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Help Stamp Out Bird Illiteracy

Lake Tahoe may be pretty…

But their birds can’t read jack…

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  1. T.J. says:

    I am way to late to this party to leave any kind of witty comment, so I'll just read what everyone previous had to say and laugh and laugh and laugh!!!!!!

  2. Haha! Guess the bird thinks he may get more food if he hangs out at a place the other birds dare not go…

  3. That made me laugh out loud!!

  4. those stoooopid birds will remain so until taught to read. they need sum skoolin

  5. Mason Stone says:

    I've soiled myself again. danke

    1. I'm so looking forward to that being my legacy, really…people soiling themselves.

  6. britt says:

    we have stupid birds where i live too. plus they are always stealing the cheesy poofs.

    1. I LOVE cheesy poofs! And Eric Cartman.

  7. cheripryor says:

    This bird is obviously about 14 years old and is rebelling against his poor mother who is sitting on a boat worrying sick that her child will be picked up for trespassing and thrown in bird jail.

  8. Katherine says:

    I just LOVE you! You know, in the seagull's defense, that DOES look like REEP off. Also, he isn't diving. And he is not on the closed pole. LOL!

    1. So maybe the bird just needs glasses?

  9. marlaahansen says:

    They are probably staging a PETA sit in protest. Darn liberal, commie, PETA birds. What's the world coming to?

  10. J. Bear Savo says:

    Well I want to know why that platform is in the middle of the lake if everyone is supposed to keep off of it. Why even build it? So you can tell people (and birds) to not use it?

  11. lindamedrano says:

    You really have a great “eye”. Love the photo!

  12. joannmannix says:

    The word would be leave, not leaven. I usually don't speak in Old Testament vernacular.

    1. OK, now, you're just killing me.

  13. joannmannix says:

    Man, I love Lake Tahoe so much. I miss it. Here in Florida, seagulls are the assholes of the bird world. One just stole my daughter's hamburger right out of her hands the other day at the beach. They can read, all right. They're doing it on purpose. I'm sure he's going to leaven a big pile of bird crap right on that sign, just to show his bird assholeness. I think I just made up a word.

    1. *snort*
      Yes, I'm sure you've just made up a word. Had you said Assholiness, well it would be a different story.

  14. At least he won't break his neck…

  15. Well I think he's just saying “Poop on you” to the sign. He's a bird who won't be told.

  16. Maybe he can– he's on the only pole there that doesn't seem to be marked. 🙂

  17. Kate says:

    arrogant bird…probably uses his cell phone while driving, as well!!

  18. Liz says:

    Thanks for the Thursday Funny!

  19. mommytime says:

    I love you.

    That is all.

  20. linda says:

    Yeah! He's the 'watchgull'….has a little headphone and all to call for 'bomber' backup when human's get too close.
    So, give the gull a break.

  21. Linda says:

    Hey, that's prime real estate for the birds. Maybe they put up the signs?

  22. Nezzy says:

    Oh com'on….the little guy is obviously a fine feathered rebel. He was probable the middle egg in the nest, ya know the one who really has to fight for the worm. Thanks for the good laugh this mornin'!

    God bless ya'll and have a beautifully blessed day!!!

  23. SueAnn says:

    HA! Too funny! They are quite the daredevils aren't they? HA!

  24. Sparkle says:

    Stupid bird. I'll show it what learnin' is.

    1. Sparkle? SPARRKLE? What do you have in your mouth?

  25. Pricilla says:

    Well the post the bird is on is not marked closed so maybe it is smarter than you think. It is not on the dock and it is not on the specific piling marked closed. Nor is is diving.
    I must stand up for animals….

    1. OK, when you put it that way, he's TOTALLY obeying the rules.

  26. scott_free says:

    And I bet he's gonna dive next. Little bugger…

    1. Yep, a little avian rebel without a cause.

  27. Man, he can read, he's just an arrogant eff you see kay. I know his kind, next he'll be diving off to catch a fish and it won't even be one of the sustainable kinds.

    1. You mean like a whale?

  28. That wouldn't have happened if McCain were President!!!

    1. You're right. That bird would have already been swimming with the fishes. With all the other dead bodies rumored to be down there.

  29. Marilynne says:

    You're funny. I used to go to Lake Tahoe when I was in my teens – had my first car. It surely has changed since then.

    1. Where did you live when you drove to Tahoe? I never went when I was younger, so I'm not sure how much it's changed.

  30. In all fairness to the bird he isn't looking at the signs.

    1. You're right. He isn't even trying to read. The poor ignorant bastard.

  31. Am I really first!?!?! Woo-hoo.
    You have a good eye! The bird, not so much.

    1. Yes, Joanna. You are first. Congratulations. You get a kewpie doll.