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Goat Thing of the Day: Diamond in the Rear, and a Goat That Sings like Usher

Goats in the Arts

Art critic Carolina Miranda shot this photo at Art Basel (a big art fair in Miami)…

goat diamond butt

(Thank You, Ann!)

Goats on Film

You may have heard this goat before, but did you see the updated version where he sounds like Usher?

(Thank you, Israel!)

Goats in The News

You know times are tough when banks are foreclosing on goats. (The Onion)

Goats in Food

The Wild Goat Bistro, captured on film by a friend of mine, is in Petaluma, California. Ever been?

wild goat bistro petaluma

And here is yet another video promoting the Oxfam Collection featuring celebrities touting how the GOAT is the “it” gift this year! Go goats! And not to brag or anything, but if you Google “Oxfam Collection”, Nanny Goats in Panties comes up at #3!

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  1. Usher should definitely consider himself owned!

  2. Momo Fali says:

    Goats. They are everywheres.

  3. Slommler says:

    Ha! He did sound like Usher!!

  4. Ok, the goat sculpture isn’t too bad until somebody shoved that thing up its butt, now it’s the ugliest thing I’ve ever seen!
    Way cool that you are #3 on the Google list, I think you should be #2… If I had enough money, I would SO give a poor family an adorable goat as a gift.

  5. I hope Usher Googles himself and finds this goat. What a crack up!
    xo jj

  6. JunkDrawer says:

    OMG. That Gusher video is hilarious. That’s what I’m calling it: Goat/Usher, Gusher.

  7. Nezzy says:

    Bein’ a farm chick and seein’ it all, I too am quite curious what that goat might be birthing???

    I just loved the little Usher fella, can ya say….”A star is born???”

    I’m much rather watch, pet or feed a goat than eat one. I had a young goat taco in Mexico and it just got harder to swallow the more I ate and had this funky aftertaste but hey, I’ll game for anything…once.

    It’s great the Oxfam campaign is a grand success.

    Have a most awesome day sweetie!!! :o)

  8. Jayne says:

    Who would stick a diamond up a goat’s ass and call it art? I find that truly bizarre and more than a little disturbing. Maybe me wonder what the artist sticks up his own ass.
    The Usher singing goat is hysterical! I hope Usher has seen it.

  9. Pricilla says:

    Oh no! We will take in the repossessed goat.
    erm, I have not told the publicist this yet. I think she will agree. It’s not like we have too many goats here already….

  10. moooooog35 says:

    What the hell is coming out of the goat’s ass in the first picture? A diamond? Gas? I’m so confused yet I WANT THIS STATUE SO BADLY I CAN TASTE IT.