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Brazil Wants Me, I’m Pretty Sure

I don’t know what I’ve done to attract Brazil’s attention, but they are talking about me. And to me. In Portuguese.

But since I don’t speak Portuguese (or listen to it very well, or read it very well for that matter) I didn’t know if they were singing my praises, or putting a call out for my assassination.

First, I find this foreign blog post that links to me and my work place. That’s kind of stalker-ish, right? I mean, if somebody wants you dead right now and doesn’t care who does it, they just tell the world who you are and where they can find you, right?

But upon closer inspection, I realize this isn’t an assassination request at all, because I see the word “doohickey” in this alleged “wanted” poster…

brazil doohicky

… and I realize: Hey, I wrote “doohickey” in a recent article about co-working over on the Thinkhouse Collective blog.

Also? This Spanish isn’t Spanish at all. (I initially assumed it was Spanish because I was in Mexico last year and I tried very hard to create an international incident and get kidnapped thinking it would be good for my blog, but when I pasted the “doo-hickey” paragraph into Google Translator, it was identified as Portuguese.)

So, as it turns out, they don’t want to kill me, they just want to steal my stuff. Because that’s exactly what they did. They lifted my article, ran it through a translator and plopped it onto their site without either my or Thinkhouse’s permission. And I’m assuming because of the way international law works that there’s not a thing we can do about it. At least they link back to my site and the Thinkhouse site, so you know, whatever. And they did take the extra time to insert a completely irrelevant picture. In fact, here, I’ll show you – an eye for an eye, I say.

brazil coworking article pic

Take that, copyright infringement person! Intellectual property thief! Does your mother know you’re doing this?

Actually, now that I think about it, they probably lifted this picture from someone else and now I’m the bad guy because I just perpetuated that crime.

My biggest concern is not that they stole it, but that they stole it incorrectly. That the humor I painstakingly spent time creating got lost in the translation and people will think I’m an incompetent idiot.

For example, instead of the title reading “How Coworking Saved My Marriage”, what if it says: “Please To Be Honking Up A Horse and Carriage”?

So if any of you speak Portuguese, perhaps you can tell me if it came out stupid on the other side of the translator.

Anyway, that was a couple of weeks ago. This week, I get a tweet from some bozo I don’t follow that once again I assume is Spanish until I plop that baby into the Google.


Google Translator Portuguese

Google Translator English

I’d be flattered and all, except that this is complete and utter spam. In fact, I’ll bet by the time I’ve posted this, the Twitter handle above will have already croaked (i.e. been suspended for spam, or “questionable activity”) and will have moved on to the next Twitter Handle with the spam number suffix.

So while Brazil doesn’t actually want me (or want me dead, either), it does remind me that an arm and a leg was spent on Rosetta Stone Spanish and that I should get back to that so that I can create a proper international incident the next time I go to Mexico.

goat in panties daniella seafood punch


Since this is all about me, let me tell you 3 more things about me.

1. I was interviewed on Blog Whisperer Radio by Jerry Kennedy Saturday morning to talk about my new book, Sticky Readers, and discuss writing more engaging blog posts. I’d never done a radio interview before, but Jerry was awesome, and the interview was fun. And my book sales ticked up afterward – yay! You can listen to the show here if you wish.

CBS Sacto MVB2. I was nominated for the CBS Local’s Most Valuable Blogger Award and would love a vote from you. It’s one click and no registration required and you can vote every day. Click here to vote.

3. I am doing a presentation/seminar thingy at The Sacramento Bee on Thursday, Aug 25 at 7:30pm about Writing Better Blog Posts. The event is free, but you have to register so that the Bee bouncer will let you in because you are “on the list”. Sign up here.

