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Occasions When Cow Bells Aren’t Good Enough

When we entered the very flowered courtyard of the Ryde Hotel (centrally located in downtown Ryde, California), a young man handed me a Yay flag.

yay flag, wedding photos

Trivia Nugget — Ryde (population: 146) was named after a seaside town on the Isle of Wight.

The Ryde Hotel lies along the Sacramento River and is known for its wedding venue-ness. Coincidentally, we were there for a wedding.


wedding shoes

A fun wedding.

With Yay flags.

Yay flags that waved while the groom kissed the bride.

flag waving

If Christopher Walken had RSVP-ed to this wedding like he should have, he would have said right then and there: “This wedding needs more Yay flag”.

Because you can never have too much “Yay”.

The bride walked in to Led Zeppelin’s “Thank You” and they both marched out to “Baby, I Love You” by The Ramones.

Tattoos were everywhere.

lisa simpson, tattoo

Am I the only one left on this planet without a tattoo?

The problem is, I can’t think of a design that I could live with FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE. I’d want a tattoo that I could swap out on a whim like a handbag, based on my latest pop culture obsession.

quentin collins, dark shadows, david selbyLike right now it’s that old 1960s gothic soap opera, Dark Shadows, so I’d want that tall, dark and handsome rogue Quentin Collins somewhere on my body.

I’ll bet in the late 60s, every woman wanted Quentin Collins somewhere on her body.

Anyway, the wedding cake kicked ass.

wedding cake

The men’s room, however, did not kick ass.

Oh sure, it was clean and all, but there were just a couple of things wrong with it…

mens room

Or maybe there’s nothing wrong with it, I don’t know. Maybe it’s meant to be a place for social networking while you poo next to your neighbor.

Also? You can’t get away with saying, “Sorry, I can’t spare a square.” Because clearly, there is a square there. Lots of squares… How many do you need? Say, are those Armani cuff links? I love those! Where did you get them? I get all my designer stuff from Overstock or Rue La La these days. Here, let me show you how the app works on my phone… and the next thing you know, they’ve lost themselves in an Angry Birds showdown. Right there on the toilet.

Also? You could see directly into this cavernous room from the main reception area. I mean RIGHT INTO IT.

Yeah, there’s nothing I like better than to watch two poopers on the can with their tuxedo pants around their ankles, swapping business cards and playing video games as I’m hunched over the white linen shoveling in that last piece of chicken alfredo. Mmmmm-mmm!

Other than that, the wedding was quite lovely.

At sunset, a group of us climbed up to the road to oooh and ahhhh over the full moon rise.

super moon, ryde

Now isn’t that the most beautiful perigee-syzygy you ever saw? What? You don’t know what a perigee-syzygy is? Boy, aren’t you stupid.

Yes, I know what a perigee-syzygy is and so what if I knew it just before you did? The important thing is that there was a point in time where I knew it and you didn’t.

Okay, kidding aside, a perigee-syzygy is a super moon. Super moons happen when the moon is at its closest to the earth in its orbit AND when its a full moon. It’s supposed to be 14% bigger than normal, and I suck at taking pictures of the moon, but does this look 14% larger to you?

super moon, ryde

Well, I can’t tell the difference.

So, essentially, we risked our lives standing on the edge of the two-lane river highway teetering in high heels with our wine glasses, staring at something that’s been there all along.

And then we came back down for cake.

wedding moon

It was lemon and raspberry. Yay!

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  1. Maggie says:

    I never saw Dark Shadows but rememebr David Selby from his Falcon Crest role as Richard Channing.

    1.  David Selby is sexay sexay! 🙂

  2. Random Chick says:

    I am stupid. I didn’t know what a perigee-syzygy was. I am going to have “Yay” signs at my funeral. Just because. 

    1.  I still don’t know what a perigee syzygy is. And what kind of word has three (THREE!) “y”s in it? Yay flags at your funeral would be awesome. Now I want Yay flags at my funeral.

