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How to Clean Your Cooktop with Minimal Fire Damage

Hello, and welcome to another edition of How To Clean Your Stove with Minimal Fire Damage. I will be your server and domestic engineer this evening as we review the incredibly super-exciting cleaning product, Affresh Cooktop cleaner.

affresh, cooktop cleaner, product review, whirlpool

First of all, let me just say that I’m a bit of a neat freak. We clean our stovetop at least once every five years, whether it needs it or not.

I know! I’m insane, right?

And it’s perfect timing really that the good folks at Whirlpool just happen to send me a free copy of their product, Affresh Cooktop cleaner right when that five-year cleaning anniversary was coming up.

It’s like they could smell the baked-on banana chickpea pudding and hamhock garden snail gravy all the way from Whirlpool Headquarters or something. So they totally get mad props for that.

What. The pudding and gravy weren’t cooked together, silly. That’s gross.

So anyway, I feel compelled to tell you HOW to use this product. Sort of a lessons learned thing. I could just tell you to read the simple instructions and be done with it, but I feel they left a few things out.

And so without further ado

Things You’ll Need

affresh, cooktop cleaner, product review, whirlpool

  1. Affresh Cooktop cleaner (you can purchase this at any fine store that carries Affresh Cooktop cleaner)
  2. One sponge. (as it turns out, I didn’t actually need this sponge because the cleaner (as a BONUS!) included 2 little scrubbers with it)
  3. One very large bottle of water. This is for when if a grease fire starts.
  4. One fire extinguisher. This is for when you remember that water doesn’t put out grease fires.
  5. One phone. This is to call 911 when the fire starts and you’ve pretty much gotten yourself into a pickle trying to put it out yourself.
  6. Lotion. This can soothe those irritating burns.

Baked-on guppy brain lasagna sauce doesn’t really hang out much on the actual cooktop, as you can see.

affresh, cooktop cleaner, product review, whirlpool

Baked-on guppy brain lasagna sauce does, however, drip down into the tray underneath, as you can see.

affresh, cooktop cleaner, product review, whirlpool

In preparation for the cleaning, let me help you save some time by telling you that instead of turning the bottle upside down and squeezing with all your might, you should note that the bottle may be factory sealed and that you should remove this seal.

affresh, cooktop cleaner, product review, whirlpool

If you have any trouble getting a grip on the tiny little tab to pull the seal off, just do what I did and use your teeth.

And since the documentation people for this Affresh product blatantly left out a few key notes on the back of the bottle, here are my very own customized instructions:

  1. Clean the area following the directions on the product bottle.
  2. At no time during the cleaning, should you “test” the area by turning on the burners. And if you do, avoid any settings with the word “HIGH” in them.
  3. Water does not extinguish cooktop-related fires.

I’m kidding, of course. Every once in a while, water DOES extinguish cooktop-related fires.

But regardless of how much damage you cause to your kitchen, your cooktop will be clean, I can tell you that. No more guppy brain lasagna sauce residue here:

affresh, cooktop cleaner, product review, whirlpool

Wow! Look at that shine.


So in summary in conclusion and in brief, I have to say, Affresh Cooktop cleaner works, man.

Also? The fire wasn’t that bad.


Thank you for watching How To Clean Your Cooktop with Minimal Fire Damage. Tune in next week when we bring in some notorious chef to make Guppy Brain Lasagna Sauce.

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  1. Drew says:

    Did you see the “Do not eat” warning after you used your teeth?

  2. Drew says:

    Did you see the “Do not eat” warning after you used your teeth?

    1. Drew says:

      Apparently I did this twice.  Feel free to delete.

    2. Yes. After. It was definitely after. 

      I think.

  3. […] some cheese sauce. (Not to be confused with Guppy Brain Lasagna Sauce for those of you who read last week’s recent post about cooktop cleaner, because fish brains? Not […]

  4. Mommysmartini says:

    This was extremely informative. However, I think I would have a better understanding of all the steps if you could give me a demonstration. Preferably in MY kitchen, since your stovetop is all clean, so it would not really demonstrate much to show me from your house, now would it?

