Nanny Goats in Panties Rotating Header Image

Putting My eCards on the Table

I used to get a lot of Happy Birthday wishes in the mail. This year, I got one. But, on Facebook…

Sixty-one! (So far. The day’s not over yet.)

On my 21st birthday (this was back during the previous century) my stepmother gave me a rectangle: a crisp fresh-from-the-bank one-hundred dollar bill. Then we went to the Boomtown Casino, because she believed the first thing you should do when you come of age is gamble away all your birthday cash. This is the same woman who had me buying pot for her son for Christmas every year because apparently since I went to Humboldt State (a college David Letterman once called Marijuana State), every other friend of mine should have been dealing, right? My stepmom – she was a giving person.

Times change, but traditions remain and today, on my 4(*cough*)4th birthday, I have received more rectangles.

First my husband gave me this card:

He also gave me this rectangular….thing…:

I wasn’t sure what this thing was for, so I had lunch on it. You know, like it’s a TV tray with a built-in universal remote – how convenient is THAT?

But I thanked him like it was something I’d been talking about for ages, as if I’ve been stopping strangers on the street lately and asking them about theirs and if they liked it.

He also gave me something to wear at the upcoming BlogHer09 conference in Chicago:

So right about now, you might be saying, “Hey that’s not a rectangle”, but you’ll notice there’s one on the back.

OK, well I gotta go take my Dad out to dinner for his birthday. Oh, did I mention his birthday is today too? We will hit Mimi’s Cafe together with the rest of the family and dine on French Rectangle soup.

frilly panties 76x70

TY ltrs 24 pt

Some of you guys surprise me, flabbergast me, and humble me with your gifts of generosity and well wishes. Check out these other cool rectangles I got for my birthday!

Mojo of Why? What Have you Heard wrote a WHOLE DANG POST about me and my birthday and gives me entirely too much credit for introducing him to Maggie Dammit, which led him to a whole thing with Violence Unsilenced. Thanks Mojo! I love this Goat poster/card/cake thingie!

Babs of Beetle’s Memories and Ramblings  sent me this goaty card on my Facebook Page. Thanks Babs!

And Heather at Nobody But Yourself  gave me this!  Thank you, Heather!

frilly panties 76x70

and another thing 24pt

My review of The Mighty Queens of Freeville by Amy Dickinson has been published on Curled Up With a Good Book. Amazon says it’s available on their Kindle, whatever THAT is.

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  1. Cheri Pryor says:

    Happy belated birthday to you!! Hope it was fantastic…and let me know how you like that Kindle. It’s sounds very interesting, indeed!

  2. mrsmouthy says:

    Your husband rocks!
    One question for you: How does one ever build up enough self-esteem to attend BlogHer?

  3. Tammi says:

    Nice rack, I mean shirt. : )
    Do you love your Kindle???
    Gotta go read your review of The Mighty Queens of Freeville. I love the cover so far. ; )

  4. Jees-sus! I’m gone for one day and I miss your birthday! I am so sorry. But from the looks of things, you totally scored. I love my Kindle 🙂
    And that is one fine tee shirt!!! Hope your day as GREAT!!!!!! I won’t miss it next year.

  5. Collette says:

    Happy belated birthday! My birthday was Friday the 17th. No wonder I love this blog! Hope you had a wonderful day!

  6. Art says:

    Just a good gift for your birthday but we in the family adopted a more sophisticated gifts, such as some jewelry!

  7. Mrs. K says:

    Happy Birthday to you!

  8. Well happy freakin 4(cough)4th birthday to you. I remember my 4 (cough) 4th birthday well like it was just yesterday. It was, wasn’t it? Just yesterday, I mean.

  9. Happy Belated Birthday and I LOVE the shirt!!

  10. I think you have just about the best husband in the world. Happy birthday and have fun at Blogher for me too. 🙂
    btw: I think that rectangular thing is a really big credit card for your trip.

  11. Happy birthday! I got a similar device but I believe that you have the DX whereas I have the 2 (smaller). Since it’s called a “Kindle” I used it to light a fire in the fireplace … I kid, I kid!

  12. michelle says:

    Happy Birthday to YOU! I love your NGIP t-shirt and I am green with envy over the kindle!
    Remember to enjoy your day but celebrate all year!

