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Goat Thing of the Day: Twilight Goat and a Goat Giveaway

Twilight Goat

Kevin Shea of Irish Gumbo thought of NGIP when he stumbled upon this guy around the Twilight Restaurant near Alexander, New York.

Twilight Goat from Irish Gumbo

Some goats know how to pose for a camera, when they’re not busy thinking of eating it.

Twilight Goat from Kevin of Irish Gumbo

goat in panties daniella seafood punch 108x100

The Oxfam Collection (and a goat giveaway giveaway)

The fashion designer du jour is the Hidalgo, the “tiger” of animal couture.


The Hidalgo is on the leading edge of what’s hot (and what’s haute) and this year, it’s Giving. His Oxfam Collection is sweeping the globe with the hip and trendy art of giving to needy families.

When you purchase something from the Oxfam Collection, you are helping a family support and feed themselves for a very long time. Because you are giving the gift that keeps on giving. Like an alpaca.

alpaca meadow

or a dozen chicks…


or yes, even a goat…

Oxfam goat

These gifts also ultimately empower the women of the local regions. And that kind of rocks.

And now, Oxfam America has partnered up with Nanny Goats in Panties to give away a goat! If you win, you will be donating this goat in your name (or you can designate a friend or family member) to a family in need.

Never before has “Giving” become so fashionable as shown in this humorous video which announces the signing on of the Hidalgo to design the Oxfam Collection, and endorsed by the likes of Scarlett Johansson and Minnie Driver. You’ll also get to finally meet the Hidalgo’s famous assistants, the Franciscos.

You can also shop the Oxfam Collection yourself if you’re looking for a worthy (and fun and horribly fashionable) cause to support this year.

If you win this giveaway, you will be able to give a goat to a family in need. And I’ll send you another goaty thing from the NGIP Collection.

The rules are simple. Leave a comment below and you will be entered into a drawing that ends on Saturday Dec. 11 at midnight.

Please tell your friends about this giveaway. Introduce them to the Hidalgo. Tell them it’s for a worthy cause and they get the chance to give away a goat to a family in need.

If you tweet with a link to this giveaway please use the hashtag #oxfamhidalgo, come back here and add another comment as your second entry.

There are many hilarious videos out there promoting the Oxfam Collection. Here’s one where Hidalgo reveals the Collection. It also features Scarlett Johanson and the soon-to-be supermodel goat, Diana.

[This giveaway has ended]

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  1. Heather M says:

    i love goats and would love to give one to someone from my father for his christmas present. does that even make sense??
    anyway, great contest!

  2. Kelliclifford says:

    I tweeted you like a rock star 🙂

  3. Kelliclifford says:

    I <3 this blog! And kudos to you for giving away something that will help so many people 🙂

  4. Shannon says:

    This is wonderful! …but how do they expedite goats during the holiday rush?

  5. cardiogirl says:

    I love this program — we’re giving a goat this Christmas too! Also, I really like the pose that The Hidalgo struck in that first photo and I think that will become my go-to pose the next time someone takes my picture.

    I also believe I would like a pair of The Franciscos for Christmas. And they’d have to wear the sunglasses at all times, even when they slept.

    Awesome idea for a contest!

  6. Fotolee says:

    A goat provides alot for a family in need besides teaching the children how to cultivate animals for survival. Whom ever wins, the family will win with a gift of a goat. Thank you Margaret for having this contest! Laura

  7. Erin says:

    Excellent idea – thank you, Margaret, you do-gooder, you.

  8. I must win this goat. Because I may not win the other goat.

  9. […] the way, there is still time to enter the goat giveaway giveaway where Oxfam America will give a goat in the winner’s name to a family in need. The […]

  10. I kind of need Hildago to come live with me so that we can be fabulous together. I mean, it’s not like my husband isn’t giving me the roll eyes every day anyway, amirite?

    Great giveaway!

