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Move Over Donald Trump, I’m Brandishing Political Weaponry

If you love democracy, and really, who doesn’t, and you’re having election withdrawal because once or twice a year just isn’t enough for you, you can vote for Nanny Goats in Panties and me for Best Local Blogger in the KCRA’s A-List contest. I’m currently in 16th 11th 7th 4th place, but YOU can help me become the #1 Blogger in Sacramento!


We're Competing badge(click on pink box to vote)


You can also vote for many of your other favorite Sacramento categories, such as Best Food Truck, Best Mattresses, and Best Wombat Groomer.

If elected, I promise a sidewalk on every street corner, a kid in every classroom, and free public stuff for everyone!

I will not, however, at any time on the campaign trail, hang off the end of cabooses, or kiss babies.

“But Margaret”, you might be saying from your Kindle as you read this, “I can’t vote from my Kindle, because that’s how I subscribe to your wondrous, life-fulfilling, me-completing blog. Perhaps if you had a QR Code or something, I could use my smart phone to scan it and vote for you that way.”

Well, my beautiful Kindle subscribers, and anyone else who loves to scan QR Codes, look no further because Ta da! …

QR Code to vote for NGIP

Just scan that square and you’re off to the polls! If you don’t have a QR Code scanner, here’s a list for the iPhone. Or you can just do like I did and pick the free one from the iTunes store. Other smart phone users, you can do an internet search, or recommend one in the comments section.

So get out there and hang that chad. Because a vote for Nanny Goats in Panties is a vote for freedom, truth, and uh,…and goats.

God bless you and God bless America!


Fine print: (to be read really fast like on those drug commercials that tell you to ask your doctor if Flovasinamazomax® is right for you):

You can either register your name and email address, or just use your Facebook login (in which case you’ll need to approve the cityvoter app) and then click on the VOTE FOR US button. Be sure to check the Best Local Blogger category. You can also leave an awesome comment about NGIP if you wish. Now, go vote!

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  1. […] vote to make it to the top. Thank you! An extended version of my groveling for votes can be found here. Spread the good […]

  2. […] vote to make it to the top. Thank you! An extended version of my groveling for votes can be found here. Spread the good […]

  3. […] vote to make it to the top. Thank you! An extended version of my groveling for votes can be found here. Spread the good […]

  4. […] vote to make it to the top. Thank you! An extended version of my groveling for votes can be found here. Spread the good […]

  5. Just cause I wanted to try the QR code, I used my iPhone4 and used my hubby’s name and email address to vote for you and it was super easy!!
    So now I – I mean he – was able to vote for you twice, er, also!! WooHoo!

    1. hee hee! Well you beat me to the punch of saying that you can only vote once, but you’re more than welcome to invite your friends and family to vote for me.

      Thank you so much, Lorie!!!! XOXOXOXXO

  6. Such a great post… informative, humorous and attention getting.
    You should run for President ~ I’d definitely vote for you. I’m sure you’d do at least as good a job as the one who is in….. OH, never mind, I don’t want anyone coming to my door in the middle of the night, or the IRS coming to my house for an audit.
    Hope you win…. I voted, I’m Irish, how many times can I vote??? You know our motto: “Vote early, vote often!”

  7. […] vote to make it to the top. Thank you! An extended version of my groveling for votes can be found here. Spread the good […]

  8. gitwizard says:

    I voted for NGIP…. hope I didn’t also sign up for any moronic Republican nonsense too, but what the heck, I live in the UK.

  9. says:

    WEAPONRY?? You want Weaponry?? I’ll give you weaponry!

  10. Okay, I’m going to try the QR code because it’s new and different and what the heck. And then would you explain to me how you got it?

  11. Anonymous says:

    I performed my patriotic duty and voted!

    1. Thank you, Junebug. I really appreciate that.

  12. Nicky says:

    “If elected, I promise a sidewalk on every street corner, a kid in every classroom, and free public stuff for everyone!”

    What, no Twinkies? Huh, good thing I voted for you BEFORE I heard your election promises!! 🙂

    1. Twinkies! I knew I forgot something! Okay, yes, for you, Twinkies.

  13. Nezzy says:

    I just came back from votin’…there was a long line but I thought gettin’ my voice heard was worth the wait!

    Can we go back??? Just sayin’….

    Have a blessed day ….President Margaret…has a nice ring, doesn’t it???

    1. Thank you Nezzy! Unfortunately this is not one of those “vote-early and vote often” type of things. President Margaret sounds too scary and stressful, but … if it’s what the people want, then who am I to deny my people.

  14. Pricilla says:

    Can I only vote once? ‘Cause it tells me I’m invalid if I try again.
    I am a FAMOUS goat.

    1. Yep. Only once. Although I do appreciate your tenacity. And you are the most valid goat I know, Pricilla.

  15. Anne says:

    I went and voted. Of course I had to use your QR code (just because I could) although voting through my phone probably took twice as long if I had just done it from here.

    1. Congratulations on being the first one to vote via QR Code! I hope it was fun, even if it took twice as long! And I’m glad it worked.

      And thank you!