  13. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. 🙂 Glad you liked that one! Happy Belated Birthday to you!! Love the tee-shirt!! Wish I could go to BlogHer09 too…have fun!!!

  14. Love the t-shirt!
    Freak’in jealous you got a Kindle!
    Happy belated birthday!

  15. nanodance says:

    Happy Belated (Just rearrange the letters and it’s Bleated. Weird huh?) Birthday!!!

  16. Rachel says:

    Happy Birthday! Having just discovered you through a friend of a friend (and so on… and so on…) I have some catching up to do.
    Love the title, the blog – and to send someone birthday wishes (even if belated!)

  17. Pseudo says:

    Happy Birthday! And to your dad too.

  18. Dreamybee says:

    Happy Birthday! I hope you like your new Kindle…the TV tray thing? Love the NGIP shirt!

  19. John J Savo says:

    Happy Birthday. I hope you’ll do a review of the Kindle. I trust your opinion, not those rambling reviews on Amazon.

  20. Andrea says:

    Happy Birthday! Love the name of your blog, and what a cute t-shirt, too!

  21. Tons to say here! First, where have you been all my life? Second, I thought about that 2 days of college thing, but was too lazy to explain that one was undergrad and one was grad school; two separate days in two separate years. And, finally, so jealous you are going to Blogher! Only been writing this blog since like very end of December and didn’t learn about it until it was too late to really go. But, next year, I am SO there:)

  22. Happy birthday and LOVE the t-shirt. You should sell those on cafepress or something – awesome!

  23. Sparky says:

    Ohhhhh … I gotta have a T-shirt with my blog on it!! You’re so smart.
    You’re only 44?? You’re a Kid. [giggle] Here goes … haaaaa-ppy birttttthh-day. [tee hee]

  24. scrappysue says:

    happy birthday – sounds like you got lots of birthday wishes of the future! i still prefer cards – hope u had a fun day

  25. Amber says:

    Happy Birthday!
    Have fun at BlogHer. Love the shirt. I hope I can go next year.

  26. Bella says:

    Happy belated birthday! that’s a nice T-shirt! Can’t wait to hear all about the blogher when you get back.

  27. Annemarie says:

    From a “mommyblogger” to you…Happy Birthday a little late. I hope you had a good one and received many rectangles. Could your husband please tell my husband where he can find one of those great lunch trays.
    Seriously, I came over here looking up posts that had “step right up” in their title and found your story about the telescope quite humorous. It reminded me of something that might happen to me.

  28. Leeuna says:

    Happy Birthday to youuuu, Happy Birthday to Youuuuu. Happy Birthday Dear Nanny Goats in Pantiiiieeeesssss. Happy Birthday tooooo Youuuuuu. (pardon the singing, I have a slight cold.)
    Love the T shirts. And ohhhhh a KINDLE!!! What a great present.

  29. Christen says:

    Happy birthday!! I’ve been reading through a bunch of your posts, and suddenly an hour slipped by! You are such a witty, clever writer (and I love the name of your blog- too funny!)
    Thanks for the post on my blog, too! Enjoy your day!

  30. Suzy says:

    Well Happy Birthday Missy. And you got a Kindle! I love them.

  31. Grand Pooba says:

    I love the shirt!! That is awesome!

  32. Nooter says:

    happy birthday are we having cake? can i have a piece, please? oh please?

  33. Pricilla says:

    Happy Birthday!
    I so meant to come and post a jolly message as we share the same birth month. Even though you are soooooo much younger. That’s evil, you know.
    But my brain failed me…as usual. Don’t get old. It sucks. That or it is all the goat gas I inhale.
    I hope you adore your kindle and enjoy your husband or the other way around. Whatever…
    Have fun at blogher. The t-shirt is too spiffy for words.

  34. Rita says:

    Just found your blog – and so close to your birthday, no less! (Happy belated!)
    What a fantastic read. 🙂

  35. Happy belated. That shirt is awesome! And my wife would have squeed if she got your rectangle thing.

  36. maryleigh says:

    Happy Birthday! What cute cards! What a great t-shirt! Have a great one! Your dad, too!

  37. blueviolet says:

    Happy Birthday! That tshirt for your blog is fantastic. You lucky girl. I’m so jealous about BlogHer!

