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Maui is No Place for Children

Lookit how dog-friendly the Maui Airport is…

maui airport service dog relieving station with hydrant

Yes, Maui, the Island of the Sun (or something very Paradisey-sounding like that). We spent two weeks in this tropical wonderland. We fell asleep every night to the crashing of the waves. We strolled along the beach, holding hands and– Oh My God is that a cockroach??

maui turtle

That is a cockroach, isn’t it. And they’re breeding like rabbits!

maui turtles mating

I thought the condo association would have sprayed for that. Oh dear, they’re all over the place!

maui turtles mating

Hello….trying to eat my lunch here. Could you get a cockroach motel room?

maui turtles mating

And look at all those disgusting people taking pictures. Perverts.

maui turtles mating

After this horrifying experience, I don’t know if we can ever stay at this place again. I tried to make the best of it, and even asked the cockroaches to smile and I got nothing but sour puss faces.

maui turtles mating
Say “cheese”!

So I turned further out to sea, but every time I tried to take a picture of the sea monsters, they flipped me the bird.

maui whales fin flapping

What kind of place is this?

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  1. Two weeks in Maui… SO jealous over here!!!
    I love the little area at the airport for the puppies… you KNOW how I feel about my puppies. 🙂
    They say that Virginia is for lovers… I think they're wrong. Maui must be Hawaiian for another “four-letter” word. TeeHee

  2. marlaahansen says:

    I was eating a granola bar while reading this and I am pretty sure I shot a peanut out my nose.

    1. I'm going to take that as a compliment, although I'm sorry about your nose shooting nuts. That must have stung a bit.


  3. aria says:

    very wonderful island. the beach is so beautiful and very fantastic to see turtles there.

  4. annsrants says:

    Reminds me of a trip to the zoo with my Dad as a kid. Only it was Giraffes. And it was disturbingly explicit.

    1. Giraffes??? Now there's a tall frappachino. {GASP! Who said that?!}

  5. I would give anything to be in Hawaii right about now even with those mating cockroaches!

  6. theredheadriter says:

    I sure hope my turtle never gets that big. I would have a panic attack for sure. LOL

  7. John J Savo says:

    LOL… This is why I love this blog.

  8. Ausetkmt says:

    Hillarious.. Welcome Back Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh,,

  9. madmadmargo says:

    I've seen this same action in my bathtub when the cockroaches come out during monsoon season. Yikes!

    1. Sheralyn says:

      You gave me a good laugh with your pics and hilarious comments! 🙂

  10. CatLadyLarew says:

    You posted lewd and lascivious photos of cockroaches mating? How disgusting! You're in danger of being voted off the island.

  11. Ann Harrison says:

    My husband and I have spent WAY too much time laughing at this pictures… and your comments.

    Thank you!!!

  12. My what big cockroaches you have 😉

    I'm just back from Spring Break vacation and glad I found this post! I'll be laughing about it all night.

    Hope all is well with you. I'm off to catch up on your older posts.

    Happy weekend,

  13. What a beautiful trip. Wish I were there now on beach!! I love beaches and tropical islands…

  14. A Free Man says:

    Mighty big cockroaches there in Maui…

  15. shar says:

    Margaret, I thought I knew you better. Pornographic cockroaches on the NGIP blog. I'm ashamed of you.


  16. junkdrawer says:

    Oh for crying out loud, can't they get a room?

  17. Leeuna says:

    I love the dog restroom. So cute. So? Maui huh? Some people are so blessed. Yeah, I'm envious, but still happy for you. 😉

  18. buggys says:

    Yeah, it looks like it was a real chore to get through this trip. The cockroaches were probably wishing for just a little privacy you know. Makes it hard to perform when all those people are snapping pictures.

    1. Hey man, they could have gotten a room at any point during their little fiesta. Paparazzi or no papparazi. Plus, they have to know it comes with the territory. And if you can't do the time, don't do the crime. Or something like that.

  19. Ugh. I hate cockroaches. And those are big mothers, too. I'm glad you didn't accidentally step on one as you were strolling. Also, Maui? JEALOUS!

    1. This from the woman who just got back from Jamaica. 🙂

  20. moooooog35 says:

    Depression: The feeling you get when you realize that sea turtles get more action then you do.

  21. SueAnn says:

    HA! Great pics…and what an awesome place. Cockroaches indeed!!

  22. Sparkle says:

    Are you sure these are cockroaches? Judging from the environment they are in, I tend to think they are probably water bugs.

    1. Waterbugs. Oh, you're probably right. Nice catch! 🙂

  23. Ellen says:

    You are right~ no place for children! Maui is wonderful, been on the road to Hana yet?

    1. No , Ellen. We suck when it comes to road trips, so as many times as we've been to Maui, we've never been on the Road to Hana. I guess that makes us the few and the not-so-proud.

