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Goat Thing of the Day: Nanny Goats in Diapers

Michelle from Goat Berries pointed me toward a blog called Whispering Acres where owner Claire shows off her newborns:

goat in diapers

Claire provides a funny 5-step set of instructions on how to diaper a house-goat.

Goats in the News…

Officer Finds Goat In Truck During Drunk Driving Call –

and I quote…

“…The passenger of the pickup truck panicked when the truck came to a stop, and he bailed out and tried to run. Instead, he fell flat on his face…”

(Thanks, Bonnie!)

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  1. Goat diapers -Custom fit guarantee to fit!

    1. Helen Allbright says:

      this link goes to a DOG DIAPER page called It has NOTHING to do with goats!!!!!!

      1. You’re right, Helen. It looked more like spam, so I deleted it.  

  2. Claire says:

    Thanks for the link-up! I’m happy to assist others in learning the fine art of goat diapering. Just so that everybody doesn’t think I’ve completely lost my mind, I should say that I only do this when the kid is either abandoned or rejected by its mother, or in a sad case when the mom died giving birth. I actually prefer to let the real moms handle the job if at all possible! By the way, taking a diapered goat to work in a little wicker basket to put under your desk makes you employee of the day in terms of number of visitors to your office…

  3. cardiogirl says:

    Regarding the news article, thank God the goat “was resting comfortably” at the animal shelter the next day.

    That is one hella cute goat up there but I know I could diaper a goat no matter how cute it was. Hey! Maybe Jen needs to learn how to diaper her bunny.

  4. J. Bear Savo says:

    The goat pictures never cease to amaze me…

    1. Dude. I’m totally plugging your show this next week. I’ll be in Tucson, but I’ll figure it out.

      1. J. Bear Savo says:

        Well, I certainly appreciate that. Thanks.

  5. Jayne says:

    How freakin’ adorable.

  6. Sandra says:

    How to diaper a house goat…I have officially lived a full life! 🙂 This is THE cutest thing I have ever seen. Beats any human baby picture in the world…I can say that, I’ve actually had babies of my own that were not as cute as that goat!

  7. That is one cute baby goat– diaper and all.
    Cheers, jj

  8. awwwwwwwwwwwwwww! that is ridiculously adorable!

  9. Linda R. says:

    Awww, that is just too cute.

  10. moooooog35 says:

    THANK GOD this came just in time because I was just all, like, “HOW AM I GOING TO DIAPER THIS BABY GOAT?!?!”

    Small miracles.

  11. Pricilla says:

    Of course the goat would be sitting calmly and the human would be falling flat on his face, drunk.


  12. Anonymous says:

    That is excruciatingly cute. Love it.

    Hey, come over and answer my big question on my current post so I can link up to you on Monday for the love-in! Requesting your wonderful humor, please…

    :-}) Anna

  13. Nezzy says:

    Awwww, goat babies. Look at that face…looks like its sayin’ (goat)cheese!!!! I swear…do ya see the smile!!!

    God bless ya and have a fantastic day!!! :o)