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Germs in the Bulk Food Aisle. And My Interview on Absolutely Narcissism

I used to shop the bulk food aisle at the grocery store until last week when a woman standing right next to me grabbed the almonds from her bag on the scale and threw them back into the bin. With her bare hands. Twice.

Aren’t you supposed to pull those kinds of inconsiderate stunts when no one is watching you, let alone standing right next to you? Because back when I didn’t know people did that sort of thing, I was okay with purchasing such items.

On the other hand, how different is that from buying apples and broccoli and other produce not protected by its skin that people have pawed over with their just-sneezed-into hands?

But I didn’t bring you here to talk about my germaphobic leanings. I wanted to tell you about an interview I did with Sandra over at Absolutely Narcissism to talk about my new book, Sticky Readers.

I love Absolutely Narcissism. I think Sandra is a tremendously hysterical writer, so I was beyond excited when she asked to interview me. Do check out the interview, but make sure you check out her other blog posts when you have a chance. Pick any one, (although my recent favorite is one entitled “Repetitive Blog Posts“) and see if you don’t laugh out loud or bookmark her blog as a result.

Go to: The Interview with Sandra of Absolutely Narcissism

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  1. Sandra says:

    I like coming here! I’m reading the comments and feeling all special…I’m going to get my plastic crown!
    As for the woman pawing the almonds, really! I can see the fruit, you wash that, but I’ve never washed my bulk almonds…should I?
    Thanks for doing the interview Margaret! It would seem we were a hit and should be taking our show on the road. I call dibs on riding a goat!

  2. I *heart* Sandra. And your interview was AWESOME! 

  3. Jayne says:

    And I’m one of the people who paws through the broccoli after just cleaning my horse’s stall.

  4. Jayne says:

    Fabulous, hysterical interview!   Now we need to get you booked on Good Morning America!

  5. Stephanie says:

    I’m new here…I found you via Absolutely Narcissism.  Re: grocery store germs, it is different.  Because you wash an apple before eating it, but you don’t wash an almond.  So, yeah…gross.

  6. joanna jenkins says:

    OMGosh!  I’ve been MIA so long I didn’t know you published a book!  WOW!  congratulations Margaret– That’s awesome.  I just ordered a copy from Amazon and will be watching my mail box for it.

    And I’m with you on the bulk stuff– When I was in Poland I saw the bulk frozen food section of the supermarket WITHOUT a sneeze guard.  All together now– Ewwww!

    Congrats again, jj

    1. Thanks, Joanna! And thank you for buying the book. Now I just hope you like it!

      I’m hoping to be in L.A. in September and will definitely be letting you know if I do. I simply MUST see you!

  7. Kelly says:

    I think about germs on my fruit all the time –  yucky.. I will check out the interview…

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  8. Tina Carlson says:

    Love her, too.  Did you correctly identify her boobs?  LOL

    1. I just assumed it was the ones with the body-building-looking shots. Those were her, right? I mean….those were “hers”, right?

  9. Pricilla says:

    That was a most excellent interview. The publicist wants you to know she enjoyed reading it while licking out a pot of freshly made goat’s milk caramel sauce.

    It made the reading all the better.

    I think you should have mentioned that goats are going to take over the world but I did it for you in the comments.

    1. DOH! I totally forgot to  mention the goat world domination thing, so thank you for doing so.

      And, shouldn’t everyone slurp goat’s milk caramel sauce while reading?