  3. Angela Knutsen says:

    That was a beautiful wedding to go to.  I suppose there always has to be a fly in the ointment – this time the toilet…

    1. Yeah, every wedding has that ONE THING.

  4. Susan Cooper says:

    What a funny story. I loved the flags. What a cool idea. Aside form the fact that you risked your life for a picture of the moon I thought you did very well, picture-wise I mean.  LOL

    1.  I’m going to have to ask you or some other photography person how one is supposed to take pics of the moon!

  5. Nora Blithe says:

    I’ve so many thoughts about this post.  I’ve tried to organize them:
    A) I love the photo of the wedding shoes.
    B) Mmmmmmmm cake!
    C) Does the far toilet have a roll of toilet paper?  That’s going to keep me up.
    D) I don’t have a tatoo either for the same reasons so, no, you’re not alone. 

    1.  I have no idea if that 2nd toilet has toilet paper, now I’M not going to be able to sleep.   Hmmmm, maybe that’s why there are no doors. Because they have to share the same roll of TP. 

       Also…I’m glad you love the photos of the shoes. That one is my favorite of the bunch.

  6. Nancy Lauzon says:

    Funny post. I didn’t think the moon looked any bigger either. And that bathroom is very strange!

    1.  And of course my best shot of the moon is one where there is NO frame of reference whatsoever. Which is why I went the ridiculous route of asking if it looked any bigger.

  7. Jayne says:

    A wedding with “Yay” flags sounds like one I’d enjoy.   Great-looking cake, but I’d have preferred chocolate.  Not that anyone asked or invited me, but in the future…

    1.  OK, yes, chocolate is awesome. But how often do you see chocolate wedding cakes? They’re almost always white. How silly is that when chocolate cake is the best? Tradition once again triumphs over common sense.

  8. Dammit, I have work. to. do. Stop being so funny and distracting me!

    1.  Aw, shucks. You flatter me!

  9. Farm Boy and I are totally tattooless also!!!

    Looked like a fun weddin’.  I’ve been to weddins with horses, and ones with fish fires.  I’ve seen the weddin’ party in flip~flops and those where the grooms mother was in jeans and a jean jacket but I’ve never been to at hitchin’ with yay flags….what a hoot!!!

    Have a marvelously blessed week sweetie!!!  :o) 

    1.  Fish fires? I don’t even know what that is. Like fish on fire? Or did you mean fish fries? Like Fish BBQ’s?

      You have a fantabulous week, too, Nezzy! XOXOXXO

  10. Annie says:

    Looks like a fabulous wedding. Resist the Dark Shadows tat if at all possible. It might be one of those things that is current at the moment but 30 years from now when Quentin Collins hair has lost it’s helmet head will it still drive you wild? The other day I walked by this kid who had tattooed a name tag on his chest. A damn name tag just like the kind you get at high school reunions. It said, “Hi, my name is Jeff.” One can only hope that is his real name or the jokester is going to have to explain to people the rest of his life how he was drunk with friends and thought it would be funny to ink the wrong name. 

    1.  A name tag? OK, part of me thinks that’s funny, but like a bumper sticker, where maybe it’s funny the first 12 times you see it, but after that, you kind of roll your eyes.

  11. Slommler says:

    Great moon pics..and thanks for the new word!!  And that cake is something else!!
    Cool design.

    1.  Thanks, Sue Ann!  🙂

  12. Now I want a “YAY” flag.
    And that cake = pretty totes amazeballs.

    But that bathroom?
    WHAT THE HELL is going on in there?!
    No thank you. 

    1.  I still think pretty totes amazeballs is awesome. Do you ever say that our loud to people?

  13. Karen H. says:

    I’m sitting here at work laughing my ass off at that toilet thing. Pun not intended. Geez that men’s room must have been designed by a prison warden. What were they thinking?!?!? And the fact that you could see it from the main room?? Lord. There just aren’t words.

    1.  Yes! A prison warden. I wish I’d thought of that. 🙂  And I still can’t believe that bathroom. I got uncomfortable just imagining someone opening the door when….well, you know.

  14. Pricilla says:

    I do not have a tattoo if that makes you feel any better. Neither does the publicist or the male person or Sherpa the Farm cat. We do not know about Pumpkin – he roams at night and ANYTHING can happen then.

    did you visit my blog today, did you, did you?

    1.  No, I haven’t been to your blog yet today…going right now!