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Goat Thing of the Day: Sidehacking and a Street Sign

OK, but what is SHE riding? Is that a razor scooter?

sidehacking goat, except he's walking, not riding

By the way, I looked up “sidehacking” in the dictionary and I apologize for the double entendre. Sort of.

My thanks to Israel of Elmlish who found this on This Picture is Unrelated.

Also, Helen (Dog Nut Mom) of Luce and Blaze drives by this sign every day and snapped a picture for NGIP.

Nanny Goat Hill Rd. street sign

I don’t know how her town manages to install signs without the posts, but I bet it saves the local government a ton on street sign maintenance costs.

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  1. That poor little goat!! The “lady” gets to ride, and the goat has to run.
    I think the least she can do is walk the goat, she could use a little exercise.
    As for the sign… it is pretty cool! Wish I had a sign named after me.
    Have a great week.

  2. Muse Swings says:

    What IS she doing with that goat?

  3. Roxane says:

    Looks to me like that goat is dragging that woman around!

  4. Dale Ottley says:

    Hey girl,
    I want to give you something nice.
    In our brief exchange I think your blog is hysterical. Since your sense of humor is in alignment with mine: cynical and irreverent I’d like to bestow and award to your efforts because I think you give good blog. I hope the image below appears in this comment. If not, read Sundays post from and you’ll understand 🙂

  5. Wouldn’t it be fun to live on Nannygoat Hill? Not nearly as fun, tho, as living on Nannygoat in Panties Hill, I’m guessing.

  6. bob byford says:

    yeah thet is funny, round here we got more sign posts, and less signs.

  7. Nooter says:

    visions of floating signs means halloween is coming

  8. Skye says:

    Oh wow, that is hilarious and a great way to exercise a pet! I may just have to do that with my bike and get my dog some exercise that way! He’s roughly 140 lbs or pure muscle and could probably haul me around for hours at a pretty good clip…lol.

  9. Suzy says:

    Well, that IS a fat little goat. I have zero idea what she’s riding.

  10. Cathy says:

    Thanks for coming to visit my blog. I’m so glad I found your blog. I can always use a little humor in my day.

  11. sherry says:

    Actually, no one looks particularly happy in the first photo. Hmmm…

  12. anymommy says:

    Does she live near Hogwarts? Our street signs do not float.

  13. Owen says:

    I think the picture of the street sign should have had a pair of panties hanging from the sign… to add a little color to the dark background…

  14. Yaya says:

    Nice. Thanks for adding some goatness to my day. 😉

  15. Aria'z Ink says:

    No fair! I want my own street sign! 😉

  16. Jenny says:

    I had to go straight to the dictionary. I love increasing my vocab. And I have. Who knew!?!

  17. Pricilla says:

    That little pygmy does not look happy AT ALL.
    erm, would you?

  18. Collette says:

    Wow! That is so totally unfair! I think the goat should’ve had a sidecar at the very least! Now she’ll have to get a complete pedicure with paw massage included.

  19. Mighty M says:

    All pets need a little exercise! 😉