  24. Sparky says:

    I always suspected that paradise was just another word for over-sexed. [giggle]

  25. Nance says:

    Those are animals. I'm pretty sure of it. Now, those little puff balls that women carry in their pink purses on air flights, those things are NOT animals; those things are accessories. Goats…well, it varies according to airline.

  26. Jayne says:

    Look like you had quite an adventure. Hope you found time to down some of those fancy tropical drinks with the little umbrellas. I do love those tiny umbrellas. And they're just the right size to provide a nice bit of shade for your creepy crawlers.

    1. Yes. Yes I did. And they were called Lava Flows. Yummmmm. And zero calories, of course.

      1. Jayne says:

        Didn't you know that when you're on vacation calories don't count? Oh wait, April fools day was yesterday. 😉

  27. Surfie says:

    Ah, Maui! The best place on earth. Those are some great pictures! The only “cockroaches” I saw were swimming deep in the ocean where I was snorkeling. (Did you go to Black Rock? Awesome!)

    1. I don't think we went to Black Rock, Surfie. Where is it?

      1. Surfie says:

        It's in Ka'anapali, near the Whaler. The snorkeling there was better than the chartered trip we took to Turtle Town and Molokini Crater. And it's free! 🙂

  28. scott_free says:

    Yep, those people are perverts…

    *gasp* But Nanny! What does it say about you that you both took pictures AND BLOGGED ABOUT IT?!

    1. Oops! I was hoping you wouldn't catch that part, Scott – hee hee! 🙂

  29. Nezzy says:

    Oh, the sorrow of it all. Havin' you vacation ruined by X-Rated cockroaches. I'm sure sittin' down here on the Pondersoa starein' at wild~eyed cattle feelin' oh so sorry for ya'll! (turnin' green with envy here) I'm so sorry you had to witness the horror of it all. Heehehehe!

    God bless and have a wonderful Wednesday!!!

  30. Thank you for my daily dose of porn!

  31. Katherine says:

    Those horrible, sick people, taking pictures of those cockroaches during their most private moment. SHOCKING. I'm so glad you didn't lower yourself down to their level! And for them to flip you the bird… there is just no respect these days. But perhaps they were flipping you the turtle?

    1. I hadn't thought of that, Katherine. I should give them benefit of the doubt and assume that they were flipping me the turtle unless they tell me otherwise. 🙂

  32. Oh man, my boy Simon is going to hunt you down and um, whine you to death.

    We've had to visit the zoo 2-3 times a week to see if the giant tortoise has peeked out yet and here you are flaunting that you got to see them make new ones.

  33. Heather says:

    Did you by chance get close enough to your Hawaiian cockroaches to hear the noise they make while, ahem, getting down to business? One time I had the unfortunate luck to be a chaperone on a preschool field trip to the zoo. There I was, shepherding a group of four year olds through the zoo (only slightly more difficult than herding cats) to our assigned meeting spot- the tortoise exhibit. There we stood, me trying to keep little Frankie from scratching his brain via his nasal cavity and little Susie from wandering into the rhino exhibit, when we started hearing the oddest noise. The sound instantly captivated my charges, who whipped around in the direction from which it came.

    Yep, two tortoises, getting down and dirty. It wasn't so much the visuals (“Look, Mrs. Smith! They're playing leapfrog!” “Yes, Joey, yes they are…”) as the audio that presented a problem… a problem in that the children gleefully and with gusto began imitating the sounds of fornicating tortoises and repeated the sounds at top volume for the remainder of the trip.

    Ah, memories…

    Hope that despite the roach infestation, you had a lovely time!

    1. OMG – Heather. That's hysterical! Actually, the waves were so loud, you couldn't hear anything fornicate, let alone turtles. Oops! I mean, Hawaiian cockroaches.

  34. naomidelatorre says:

    I think those cockroaches might be able to eat the cockroaches that live around here. I'm scared.

  35. Cockroach?? I think not.


    They're definitely lizards. Geckos. They are all over the place in Hawaii, although I didn't realize they were quite so……frisky. 🙂

    Next time find a less infested place to stay and be sure to consult your pest guidebook for clues so you won't make this awful mistake again! 🙂

    1. Lizards? Oh yes, I see it now. How silly of me. I wish I'd consulted the pest guidebook before this trip. Oh well, live and learn.


  36. Tahtimbo says:

    I'm so sorry that your wonderful vacation was ruined by the antics of those thoughtless cockroaches. However, you do have to remember that it IS Spring break 🙂

  37. Cashier says:

    Awww, I want one! 🙂

  38. oh dear, I'm appalled that you should have to spend time in such a place. Next time someone tries to send you there, please do call me and I shall shoulder your burden for you.

    1. Thank you, Judy. It's so good to know that there are such wonderful, giving people as yourself out there who would be willing to take my place. I would totally owe you one for that!

  39. My, they are big cockroaches!

    1. Jaffer says:

      Too big to step on !

  40. Pricilla says:

    You just don't speak the language…..

    I am one jealous goat!