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Five Reasons To Attend The MN Tribal Blogs Conference

UPDATE: The Tribal Blogs Conference has been cancelled.


The Tribal Blogs Conference is June 23-25 in Minneapolis, MN. It will be a sort of “blog summer boot camp”, if you will. Which is not to be confused with Bloggy Boot Camp, another awesome conference series put on by my friends over at SITS. This conference is hosted by the lovely people from Tribal Blogs. And it will be awesome. Here are five reasons you need to attend.

1. I am flying to Minnesota for the first time in my life to be a featured speaker at the conference. My topic? How to write a better blog, as in more engaging, as in less boring. I will be spilling my guts and my secrets on how to attract more readers by improving your content, the “king” portion of your blog.

2. There will probably be chocolate.

3. There will be other bloggers to meet, socialize with, throw your drink on, learn from, grumble at until you’ve had your coffee, confide in, make a new BFF, and cry when you part. Just like real summer camp. Minus the ceramic ashtray-making class, and your parents picking you up at the end. Unless you’re twelve. Then you will have to make an ashtray.

4. There will be a whole pantload of sessions to attend and learn things, like increasing traffic to your blog, self-publishing, blog design, SEO, learning what the bleep SEO is, social media, branding your blog, monetization…oh, the list goes on and on.

5. Did I mention I will be a featured speaker? Yep. In addition to teaching you how to write more compelling content, I will be discussing how to pull a blog post out of your ass. And Lord willing, I will be selling my forthcoming book on the subject. And the other subject that I mentioned before. The one about writing more engaging content. Both subject jam-packed into one book!

Speaking of books, Publish Green will be giving away a publishing package worth $1000 at the conference. The latest Tribal Blogs Conference Update talks about it.

Also? Boys are not just allowed, they are encouraged to attend.

Also? The hotel rooms cost about half that of New York City or Chicago.

Nicky from We Work For Cheese is going and she already knows how excited she will be to see me. She even drew a cartoon about it:

Tribal Blog Conference, Minnesota Blogging Conference, We Work for CheeseImage Source: We Work for Cheese


Need another reason to go? Three words: Mall of America (cue Hallelujah Chorus).

By the way, I lied to you. That was more than five reasons.

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  1. Ginger says:

    🙁 I need a visa and a transatlantic ticket and a fat bank account to even dream of this. Hope you’ll have fun. Send my twinkies!

    1. All this talk of Twinkies is making me hope they appear in the swag bags.

      1. *Note to self- send email to Hostess.

        1. we are endorsing the hell out of them, aren’t we.

  2. Erin says:

    I can’t make it to the conference, but I can WAIT for your book!!!!

    1. The goal is to have it out before the conference. I’m talking to the publisher now and I think it’s going to happen – yay!

  3. Blogging Yogini says:


    Missed you 🙂

    1. Hey! Is that Braja????

  4. I wanna go soooooo bad. But even with the ticket, the airfare would kill me. Maybe next year! Can you guys make a dummy (no pun intended?), put my face on it and sit me in a chair? Maybe put a bar of chocolate in the pocket?

    1. We can do that @katherinemurray:disqus but right now we are trying to get a ton of sponsors to sponsor attendees so let everyone know

    2. I’ve seen people do that at conferences before, actually. Well, not a whole dummy. More of a picket sign. A dummy would be a first.

  5. I’m stuck going to the Virtual Tribal Blogs Conference. (Damn you, work!!!)

    1. Yes, damn Boob Boom’s work. Oh well, I guess we need SOMEONE to man the virtual conference control booth.

  6. Sandra says:

    So bummed reading all about this conference, knowing I have a ticket, but can’t even attend….Well, there’s always your book right?

    1. I’m so bummed you can’t go either. Can’t you break out those knee pads one more time and get your husband to take care of the kids?

    2. Oh noooo!!!!!!! Well crap. Maybe next year???

    3. cardiogirl says:

      Massive bummer Sandra. Some day we will meet. (That’s a promise, not a threat unless it sounds edgier as a threat.)

  7. Nezzy says:

    Sounds like an interesting and delightful conference. Did ya’ll say the Mall of America! Woohoo!!! Love it, I haven’t been there for a coon’s age.

    Too bad were smack in the middle of plantin’ season here on the Ponderosa. There’s always somethin’ to keep old Nezzy down on the farm!

    Have a great trip and bring back loads of info for those who are knee deep in wild~eyed cattle. :o)

    1. Whatcha plantin’, Nezzy?

      I’ve never been to the Mall of America and I’m wondering if it’s like the Louvre in Paris where you have to schedule 3 days just to get through it all.

      1. The mall is awesome if you like to shop or people watch. They have some really great restaurants and we have to get Kathy on the rollercoaster while we are there. I don’t know about the Louvre but it is something like the Smithsonian in that you can’t see it all in one day but you can see the best things in one day like the Coach store, the Wisconsin Cheese store (Nicky will love that) and all the shoe stores. The shoe stores are to die for. They actually have a store in the Mall of America for nothing but flip flops.

        The mall is right next door to Ikea.

  8. Jayne says:

    Another adorable cartoon. Clearly, you’d better bring a shitload of Twinkies.

    1. Poor Nicky is going to be bombarded with Twinkies. I hope she brings an extra suitcase.

      1. Can she bring them back through customs or will she have to eat them in America?

        1. hee hee! Can you imagine Nicky standing there at the border crossing, wolfing down Twinkies because they won’t let her bring them across?