    1. But of course! Are you busy 5 years from Tuesday? 😉 

  5. I WAS going to clean my stovetop … until I saw this. Too much work. Hello hibachi!

    Satire from Tart News!

  6. I love your directions… I would need specific ones just like that, especially the part about taking off the factory seal. DUH – I do things like that all the time.
    Glad the fire wasn’t too bad. =)

  7. Slommler says:

    I have been searching high and low for a guppy brain cleaner and you have made my day!
    And the fact that they provide two scrubbers with it…well…what a bonus!!!

    1. I know! I had no idea how powerful this stuff was either. They probably didn’t even know it could clean up guppy brains.

  8. Your cooker is much easier to clean than ours. Being a gas cooker we have all those burners and rings and grids to clean before we start on the tray part.  What’s with the two clean burners?  You cook diagonally.

    1. Uh-oh. Is this going to turn into one of those discussions, like how do you cut your sandwiches?

  9. Mikewj says:

    Damn, now I feel guilty about the state of my stovetop, which I was hoping to turn into an EPA Superfund site. Thanks a lot, Affresh aficianado!

    1. I’d donate to THAT cause! 🙂

  10. Nicky says:

    What I really want to know is how come 2 of your burners are practically spotless? Whenever I make Guppy Brain Lasagna Sauce, I always end up using (and dirtying) all 4 burners, what with sauteing the guppy brains in one pan, simmering the tomatoes in another, boiling the pasta in a third and, of course, boiling the rest of the guppy carcasses in a 4th pot to make stock, for Guppy Vegetable Soup.  I’ll definitely tune in next week to see how you do it!!

    BTW, wanna come over and clean my stove too?

    1. My husband came in here to ask what was so funny. (I was reading your comment).

      But anyway, to answer your question, I have just one word for you…


  11. Nezzy says:

    Known as the National Clean Freak I am, I just place foil under my burners and change it out every once in a while.  Easy peasy!!!!

    …..but I wouldn’t have the fodder for this hilarious post either.  Heeehehehe, ya got me cryin’ here you funny girl.

    God bless ya sweetie!!!

    1. Thanks for saying so, Nezzy! You make my blog worth writing!

      I forgot all about the foil trick. Nice thinking there, Nez!

  12. Freakyfrugalite says:


    I feel cheated. 

    “Use your teeth,” HAHAHHAHA!!!! Like, who’s done that before?! *whistles, looks away*

    1. …and who has done that and then had to explain it to the poison control center? Not me! *whistles, looks away*  


  13. Anonymous says:

    ROFL!!!  ♥ this! And your stove top looks amazing. WOW!

    If I actually did my own house cleaning I would say that you definitely sold me on this product.  Of course there is nothing to stop me from adding it to my massive collection of household cleaners I don’t touch.

    1. It’s amazing what an incentive a product review can be for housecleaning. You think I was kidding about it being 5 years since I saw the underside of that stove top?

  14. OHMYWORD, I am crying laughing so much right now. In fact, I may have even peed.

    PS: Your shiny clean stove looks fantastic. 

    1. I’m waiting for Whirlpool to call me and tell me to take it down because I’m sullying their good name. But if it made you pee, it was SO worth it! Hey! Maybe you should review adult diapers.

      1. Well, if they don’t find this amusing, I will never buy any of their products again!
        And, good idea. Maybe I should review some adult diapers.

  15. Pricilla says:

    Wow! The publicist could use that stuff with all the cooking she does on her cooktop. She has only set a couple of fires but she keeps the baking soda and salt handy….she is experienced at these things and since the male person is fire chief, well, you know.

    1. The male person is a fire chief? How convenient is that! Baking soda and salt, eh? I’ll have to make a note of that.