire situation…. we’ve had smokey skies here for weeks from northern fires, esp. Big Sur area….and now it’s to the south of us..not liking this! Good luck, hope you get a break in the weather, and if not….refill that perscription!

  17. Bee says:

    I should quit my witchin’ cuz it was 85 here in Chi-townland and I was complaining that I was in a hell-like environment (for which the husband answered “get used to it” because he’s a smart-ass like that).
    I should just stick a giant ham in mouth and shutty! ;o)

  18. I am sending virtual gusts of icy, arctic wind down from the tops of the Tetons for you right now, can you feel them?? :p

  19. Erin says:

    So, Humor-Blogs will only let me rate 4 of your posts before I get this message:
    “Ok, we get it. You like Nanny Goats In Panties. Why don’t you try rating something else now?”

  20. Erin says:

    I canNOT imagine! Oh, wait, yes I can. 100 beautiful degrees here near the SF Bay today. But, it’s a DRY heat… I’ll take it over those humid, rainy NYC summers.

  21. Bathtub, margaritas, and lots of freaking ice….
    Just saying, not that I have ever done that… on a hot day, ever….
    DC had days that freaking hot and the humidity on top was unbearable…
    Good luck babe, keep us posted!

  22. HappyCampers says:

    Wow, that’s hot! My brother is a nurse in Sacramento & I must make sure he’s not having a heat stroke. Yikes!