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Kentucky Derby Parties: They Wear Dresses, Don’t They?

Ah, Spring. The twittering of birds. The blooming of flowers. The attending of parties. What’s not to love?

WHAT’S NOT TO LOVE??? I’ll tell you what’s not to love. It’s that part about the attending of parties. I’m either whining that I don’t get invited to parties, or I’m whining that I got invited and don’t know what to do about it.

Saturday afternoon about 2:30pm, I’m beginning to fret that since the party my husband and I were invited to starts in a couple of hours, and since said party is a Kentucky Derby party, and since the invitation to said party distinctly reads: “festive attire is encouraged”, that maybe I ought to wear something other than a T-shirt and sweatpants. I Googled “Kentucky Derby Party” images and quickly realized that there is actual fashion for such events. Like hats. And dresses. ACK!

And then!… Then my husband comes into my office while I’m Googling party outfits and tells me that the race is at 3:30, one hour BEFORE this party starts. Well, THAT doesn’t make sense, so I pick up the phone and put down the phone and I pick up the phone and put down the phone. Because who am I, a mere acquaintance to the hostess at this point, to have such audacity telling her how to throw her own party? Then I pick up the phone and call the hostess and say something inane about how her invitation stated that we would watch the race at the party. Come watch the fastest 2 minutes in sports, it said, but how can that be if the party doesn’t even start until an hour after the race is over?

Our gracious hostess may have rolled her eyes and questioned her sanity at inviting us as she explained how there’s this new technology called DVR and blah blah recording blah blah and I hung up feeling like an idiot with control issues. I’m already two notches down on the party point scale and it hasn’t even started yet. Did I mention that I didn’t RSVP until the day before the party? Make that three notches.

So I spent the next hour wondering how many people were going to be there and were they really going to dress up or would I walk in looking like a dork in my Sunday-go-to-meetin’ get-up at a party where I didn’t know ANYBODY.

I scrounged around the piles on my closet floor, and pulled out something mint julippy and threw it on.

Kentucky Derby party outfit
Hey y’all.

So while I felt a bit prepared wardrobe-wise, I went back to worrying about a party of fifty, maybe even a hundred strangers, wishing I knew more about the drugs that people take to calm themselves down.

I didn’t want to get there too early, so we left at 4:30, which was when the party started. We got there at 4:33. Ack! I thought, that’s too early! Look! There’s no one parked in front of the house.

“Let’s go run an errand”, I begged my husband.

That took five whole minutes. Even driving slowly. Ever notice there’s never a red light around when you need one?

Yes, the party was fantastic and yes, I met some really nice people and yes, I had a good time, so why do I always worry so much beforehand about being perfect? What horrible childhood trauma occurred for me to be so anxious about these things? And exactly which drugs should I take for this condition?

And who won the Kentucky Derby, anyway? ‘Cause we had such a blast, that high-tech DVR thingie never got turned on.

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  1. Ginger says:

    I'm having a good old times reading your archives NGIP.

    This anxiety thing is really real for you. Now here's your mantra for the future –
    I'm going to have a bleatful blissful bleatful beautiful time; bleatful blissful beautiful time; bleatful blissful beautiful time..

    p.s I'm sure you were the belle of the derby!

  2. Love your outfit! You are like me, I get anxious like that about social events all the time – I take Buspar (it is similar to Xanax). But I take it all the time because I have PTSD and Social Anxiety Disorder, so I am just a total wreck.
    I went to an event that called for “South Beach Club Casual” clothing…. What the hell is that??? I have never been to South Beach in Miami and I have never been clubbing, so I did what you did – checked the internet (and I asked my Twitter friends). There is no way I posted a photo of myself, my skirt was WAY too short for my age… TeeHee

  3. dana says:

    The only way to keep me as a friend is if the person has NO parties, or excludes me when she does! The prior angst isn't worth it. I live next door to Louisville Ky, and you need enough flowers on your hat to require a neck brace to wear it.