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Can You Find the Bloggers in these Pictures?

In case you missed the national news last week, I was in New York City and I had the dubious honor of hob-nobbing with several bloggers. Primarily because I hunted them down like the stalker that I am and browbeat them all until they submitted to seeing me.

So tell me how many of these you know, have met, or only ever hope to dream of meeting, in which case, I apologize for not snipping a lock of their hair when I had the chance.

Tom of 101 Things is a far better celebrity sighter than I. He pointed out Greta Van Susteren and Brooke Shields (not together, you ninny) while we hit a Broadway show with Tom’s fiance, David.

nyc follies

And then there was the morning I met with Shari of Dusty Earth Mother.

nyc blogger

Doesn’t it look like we spent several hours on the phone beforehand, coordinating our outfits? Shari is posing with not just me, but beloved NGIP mascot, Lacy. Shari and I discovered several interests in common including humor blogging and our prior lives in improvisational theater. I really hope I get to see her again.

Then I hopped on a train to Hoboken to meet up with another blogger for lunch. You know her from such blogs as Melevision and Momma Mia Mea Culpa. You loved her in the near death scene from Fatal Allergies. She’s lovely and talented and you wish you were me having lunch with her… It’s Meleah!

nyc blogger, meleah, hoboken

Why am I wearing a clunky glass tube down my front? Long story. Don’t ask. It doesn’t really hurt that much. All I can say is, letting other people take pictures of me with my camera is a great opportunity to practice “letting go”.

Meleah braved two scary-ass bridges and a parking ticket to meet me and I will never forget that. Also? If I ever bat for the other team, I’m totally going to ask her to marry me.

Then, as if that weren’t enough, I also met up with up with two packages of blog awesome: Marinka from Motherhood in NYC and Neil of Citizen of the Month for dinner in “The Village” as the cool cats call it. We ate at Bar 6, which is next door to my favorite bagel place; Murray’s bagels.

nyc blogger neil marg marinka

And because you can never have too much Tom (whatever THAT means), I met again with the irreverent Tom and my friend Erin for afternoon tea at the Pembroke Room at The Lowell Hotel, which while the food was very good, the ambiance of the empty and practically crusty room pales in comparison to the Plaza. Anyway, after that we were having a drink at some bar in Midtown and Lacy reminded me that she had not posed with Tom so here she is, the whiny little nanny:

nyc blogger erin tom

As you can see, I deftly set my camera to “blurry with limited light” because if there’s one thing you want from your travels, it’s memories of dark, fuzzy people.

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  1. Ginger says:

    Margaret, you always have such good fun! Now even Lacy gets to join in too. miffed..

  2. Dusty Earth Mother says:

    How cute are we? True, though, it does look like we coordinated our outfits. I always do that with people I really like. So much fun to hang with you, new friend!

  3. Calypsobay says:

    Cool. Thanks for sharing about your recent travel. I like your blog.

  4. Nezzy says:

    Oh honey, I just loved meetin’ your dark and fuzzy friends!!!

    Thanks and it looked like you truly had a grand trip!

    Have a glorious fall day!!! 

  5. Oh Margaret! I love you! Meeting you was absolutely worth the parking ticket and the hellish bridge!

    I’m so happy you had such a wonderful time in NYC meeting up with so many bloggers. Isn’t the internet awesome?

    1. Yes, Meleah. Yes it is. Kudos to the guy who invented it.

    2. Ginger says:

      Aww, i was about to ask Margaret if that was Meleah of Meleahrebeccah. I love reading your comments on Linda’s page! you are pretty!

      1. Aw! Thanks, Ginger!

  6. Thomas C. says:

    I think you just called me dark and fuzzy…

    …and I’m not sure what that means…

    1. In that case, its a good thing. 🙂

  7. Nicky says:

    Sigh. I notice a definite lack of a Canadian blogger in any of those pictures. I don’t know if I can keep being your best friend after this, Margaret.

    1. And we were practically in Canada! Sort of. Not really.

  8. Jayne says:

    What a freakin’ blast.  I’m so jealous.  And you can write the whole trip off as book promotion.  Winning!  🙂

  9. Hey, when did you start carrying around the goat? We needed him at the hallal cart in NYC!

    1. I know! What was I thinking???  I did stop at the cart once while I was there. And as usual it was delicious!

      1. I’m flying into NYC tomorrow, I’m going to try to swing by there sometime during my quick trip.

        1. Useful tip: It used to be that the other Halal carts nearby were not the same guys. This time we noticed that 2 other nearby carts were wearing the same shirts “The Halal Guys”, but the lines were so much shorter at those other lines, so we asked the original guys about it and they said they are indeed the same people. So we went to the one of the shorter lines and it did seem to be the same, but I think other people don’t realize it yet.

  10. Pricilla says:

    Are you sure your camera didn’t have one too many cocktails while you were not looking? One cannot always trust one’s camera…

    1. That’s so true. There was alcohol involved so that could explain it.