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Goat Thing of the Day: Goats Eating in Trees

Today’s Goat Thing is brought to you avid reader, RuEtta.

Goat Lexicon

Have you ever the term goat boat or boat goat? Me neither. And in case you’re wondering:

Goat Boat

Derogative terms used by surfers to denote kayakers attempting to surf/drown/maim in the ocean. (source: Urban Dictionary)

Boat Goat

A female member of the US Navy stationed on a sea-going vessel. Usually one who uses her sexuality to advance herself in the workplace. Often interchanged with the words slut and whore. (source Urban Dictionary)


goat banners, lets talk cost, insurance costs

And from the Everybody Is Using Goats Now Department, watch how a medical insurance information site uses them by clicking here.   (Thanks SueBob!)

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  1. Karen K. says:

    It was like seeing clowns coming out of a car, but much cuter. And less creepy!!

  2. Slommler says:

    The goats eating in the trees!!! Amazing and never would have thunk it! Ha!

  3. Pricilla says:

    Goats are very in.
    It’s part of our plan to lull you into complacency and then we will take over the world.

  4. Anonymous says:

    OMG! My first thought was how the heck did the goats get into the tree but then one of them jumps from branch to branch. All I can say is Wow! Yay to you and RuEtta!


  5. Linda R. says:

    Isn’t this amazing! Who’d have thought about goats climbing trees? I saw this a while back and thought about you, but never got around to sending you the link. Glad someone picked up the slack.