  38. C. Andres says:

    Happy Birthday! Your husband is an awesome gift-giver.

  39. Happy Birthday!
    And you should be selling those shirts!
    I think a scoop or v-neck would be sweet.
    Have a great time at BlogHer.
    Peace – Rene

  40. Bobbi says:

    Happy Belated Birthday! If I’d have been on Facebook recently I would have known this and this wouldn’t have been late.
    You got a lot of great rectangles for your birthday, I’m jealous!

  41. Happy belated baaaaaa-rthday. (that was lame)
    Your NGiP shirt is AWESOME!!! Do you sell those? I think I am more jealous of that than of your Kindle.
    Can’t wait to see you at BlogHer!!!

  42. Joe says:

    A most happy birthday to you.

  43. Braja says:

    Hey…wait a minute…how come I didn’t get a notice from Facebook??! It woulda been 62 then for sure, Ms Panties.

  44. i just friended you on facebook so i could wish you happy birthday there as well

  45. mannequin says:

    Happy happy birthday you ole goat you!
    How cool is that, it’s your dad’s birthday too?
    And you, my dear, will be the belle goat of the blogger ball.

  46. You’ve kindled in me a real desire to get a new tv tray.
    As Frosty the Snowman would say, Haa-a-a-appy BIRTHday! My sister and I share the same b-day too, and we’re not even twins! She was born four years later. Mom had an exceptionally long labor.
    Now have a mahvelous time at BlogHer, and please tell everybody hi for me. I just got my first Blogher ad, so maybe I’ll be able to afford to go NEXT year. If they still have them.

  47. linlah says:

    We took Rooster to Thunder Valley and seriously, my apologies for focusing on your dad’s birthday and not sending you anything.

  48. Peggy says:

    Happy birthday baby. I’m writing this in a rectangle. I hope it counts for something. This is an auspicious way to meet. I poached you off the peach tart’s blog roll. Is that stealing do you think? If so, consider this a stolen moment.

  49. Hey Happy Birthday! I did not know that it was your birthday or of the custom of giving away rectangles at the casino, yet somehow I did celebrate appropriately yesterday. As a matter of fact, I gave away so many rectangles at the casino, that it felt like I was celebrating your 100th birthday. Are youy sure you’re only 44?
    PS. When can we order shirts?

  50. Phillipia says:

    Happy Birthday! I love your rectangular presents. I thought the kindle was a digital picture frame when I first saw it- I was sooooo jealous.

  51. Carissa says:

    Yeah, Mudpuppy sucks… lol

  52. AnnsRants says:

    Happy Birthday.
    If it weren’t for you, I’d never have gotten that rejection from This American Life…
    heeheeeheeheeheee (insert knee slapping goat emoticon here)

  53. Hey, I’ll be able to find you at the macaroon table if you have that shirt on!

  54. Dr. Wifey says:

    hey! it’s my birthday today too!!! how cool is that? Happy Birthday! i got lots of rectangles too (checks in da mail woop-woop)

  55. vodkamom says:

    Happy Birthday!!!
    And DAMN. I want a shirt.

  56. erin says:

    Happy Birthday! And have fun w/ the new t-shirt at blogher, and curling up w/ your new kindle.

  57. Beth says:

    Happy Birthday! You should sell those shirts on your blog. They look awesome!

  58. Tracy says:

    I walked away and remembered it might look like my logo is a rectangle, but that’s not the one that would have gone on shirts, that one is square.
    I also remembered that all squares are rectangles, but all rectangles are not square.

  59. Melly says:

    Oh Margaret…you are such a great and humorous writer! I want a t-shirt like that!! I love it.
    I should get a kindle or kendle or whatever…I have too many frickin books all over this house!
    Mimi’s eh? Mac n cheese. That’s all I’m sayin. It’s your birthday…eat a bunch.
    I tried to send a picture of a goat but alas, didn’t go thru.

  60. Tracy says:

    Happy birthday! Jealous!
    Heh, since I can’t go to blogher, I was totally going to get tshirts printed up with my logo on them and send them to other bloggers and guilt them into wearing them. Good thing I dropped the ball on that because my logo is a square and would have messed up your theme.

  61. Julie says:

    Another Happy Birthday to you! I miss Mimi’s – their spinach artichoke dip is the best.