  11. Just bought a goat for Christmas and posted the link on my site for others to do the same!

  12. This is so cool! Thanks for cluing me into the Oxfam thing.

  13. Oxfam is such a fantabulistic organization. Thank you so much for doing this!!
    I *HEART* you Margaret!!! YOU ROCK so big!

  14. Fourth Breakfast says:

    This is so fab. I wish I could give away a rat (my favorite animal), but, I don’t think anyone would want that.

  15. Nicky says:

    Can I win even if I live in Canada? Ah, who cares! I’ll tweet you anyway 🙂
    Kudos for supporting such a worthy cause Margaret.

    1. Nicky says:

      Argggg, can’t tweet for some reason, so I “liked” you instead….

  16. Karen says:

    The Hidalgo is so very cool, how could I possibly not enter this giveaway? Plus goats totally rock. Will this goat come with panties? I’m sure it would be appreciated!

  17. magpie says:

    i’m so glad that you of all people are giving away a goat. it’s perfect.

  18. If I can’t have my own goat, giving a goat to someone else would be the next best thing.

  19. […] the way, have you entered my goat giveaway yet? Oxfam will give a goat to a family in need in YOUR name and I’m hosting it. Please enter […]

  20. Cheryl says:

    I need a goat. Badly. I’m whoring all over the net for a goat, a sheep, manure, you name it. I just want an animal I can name Rahul then give to some family in need. It’s been my lifelong dream.

  21. J. Bear Savo says:

    Okay, so you know that goats usually freak me out… But that little brown and white one is adorable..

  22. Sheila says:

    Every time I see a goat I think of Nannygoats and the sick thing is I always picture them in those big granny panties –

  23. I love how goats are so obviously superior, and yet endearingly bizarre.

    Ahem. (Embarrassed pause as author realizes the same thing has been said about her upon occasion.)

    Your goat calendar will definitely be finding its way into some stockings this year. Or maybe, large panties hung up for Santa. (Really, the man gets to see enough stockings – isn’t it time for something different? )

  24. Slommler says:

    Fabulous giveaway! This is a fantastic idea! What a blessing to so many!

  25. Irish Gumbo says:

    That goat has got the Vogue look, for sure. I swore I could hear it commenting on my jacket as i took the pictures!

    Woot! Woot! for the goats! And thank you for the shout-out!

  26. Terilhack says:

    That is a wonderful giveaway. I would love to participate in the goat along giveaway. That would make a nice card: Kids christmas is light this year so in the season we gave a goat and saved many a tree since we did not need to wrap your present, we sent us a an ecard. 😉

  27. Bryan Logie says:

    I will comment second…so I will not win as well… heh, heh… It’s like the multiple choice test formula: it’s never A…and never B (to weed out the “almost” clever)…and of course it’s never the very last one (D)… So… The third poster has the best shot! (or at least heads the list of the best shots…) Just kidding of course… 😛

    I am still a little sore that my NGIP pen came to me many months ago… In pieces! 🙁 I still have them enshrined somewhere, even. That is unless my better half found the precious shards of the goaty talisman and did not understand their significance… hehehe… 😉

    1. What?? Oh no!!!! Were they green pieces? Or were they purple pieces? Because the new pens are purple now and they are gel pens and they are better than the green ones and I am happy to try to send you one AGAIN! Just email me with your snail mail info!

  28. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Margaret Andrews, anntracy. anntracy said: RT @nannygoats: This week's Goat Thing of the Day: Twilight Goat and a Goat Giveaway! #oxfamhidalgo […]

  29. Pricilla says:

    I am commenting first so I will not win. It’s the way of the random. But I am most in favor of this giveaway. In fact I will steal all of your photos and give them to Abby – if that is OK with you – and have her post about it for her AbbyDay tomorrow. She was going to whine about something as is her way but I (and the publicist) think this is much better than her usual stuff.

    Thank you for making goats cool.

    1. Pricilla – take all the photos you want and THANK YOU for helping to promote this wonderful event.