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Lacy Goes to Tucson (Pronounced TooSahn)

Lacy, the Nanny Goats in Panties mascot, decided she was going to come with us to Tucson, Arizona last weekend. At the last minute. As if it wasn’t an inconvenience in the least. The fluffy little bitch.

She started to whine and beg and talk about how I never take her anywhere and how she never gets to do all the rockin’ rollin’ kickass party things I do until I caved and the next thing you know, Lacy was taking off her panties to go through the security checkpoint at Sacramento International Airport and ultimately boarding the plane where she didn’t have to worry about the lack of legroom.

lacy the goat on plane with seat belt
Lacy straps it low and tight across her hips

I just want to say that Southwest Airlines is not as accomodating as one might think. I was simply trying to think of safety first, when all of a sudden, a tan khaki-ed joke-telling peanut-serving (except when there’s a peanut allergy on the plane, then it’s pretzels) flight attendant gently but firmly informed me that as I did not pay the outrageous fare for Lacy to have her own seat, that I would have to keep her in my lap.

Which Lacy loved…

lacy looks out window on the plane
Somewhere over southernish California. Probably.

Then she bleated the whole flight while I tried to distract her with toys and goldfish crackers and acting way too excited as I pointed at things out the window. So that by the time we landed I was exhausted.

Since Arizona is all about the cacti, Lacy refused to pose with anything but.

lacy posing with first cactus in Tucson
Cactus #1

After posing in front of the 100th cactus and screaming how she wanted me to take her picture, I left her in the hotel for a timeout. For the remainder of the trip.

lacy posing with 98th cactus in Tucson
Cactus #98
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  1. stella says:

    can't get over lacy having to shed underpants thru sacto airport security. i hope the embarasment doesn't scar her for life. loved this tucson adventure and pictures. lacy looking out plane window over socal is precious.

  2. Looks like Lacy had a great vacation. I hope you did too.


  3. Those damn bitchy flight attendants, don't they KNOW who Lacy is????? How dare she make her sit on your lap. Good thing you had those goldfish! I love the photos of Lacy with the cacti, I'm sure you were getting a bit annoyed with it, but they ARE all different looking you know. Hope the flight home is much better! Can't wait for the rest of the photos. 🙂

  4. peelinganorange says:

    Lacy is a big baby. I say you make her stay home next time.

  5. Dorothy says:

    This is such a great blog, my first visit, found you from the guys and I love your theme. (cute goat)

    Dorothy from grammology

  6. Tracy says:

    This still cracks me up! Please go check out my blog today – I have nominated you for an award! Have a great weekend! :o)

  7. buggys says:

    Lacy appears to be a bit high maintenance. That's not a good trait in a goat!

  8. fragrantliar says:

    Let little Lacy meander through the cacti gardens, and she might change her mind about them. But I'll bet if you show her some horned toads, she'd be happy again. Let her rub their little bellies with her hoof, and they'll both be in heaven.

    P.S. Keep her away from the oleanders.

  9. Anali says:

    Oh Lacy is so cute! I especially love the picture of her looking out the window!

    And I have to share with you a picture that I just saw on flickr. My goat thing of the day!

  10. Marg says:

    One more comment, we are very honored to put your button on our blog. We love goats, most of the time.

  11. Marg says:

    Lacy is just too cute. We need one of those. We only have one goat here and our Mom is very lonely without the other ones. That is such a great story about the plane ride. Take care and Have a great day. And Lacy stop your bleating.

  12. nooter says:

    the following conversation was overheard in the cockpit of a recent Southwest Airlines flight:

    “Captain, there's a woman back there in 17A whos got a stuffed toy with her and she's taking pictures of it and talking to it”

    “Don't give her anything to drink. I'll notify the FAA and NORAD to see if we can get a fighter jet escort to the nearest airfield”

    “Do you think she's dangerous?”

    “Perhaps. It could be the BillyGoat Bomber we've been warned about. Get some duct tape and set your Taser on 'wrath of God' and I'll be back there in a second to help you subdue her”

  13. The Muse says:

    We love Lacy!
    Our farm goats send greetings!

  14. moooooog35 says:

    Southwest Airlines hates goats?!?!?

    This changes everything.

  15. waterrose says:

    first time I”ve visited…glad she loves the cactus here in Arizona.

  16. lauresal says:

    Loved it! That picture of Lacy looking out the airplane window was priceless. And Lacy was also so well behaved. : )

  17. marlaahansen says:

    I want to sit next to you on my next flight.

  18. mommytime says:

    And the way this post ends is the way that some parents who travel with small children wish their trips could end too. Not me, of course. Obviously.

