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Goat Thing of the Day: Aspen

One of my blogger friends, Darryl Pollack quickly pulled over on a road in Aspen, Colorado, to capture this shot for Nanny Goats in Panties. (Darryl’s blog is called I Never Signed Up For This.)

Goats in Aspen

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  1. Madison says:

    Thanks for stopping by Life Happens During Naptime! Your goat pictures are hilarious. I’d love to read the story behind them.

  2. That’s awesome! When the page first loaded I only saw the white one on top and thought he was made of plastic, then I scrolled down.
    I’ll have to dig up some old photos from the last time I went to the zoo. There was a goat in the petting zoo that was particularly fond of me and I’m pretty sure my ex-gf snapped a few shots.

  3. Darryle says:

    What are friends for?
    PS I’m not a HE.

  4. LaTonya says:

    It’s like he knows he’s getting his picture taken. Hurry up! And take the dang picture already!

  5. Great picture… And a way funny laugh from DG!!

  6. Melodie says:

    Yeah!A person can never truly see enough goatie pictures!

  7. CatLadyLarew says:

    Why did he just take the picture when he could have taken the whole goat? What kind of friend is he?

  8. What a nice guy to take that pic for you!

  9. John J Savo says:

    That goat on the roof looks like a wise old soul that from whom I would take advice.

  10. mannequin says:

    it’s a Goat on a Hot Tin Roof!

  11. B Welch says:

    I needed me some goatie goodness!

  12. Beth says:

    We DO need to join forces for the rights of goats. That was a goatastic idea!

  13. Sparky says:

    Goat’s on a roof?! My baaaaad. [ha ha]

  14. Pricilla says:

    You have some great readers.
    Now if it’s goat pictures you want….
    heh heh. I even have secret goat porn.
    heh heh

  15. Jo says:

    Darryl should be a little afraid the way that goat’s eye-balling him–who’s taking who’s picture anyway? 😉
    Love it! Darling photo!
    Peace, love and happiness,
    “Diary Of A Sad Housewife”

  16. ole bobo says:

    that the goat on top of the word there. lol

  17. Well isn’t he the king of the goaty universe? And to think, he’s selling sad hors. Me thniks goat king needs to buy a dictionary to more effectively peddle his wares.

  18. Jan says:

    What a coincidence – my friend Beth has a goat-related post today too.