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Goat Thing of the Day: Goats on the Ground, er, Roof

Ever been to Door County, Wisconsin? I haven’t. Which is why I’m glad I have you people to tell me about goats the world over. Like the ones that hang out on the roof over at Al Johnson’s Restaurant.

So now when you see this next photo, you will know that they are standing on that roof.

As seen on Eat Wisconsin (also via JD at I Do Things)

Fellow blogger Kathy (who blogs at On a Chicken Wing and a Prayer) sent me a picture of a kid with her kid.

Buddy and Andrew, circa 2005

According to Kathy, Buddy the goat became enormous and reeked all sorts of havoc on small vehicles, kneecaps, feed bins and whatnot. Her daughter became somewhat scared of him – the thinking was that Buddy wanted to mate with her. During the middle of one night Kathy woke up and started walking to the kitchen.  While sleepily padding through the dark living room, she tripped over a contentedly slumbering Buddy.  He’d managed to wedge himself through the smallest of dog doors.

Goat Performance – Joanna Rytel

And now a little performance art. For goats. Email subscribers can come over to today’s post on NGIP to view the video. Kindle holders can move along as our Goat Thing of the Day Tour ends here (sorry about that), unless of course you have the Amazon Kindle Super Quadro Hypno Turbo Psychodelic 2010X with the Video Playmaster option. In which case all you have to do is switch on the green thumb bar and twist the knob with the pastrami sandwich icon. (Thanks to my friend Ilsa for showing me this)

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  1. Oh, I love the goats on the roof, the kid and the kid is adorable, but the “Performance” dance is just strange!!!
    I think the goats were just as freaked out as I was…. :-/

  2. Cheri says:

    Me thinks that the performance art is suspiciously close to that of one Napolean Dynamite. I enjoyed ND much more and maybe those goats would, too. lol!

    Seriously…where do you find this crap? lmao!!

  3. I thought goats on the roof was pretty funny– Then I saw the video. Ha!!!! Were there drugs involved in the making of that video 🙂


  4. tera says:

    Uh…. um… I guess I just don't get “performance” “art”…? I think I'll just go out and plant grass on my roof now. I would love some little goaties around!

  5. Ausetkmt says:

    I have actually shared a seat with a Goat. yes, on the back of a pick up truck. cousin was getting married, goat was for the wedding; I needed a ride so I got in where I could fit in. btw, the goat was delicious. 😉

  6. Love nanny goats in panties. LOL

    Wow…my daughter loved the video. She wanted to know why she was wearing a fancy shirt with sweat pants?

    Stopping by from SITS!

    Tickled Pink Twice

  7. Ellen says:

    Now….I have seen everything…smiles.

  8. That goat dance clip is too funny. I like the grassy rooftop; I wonder if goat hooves make much noise through that grass.

  9. I love that second photo of the goats on the roof. The people walking below look so unconcerned (not that I can see their faces — I'm just guessing). People! Look up! There are goats on that roof!

  10. lauresal says:

    Hilarious! The only goats I've ever seen were at petting zoos and one tried to eat my purse instead of the food pellets in my hand. I couldn't blame it. My purse looked more appetizing.

  11. pam101360 says:

    How cute! I feel like growing grass on our roof and getting goats again…..your photo's I love, but they make me miss my lil darlings!


    P.S. I'm glad I found your blog!

  12. idgtm says:

    I've seen the goats at Al Johnson's…. you'd be a proud mama.

  13. mommytime says:

    Oh, I LOVE those Door County goats. I know them well. I have thought about telling you about them more than once, but then I couldn't remember the name of the restaurant, and I also figured that OBVIOUSLY someone already had that covered for you. I'm sorry I didn't tell you about it sooner.

  14. Lisatwo says:

    No. Just stop it. Goat's don't deserve that. They just don't.

  15. I've never been a fan of performance art but the goats make is so much more bearable. Tho, I'd much rather eat cud or grass or whatever goats eat (yes, I went to Goatucation and learned all about their stomachs thanks to Pricilla) than watch that again. WTF?

  16. anntracy51 says:

    I've been to Door County! had my 2-day honeymoon there back in '79 when I worked in Milwaukee radio. It seemed like the goats felt the same way about the choreography that I did on the Goat Performance. Sorry Joanna Rytel, but I'd get another choreographer next time out.

  17. Dale Ottley says:

    I love how the goats were unmoved by the woman's performance. I wonder if the music was live during the shooting of this video or inserted later during the post production phase? If the later is true maybe that's why the goats were unenthusiastic. Me thinks…

  18. cadenobrien says:

    Wow, you never fail to amaze! The goats on the roof were cool, but what really flipped me out was the Dances with Goats clip! It's good to see our little Capra friends enjoying the music and really rockin' out. It can't be much fun just hanging around a pasture all day. Thanks for sharing this! 🙂

  19. Nezzy says:

    Wow, a restaurant with people eatin' inside and goats dancin' on the ceiling grazer away. Buddy the goat would have had a trip to the local sale barn and the poor goaties in the video looked just a little perplexed by their entertainer. Heeeheehe! I can always plan on the unique here.

    Have a fabulous day!!!

  20. Pricilla says:

    Further proof why we goats think you humans are a bit erm, different

  21. I've heard of cats on a (hot tin) roof, but never goats. I'm jealous of the lush green grass though. My lawn looks like hay even after some TLC yet they have a lawn on the roof. Go figure!

  22. Collette says:

    Goats can be found in the strangest places. And I see they are also very talented at the arts…lol.

  23. Never seen such a lush looking roof before!

  24. SueAnn says:

    Okay then!!!! Ummmmmmm!!!!! And what the heck was that???? LOL!! And the goats on the roof is priceless!! Beatiful lawn on that roof by the way!

  25. annsrants says:

    I have done such a poor job of representing my 'Sconniehood. I am shamed that I never provided you a photo, nay even a LINK, to Al Johnson's.

    Forgive me.

    And stick with their brunch menu. The dinner food? (gag)