  19. Nezzy says:

    Oh, poor Lacy doomed to the life of luxury!!! I'm glad you both had a good trip.

    You have yourself a terrific day!

  20. Beth says:

    You should change her name to Pia – for Pain in the Ass. 🙂

  21. Tracy says:

    LOL too funny! Glad you had fun! Love the cacti picts and the timeout! HA!

  22. Lisatwo says:

    I took Dottie for a ride in the van once. She, ummmm, well she pooped everywhere. There are still little poops in the crevices of my van. Perhaps if she needs to ride in the van in the future, I shall put panties on her. Perhaps you need to sell Nanny Goat Panties on Etsy for that exact purpose. Perhaps goats are not meant to travel due to the poop in van-crevices phenomenon mentioned above.

  23. Mee2 says:

    Looks like she had and AWESOME time. Maybe next time I'll go with you to help keep her entertained.

  24. Tracy Farr says:

    Some times you have to be firm with nanny goats, and I think putting her in timeout for awhile was certainly the right thing to do. The only thing that really disturbed me was her having to take off her panties to go through security. I haven't been on a flight in awhile, but if this is how they are now treating their patrons, I think I would prefer to take a bus.

    1. Yeah, now that you mention it, I'm not sure I thought that one through. But
      it made me laugh to see you mention it again. However, to allay your fears,
      I believe this odd security measure applies only to goats.

  25. Dale Ottley says:

    Lacy is quite the manipulator she got a trip to Tuscon from you, star treatment too – the lap on the plane? Really? Lacy could have used the coins from that jar, several posts back, to pay for her seat on the plane. One smart stuffed goat, I tell ya.

    And I'm certain she was happy to be in permanent time out to go to the spa and order room service. LOL.

  26. Surfie says:

    Lacy is awesome, and despite your disparaging tone, I can tell you love her to death. It was so nice of you to take her on your trip and let her pose with all those cacti. Yep, she's got you wrapped around her little hoof. But don't worry, I won't spill your secret. Unless Lacy reads your comments. Then you're screwed. 🙂

  27. Sexnfries says:

    omg too funny and awesome

    btw took stuff

  28. Sexnfries says:

    omg that is too awesome

    btw..took stuff

  29. SueAnn says:

    ROFL!! Go Lacey go!!! Sounds like she had a pretty good time! And I would love to be in Tucson right now. I need warmth and no snow!!

  30. Paul says:

    Fantastic trip report 🙂 Very funny!

  31. I probably would have stopped around the 10th request. 🙂

  32. What's the big deal… I didn't see anyone sitting in that seat.

  33. Decoybetty says:

    There is a commercial in Australia for the trading post and it uses a goat and frog. It makes me think of you. and now lacy.

    1. Hmmmm, I wonder if it's on Hulu….

  34. Oh, I do hope you and LACY enjoy your time in Arizona! And that flight attendant should look insde the over head compartments for a sense of humor! Gah!

  35. Too-sahn? Oh. You mean it's not Tuck-sun?

    Just kidding. Do you know how to say Mexia or Bexar?

    Anyway, I love that goat. She can sit by me anytime.

  36. Adorable! Check out my Louie in Greenwich: I did the same thing with my bears when I lived in Europe

  37. dgatdiaryofamadbathroom says:

    Naughty little goat. You are on tin can rations for the rest of the week.

  38. t.j. says:

    I never knew Nanny Goats could be so demanding. Personally that would have been the coolest flight ever for me if I had been able to hear Lacy bleating the whole time. It sounds like she was a good girl even with those minor set backs, I mean, she didn't punch her hooves through the seat in front of her or anything…

  39. Love, love Lacy. Did she head-butt anyone on the plane? Ba-aa-aa-aa-ad goat! Thanks for sharing your adventures.

  40. pam101360 says:

    ha ha ha….love it! You are so creative…stay the way you are PLEASE! Waving hello to Lacy!

    Enjoy and have fun!

  41. kiki says:

    she is such a good traveler. does the airline have any issues with hay or grass as snacks? guess some people could be allergic to that, too. i haven't been on a plane since 2004, so i don't know all the new rules, but i read a blanket costs $8. at least lacy has fur. take care.

  42. cottagegardenstudios says:

    Giggle Snort…what a demanding Lacy you have there!! My sis lives in Tucson…toooshan…LOL! Hope you are enjoying the warm weather and all the cactus there!! I love the mourning doves cooing!
    Hugs, Sarah

  43. Rebecca says:

    Lacy can sit behind me on a flight anytime – I'll take bleating over having the back of seat kicked for hours every time!

    If Lacy gets bored with warm weather, a field trip to West Virginia where we have way too much snow might be fun!