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Goat Thing of the Day: The Class Dweeb

Alert readers Lorie (The Shewbridges of Celebration, FL) and Ilsa pointed me to a goat picture from Cute Overload.

I will quote the accompanying dialogue as I find it pairs well with the picture, like a fine Pinot.

“Hey, Stacy, I noticed you missed Civics class again; if you want, I could help you study for the mid-term because Mr. Dorfman says it’s one-third of your grade and it really won’t be any trouble because I took really good notes and it’s OK if you come over tonight even though it’s D&D night and my mom can make s’mores…” (etc.)

goat with buck teeth

The folks over at Cute Overload seem to have invented a process (and coined a term) of their own: “TOOF-HANCE” Allow me to demonstrate the TOOF-HANCE:

close up of buck-tooth goat

The bullies must have swiped his duct-taped spectacles.

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  1. John J Savo says:

    That's too much…

  2. Cheri says:

    I refuse to laugh. I got laughed at in my younger years due to buck teeth. And glasses. And greasy, oily hair. And zits.

    Oh, hell. It's cute AND funny!! I was just funny….

  3. Beth says:

    This just confirms it… I want a pet goat!

  4. Eddie says:

    Love your blog, Margaret, and I am signing up as a follower.
    Our sense of humour seems very similar LOL
    Thanks for the interview – folks seem to be liking it.

    1. Thank YOU Eddie! It was a lot of fun and I'm telling everyone about it in my
      new post I put up today.

  5. brian miller says:

    lol. too cute. congrats on teh roast today over at Eddie's!

  6. Janine says:

    This was a hilarious post!!! Love it! Congratulations on your Roast at Eddie's place!! It was simply superb…and I look forward to reading more of your work! Cheers! Janine

  7. anymommy says:

    I might have dated him in college, except he still had the spectacles.

  8. I think you're right, I didn't even realize that he was missing his glasses.
    Thanks for the shout-out… You are one of the things many things I am thankful for on this holiday weekend.
    Hope you and yours had a fantabulistic Thanksgiving…. 🙂

  9. vodkamom says:

    HOpe you had a great, great turkey day!!

  10. Leeuna says:

    What a doll he is. If he had a pair of horn rimmed glasses with tape on them he'd look like Jerry Lewis. I'll take him.

  11. Marg says:

    OMG that is a cute baby goat. And his toofs are very cute too.
    And also congratulations, you have won a best blog award.
    You can go to my blog to read about it.
    Hope you had a good day yesterday.

  12. marlaahansen says:

    Love this little goat. Reminds me of my own “kids”. 🙂

    Happy Thanksgiving, Nanny!!

  13. “I will quote the accompanying dialogue as I find it pairs well with the picture, like a fine Pinot.”

    You crack me up! The buck-toothed goat, too! Happy Thanksgiving, Nanny Goats!

  14. Pricilla says:

    Cute little kid…

  15. I will call him “Poindexter” …

  16. Nooter says:

    duuuh….. durrr….

  17. Collette says:

    Aww…poor thing! I hope he hid his pocket-protector! LOL. Hope you have a very Happy Thanksgiving!

  18. Mad Woman says:

    Oh my gosh that's freakin' adorable!!

  19. mannequin says:

    Oh gosh, I think that's the guy that used to run the projector.
    I think I know that guy.

  20. dgatdiaryofamadbathroom says:

    What the hell is wrong with me? I feel bad for it. I'm sure on the goat scale of attractiveness, the shape of your teeth doesn't mean squat as long as they can chew a can.

  21. nipsy says:

    Well considering a goat once ate my shirt, that was Toof Enhanced for me.. the memories.. oh, the horrors..

    But yeah, even I have to admit this one is a cutie

  22. This is one cute goat.

  23. bobbinlalaland says:

    He's so cute!!!!

  24. pam101360 says:

    Awe, so cute!

    I love your blog!

    Happy T-Day and Enjoy!

  25. Nezzy says:

    I want him, toof and all!

    Here' wishin' you and yours a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday!!!

  26. Roxane says:

    I want to hug him!!!

  27. elmlish says:

    The obvious front teeth are an evolutionary adaptation for scraping the inside of your skull completely clean after they eat your brains.

  28. Jayne says:

    OMG! So cute. Look at that beautiful silky coat. I. Want. Him.

  29. Sandra says:

    Awe, him is so cute. wuv the toof wook.