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Goat Thing of the Day: Potty Humor

Well, it must be Potty Humor week because today’s Goat Thing of the Day features a picture postcard from Colorado (sent by a friend who lives in Wyoming) that shows a mountain goat exiting the men’s facilities…

goat exits outdoor mens room

If you read yesterday’s post entitled Confessions of a Foot Flusher, then you know the next joke writes itself, so I won’t bother.

Meanwhile, I’ll have what this guy’s having…

super smiley goat

shown to me by Rich (of Nothing to See Here), and while he saw it on STAR, the ultimate source of this picture is unknown. I’m happy to credit the photo if you know who owns it.

Joanna from The Fifty Factor just published an interview with me. She (and her blog) are just awesome and she also has a giveaway for an Amazon Gift card if you read the interview and enter afterwards! Dude! An Amazon Gift Card!!!!

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  1. Dale Ottley says:

    Your interview at The Fifty Factor was hysterical-as usual-and I want to have what that goat is having too. Great expression!

  2. Dale Ottley says:

    'Nuf said, I'm off to read the interview.

  3. unknownmami says:

    The interview at the Fifty Factor was awesome. It might be my favorite one she's done so far.

  4. marlaahansen says:

    Read the interview and you were simply fab. But, of course!

  5. Don Joe says:

    The toilet-exiting goat almost looks a little guilty.

    “Boy, I shouldn't have eaten all than mountain grass.”

    Don Joe of the mighty

  6. Jacinta says:

    love dropping by your place. Off to read the interview!

  7. At least he knew which facility to use… and I certainly hope he flushed with his hoof – you never know WHERE he has been!!
    I love the second photo – he just looks SO happy, and yes, I want some of whatever he is having.
    Headed on over to read the interview…

  8. gayle says:

    Cute picture!! Read the interview and it was Great!!!

  9. Nooter says:

    lines shorter in the mens room….

  10. ceemee says:

    That goat is soooooo cute!!!

  11. Leeuna says:

    Love that smiling goat. He's soooo cute! Oh, and congrats on the interview. I'm off to read it now.

  12. bobbinlalaland says:

    I want what that goat's having too! Does he take goat happy pills?

  13. Tracie says:

    I've been reading Joanna for a while now. I think she's fabulous. So glad to have found you through her because you are too.

    I'm your newest follower.

  14. mommytime says:

    Awesomely hilarious photo. You should photoshop some of your purple sparkle shoes onto that goat.

  15. quirkyjessi says:

    I haven't commented in a while, but I'm still reading, so this pulled me right out of the woodwork, hehe. Great interview!

  16. Blondie says:

    Well just found you through surfing other blogs and then clicked over to The Fifty Factor who directed me back here and I have to confess that I am only a part time foot flusher.
    I was impressed with the interview. I told Joanna that I was tickled to be entertained and impressed at the same time.
    Thanks for the smiles.

  17. Hey Margaret– I've been on the run all day and am late to the party. THANKS for the shout out! And THANKS for doing the interview. You Rock!

  18. annsrants says:

    Off to read the interview

  19. pam101360 says:

    I luv the goat pics…esp. the second one!


  20. A Free Man says:

    So a billy goat rather than a nanny. Or just confused?

  21. That is one happy goat. I think I know what he just haaaaddd.

    Happy New Year. I hope to be around more.


  22. SueAnn says:

    I know!! Cool huh…an Amazon Gift card is the best!! Love the pics!!

  23. littlemsblogger says:

    I read the interview and am already a follower, but must admit, I was so happy to read that another person has gotten sucked in from FB's apps of Farmville and Bejeweled Blitz.

    Maybe there is a 12 step program for us.

