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Goat Thing of the Day: Chicken

Hello, and welcome to Goat Thing of the Day, a weekly series that mystifies, histifies, and cheeseburgerfries.

Today’s photo comes from photojournalist Susan Maxwell Skinner.

goat and chicken, susan maxwell skinner

I had the pleasure of interviewing Ms. Skinner recently for an article in Carmichael Patch about the royal wedding. She was a journalist and member of the Palace Press corps for eight years during the 1980s, including the coverage of Charles’ and Diana’s wedding. And while we perused her photos a couple of goat pictures emerged, and she was generous enough to let me show you here. And if you behave yourselves, I may show you another one of her photos later.

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  1. J. Bear Savo says:

     LMAO. Now I want to write an adventure about a chicken and a goat who face great danger together and become life-long friends.

  2. Jayne says:

    It’s the famed little red hen and her might goat steed. Either that or she must have gotten the surprise of her life when that egg hatched.

  3. Goat didn’t chicken out….

  4. Nezzy says:

    Looks like Henny Penny just found herself a free ride!!! There are no limits when it comes to chickens!

    Have a fantastic day sweetie!

  5. Mimi Foxmorton says:

    I side with Priicilla.
    The chickens roost above Darla’s pen.
    Needless to say………………..I am not a happy Maaa………

  6. Pricilla says:

    I have suffered this indignity as well.
    Chickens know no rules

    1. I know, Pricilla. I’ve seen THAT picture too. 🙂