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  1. Ricardo Luvizotto Dória says:

    Hello Margaret,

    I represent one of the blogs that mentioned your text and imagine you got it a little bit wrong. Actually, the brazilian posts point you as the writer, complement the text and indicate it was informally translated to portuguese (even linking to the original text in your blog!). They’re not claiming they wrote it or not giving you the credits for. Did u feel harmed in any way? If so, let me know and we will delete it.


  2. Ginger says:

    How I wish the Chinese would notice me. My post would look so pretty :).

    I think your write wonderfully Meg, your work should be reposted in every language 🙂 with your permission of course. Congrats on your successes! I totally enjoyed listening to your interview. You rock.

  3. Sandra says:

    So glad Brazil doesn’t want you dead, what with all the success coming your way, that would be a total downer to know you’re on a hit-list.
    Congrats Margaret, it couldn’t be happening to a better person and blogger! I have been voting every damn day!

  4. Lisa says:

    Does that mean you’re going international against your will? That’s the best way to do it! Now, you just need to learn how to say and spell the word ‘panties’ in every language. Just trust me on this one. 

  5. Sparkle says:

    Margaret, I’ve chosen you to be one of the participants in the Tripbase Blog Post Project. Details here:

    1. Sparkle says:

      BTW, I am also one of the CBS Local’s Most Valuable Blogger Award finalists, only down here in Los Angeles! I voted for you.

  6. Stupid copyright infringement person!

    I have voted for you every single day, and will until September 9th!

    1. Oh, thank you thank you thank you!!!!

  7. Kyla says:

    Wow. That is really interesting. And sort of scary. I hate that they stole it. Buggers.

    1. Yes, buggers, indeed. I like that word, I want to add that to my vocabulary. Buggers, buggers, buggers!

      1. You are right…absolute buggers and no doubt in that, I hope they see these messages.

  8. Slommler says:

    What do they say…be flattered when others try to copy you!!  So smile!  Ha!!  And since Ivy says it was translated’s all good!!
    Have a great week

    1. Well, SueAnn, there’s trying to be like me, and there’s cutting and pasting and claiming it as your own. But they do link to me and probably think I feel lucky that they condescended like that, like they are doing me a FAVOR. And with International Law the way it is, they probably are.

  9. Bobbi says:

    Do the people in Brazil even know what a doohickey is?
    And I love how sexshops has no translation, it’s sexshops in every language!

    1. Maybe doohickey is ALSO the same in every language.  🙂

  10. Nicky says:

    Margaret Andrews, Brazilian Blogging Sensation and Infringement Crusader. You should have that put on your business cards. Along with that irrelevant picture.

    Congratulations on the interview and book success!

    1. Thank you, Nicky! And I will. 🙂

  11. Thomas C. says:

    But then, if you get involved in a Portuguese copyright infringement war, you’re likely to come across this guy at some point…

    That would be scary.

  12. And I did vote for you again. Because you’re a most valuable blogger.

  13. Yes, well, I do like the picture that you copped and perpetuated in a criminal way. There’s that.

    1. It is kind of a cool pic. But I wonder who actually owns it. 🙂

  14. Jayne says:

    That radio interview is awesome!   I’m starting your book tonight.   Congrats on all the great things coming your way.  You’ve earned them.

    And fuck content thieves everywhere!

    1. My feelings exactly. On all counts. 🙂

  15. Life with Kaishon says:

    Get out of here. That is craziness. I am going to vote for you right this second.

  16. SP says:

    May be they are looking for a new goalie!

    1. Well then, I’m their man!    😉

  17. moooooog35 says:

    Have you ever been to Brazil? They want EVERYBODY.

    1. LOL! OK, I’m not even sure what that means. 🙂

  18. ~ Ivy ~ says:

    Hi there! Since I’m brazilian, I just want to let you know that I read the portuguese version of the post you mentioned above and it didn’t come out stupid. I think it was actually a pretty good translation, more than just Google’s work. So there’s a consolation there……

    1. Oh, thank you, Ivy! Well, that’s a relief. Of sorts. Thank you for letting me know!