    1. We really do need help. Well, at least I admit I have a problem, they say that's the first step, right?

  24. T.J. says:

    apparently, you have witty readers who think faster than me- just read the toilet paper comment- nice one redheadranting!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂

  25. T.J. says:

    So you come out of the gate with a potty trained goat picture that had me rolling (the only thing better would have been a little t.p. under the hoof) AND THEN you follow up with the very picture that I used as my screen saver all last year? AH, NGIP, your amazing, just amazing *sigh*

    1. OMG srsly??? Such a small goaty world! 🙂

  26. What a cute goat!!!!

  27. Goats are so funny! I love the smiling goat. 🙂

  28. cottagegardenstudios says:

    Giggle..Dude..I so loved the interview! What fun! Your blog is wonderful!! Have bookmarked you!! Love the goats!! I have a goat pic I should send you!! Have a great day!! Sarah

    1. Welcome to NGIP, Sarah! And I would love to see your goat pic!

  29. 7ClownCircus says:

    I'll have to head over and check out your interview! My post was on toilets today, too. 🙂

  30. Happy Goat! I can't tell from the first picture but does he have toilet paper stuck to his hoof?

    1. Ha! Toilet paper stuck to his hoof! You kill me. 😀

  31. Must be on South Pass….where does you friend live in Wyoming. I grew up there. That is a rare site…very rare. Not just the goat coming out of the potty..but just seeing a mountain goat. It is funny!

    I was driving clear up in the Rockies in Colorado and saw three of them actually coming down a steep, steep mountain and crossing this little road and then going down more steep mountains. It was amazing!

    1. Hey Melody – as you may have already seen, I had to take this answer offline – not sure how much personal geographic info to divulge about a person.

  32. trac y says:

    woo hoo…..good to read your blog…..cheers…

  33. Tammy says:

    Super interview, love following your blog and love your humor!!

  34. ScoutsHonor says:

    Snort. I love you! Where you get these pictures, I dunno, but they just make me laugh. Thanks for brightening my day, my friend.


  35. Nezzy says:

    Great interview. I always enjoy you both but throw the two of ya'll together in the mix and woohoo! Great job!!!

    A potty trained goat…who knew? Ya, I could use whatever that goat in Happyland had. It sure has a big old goat smile! }:o)> (that was the best goat I could do, if ya squint and tilt you head to the left….)

    Ya'll have a terrific day!!!

    1. OK, Nezzy, that's the first goaticon I've ever seen. You rock the keyboard, girl!

  36. Jamie says:

    Great pictures – off to read the interview!

  37. Surfie says:

    That is one pleased goat! It's just so CUTE. Someone funny and creative needs to come up with a caption and make it into a poster.

    I checked out the interview at the other site. Very interesting! Even your interview answers are funny. Now that's talent. 🙂

  38. bossonbabe says:

    Love your interview with Joanna, love the goat pictures, especially the oh-so-serene goat in today's post. I'm a new Kindle owner and have been receiving your blog since Christmas Day. Great humor – just tickles me.
    Cheers, Kay

    1. Oh, Kay! I'm sorry you had to do that twice. I wish these commenting systems would behave better sometimes.

  39. bossonbabe says:

    Love the interview, love the goat pictures, especially the oh-so-serene goat in today's post. I too am a foot flusher BTW. Am a new Kindle owner and have been receiving your blog since Christmas Day. Love your humor!

    1. And thank you so much, bossonbabe, for your support! I really appreciate it!

  40. Jenn Thorson says:

    That is one upbeat goat! I wonder if he just got a pair of Keds for Christmas with a humor blogger printed, custom, on it? 🙂

  41. mayebeknot says:

    Just read your interview over at Joanna's. Great stuff there and here.

    Love the happy little goat picture too. So sweet!

  42. Jayne says:

    Congratulations, Margaret. That was a great interview. I learned so much. Love the photo of the goat exiting the men's room. Hope he remembered to zip up.

  43. Daisy says:

    Now I have this image of his little hoof trying to press the flush lever…

  44. Eva Gallant says:

    Came here from The Fifty Factor. Love your blog!

  45. tera says:

    Great interview! I love you smiling goat picture. 🙂

  46. caysedai says:

    Hey thanks for all you do. 😉 I'm a subscriber, I got a NGIP pen (two, I gave one to my boss who has her goats back now), and I bought Coconut Queen! I read the interview by Joanna from The Fifty Factor.

    1. No, no, no….. Clearly, it's thanks for all YOU do!

  47. Pricilla says:

    Now that is one HAPPY GOAT! I wonder if it needs a home. I mean after all I do live on the Happy Goats Farm…..
    heh heh

    Off to read interview….