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Goat Thing of the Day: Carsitting. And Cats Who Stare at Goats.

Monica from Transplanting Me may or may not have been thinking of NGIP when she took this picture while in India, but she sent it on in for Goat Thing of the Day.

Meanwhile, BaxterBog, who has a store on eBay called Baxter Bog C and C, showed me this movie poster from ICanHasCheezeburger:

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  1. Just too funny… I love the second one!

  2. Love the pics! Only in India.

    Happy Holidays Margaret!

  3. marlaahansen says:

    The carsitting goats brought back memories of our last homeowners claim. Hey, we live on a farm. What did they expect parking there!

  4. bobbinlalaland says:

    I want to know how those goats got on top of the car without sliding down the windshield!

    Kitty looks like he's about ready to go goat shit crazy!

  5. Roxane says:

    I hate to say this but I think the cat is winning the staring contest!

    1. I think you're right. The goat might just blink any second. 🙂

  6. At last, the staring cat has met its match. Or has it?

    1. Hard to tell who might blink first. But if the goat had eyes in the back of its head, it might be easier.

  7. Mad Woman says:

    Those are great pics! I would love to be that close to a goat….stare into its eyes.

  8. I love these pictures! And I would TOTALLY stare at a goat if I ever saw one in person

  9. Mommy Bear says:

    Haha! The goat and cat picture made me laugh. I wonder how long they stared at each other.

  10. Rebecca says:

    Love these, though I don't think my cat would be quite so nice as to just stare.

  11. Tracy says:

    TOO FUNNY! I can't believe those goats were actually in Indiana – that is too cute! HA! :o)

  12. afreeman says:

    I've got some goat photos from Crete that I'll have to send your way.

    1. Cretian goats? That would be great, Chris! I'd love to see them.

  13. scott_free says:

    That cat looks BAAAD!

  14. That looks a bit like my cat. No, not the cat, the goat. 😉

  15. If any of the cats look like Clooney I may just have to see it myself! 😉

  16. vodkalogic says:

    those are so cute

  17. CatLadyLarew says:

    Love the cat & goat stare-down!

  18. JC says:

    The cat staring is a hoot …

  19. Gladys says:

    That cat does somewhat resemble my next ex-husband George Clooney

  20. kiki says:

    great pictures. i need to start taking some more pix of goats so i can appear on a post, too. take care.

  21. Nezzy says:

    The goat police car has emergency goats instead of lights maybe the India way to go green. The stare out, Hummm, maybe the looser gets a head butt. Their too cute!!!

    Have a wonderful day, I've been fighting blogger all day. For some reason it didn't want to post the pic I choose. Who doesn't like Beach Blanket Bingo!!!

  22. Pricilla says:

    Hmmm, on this Farm it's goats who butt cats and make them fly.
    heh heh
    I'm not naming names Abby.

  23. I have to admit: if I ever saw a goat, I would stare, too!