          1. Nicky says:

            LMAO! I can imagine it only too well! 🙂

          2. I can. But you just know that she would flash her boobs at the customs
            agents to get through with them.

  9. Nicky says:

    OMG!! I’m on NGIP! This is soooo exciting! (BTW, thank you so much for not using the cartoon of me flashing my boobs!)

    Ok, I’m going to be totally serious for a change and tell you how much I am looking forward to meeting you and hearing you speak and you can be sure I will be bawling like a baby when the party ends!!

    1. Wait a second, there’s a cartoon pic of you flashing your boobs? I’m swapping!

      The fact that you are willing to leave your country to see us all is beyond awesome. I mean, isn’t the fact that you have to go through customs going to add something like 3 days to your trip? That’s dedication.

      Can’t wait to see you!

      1. Nicky says:

        You didn’t see my “Meeting Moooooog35” cartoon? Then…um…no, there is absolutely no cartoon of me flashing my boobs!

        I’m actually leaving for the conference tomorrow in order to get through customs in time 🙂

        1. Well in that case if you’ll excuse me, I have to go, uh…..powder my nose!

          *scrolls through Nicky’s back posts*


  10. Squeeeee!! I am so excited about coming to the conference! I cannot wait to meet you!

    1. A big high-pitched squee right backatcha, girlfriend!

  11. Sweetheart, you forgot the most important part of all of this! You will get to meet these awesome people in real life! That alone is worth the price of a plane trip, a hotel night, and a conference pass. It would also be worth skipping lunch with the queen.

    1. But that’s what #3 is all about. Or at least that’s what I meant to imply. Because you’re right – meeting fellow bloggers is my favorite part of any conference.

      1. You are right, of course. I just got distracted because of the heat.

  12. Dang it! This just sounds more and more fun. And now I hear there might be chocolate. I’m trying to hatch a plan here . . .

    1. JD there will most definitely be chocolate. Lots and lots of chocolate! What else do we need to add to get you there? We’ll have Bacon too.

      1. and nudists! There will be nudists. Right, Jen? I’m packing light, anyway.

        1. Oh yes, we have tons of nudists in Minnesota.

          1. cardiogirl says:

            Everyone knows the nudists hang out in Minneapolis in June. Skin everywhere you look.

    2. JD – seriously, can’t you reschedule your ‘other’ plans’???

  13. Seriously dying to know if I can be Junebug’s buddy!

    1. Anonymous says:

      You are always my buddy! But it would great to spend the weekend with you at this conference. Must google statues in MN to see how many butt pictures we can take. 🙂

      1. cardiogirl says:

        Hang on, if you’re taking pictures of butts I want in on the action.

          1. Anonymous says:

            Here is the last time Christine and I went looking for butts.

    2. If you check your email box, I believe you’ll find a prize. 🙂

  14. ooooh sounds like fun 😉

  15. Pricilla says:

    I am a very sad goat.
    Although the only thing I push out of my ass is poop.
    Lots and lots of poop

  16. Well, would I have been one of the first three? And if I could actually use the prize that would be worth rejoicing! Unfortunately I won’t be attending in person, so if I am one of the first three, you can make someone else happy on my behalf. If I wasn’t one of the first three Phooey!

    1. Hey Babs! I’m not sure if the “on behalf” aspect of the giveaway works here. 🙂

      Hey, if we’re both at the slumber party this weekend, remind me to tell you about a movie I watched this week that, if I recall, you recommended.

      1. You watched it? Did you enjoy it though?

        1. You know which one I’m talking about? I LOVED it. Although sometimes I have to forgive when a movie feels like it’s obviously based on a play. Still, I thought it was great. I felt like I was watching a cross between an Elia Kazan movie and a Tennessee Williams play. 🙂

  17. Anonymous says:

    No ceramic ash tray??? Crap! I was counting on that fun. Do I still get to wear my royal wedding hat for the cocktail party?

    1. Anonymous says:

      P.S. I sent my best friend to you. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that she wins!

      1. Are you talking about Christine? If so, you can uncross your fingers. She won.


        1. Anonymous says:

          OMG!!!!! I am so excited!!!! Yeah!!!! Awesome!!!!

          1. woot! My BFF is coming too [via wining from Kathy Junk Drawer]. Holy awesomeness!

            1. Anonymous says:

              YEAH!!!! I think we are going to be having the most awesome time ever!!!

            2. Meleah – who is your BFF? Who won from Kathy Junk Drawer?

          2. cardiogirl says:

            Now for sure we have to get clay to make the ashtrays — you, me and Christine. I call shotgun!

    2. Well there’s no saying we can’t suddenly break out in mad ceramic ashtray making on our own. It’s not illegal in Minnesota. Is it?

      1. I’ll check, it might be. They outlawed anything to do with smoking a long time ago. Now when the kids make ashtrays at school they call them paperclip holders which makes me sad for some reason.

        1. cardiogirl says:

          pssst, Junebug. We can run out to Michael’s to get the clay if you want to.

          1. Anonymous says:

            That candy place you showed on your site before cardiogirl had the old candy cigarettes. Perfect for our ashtrays. I’m already trying to think up my Lady Gaga/Royal Wedding inspired hat for the cocktail party.

  18. I sent requisite email via your contact page. I would LOVE to attend the conference! I hope it’s my lucky day 🙂 And to see Nanny Goat speak in person? Awesomeness!

    1. Nina – I suspect this may be your lucky day!