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A Cheesy Perspective

What did the grateful basket of crackers say to the cheese ball when it was placed nearby on the Super Bowl party buffet table?

“It was gouda you to come.”

Photo by Dominik Hundhammer

Yes I just made up that steaming pile of brilliance all by myself.

I have this insane blogger friend, Nicky, over at We Work for Cheese who is hosting a month-long daily writing challenge that THANK GAWD takes place during the shortest month of the year and is aptly titled, 30 Minus 2 Days of Writing. And if you’re insane, you’ll jump right in with her.

Good luck with that.

I’m not even going to PRETEND to think about contemplating the notion of the very idea that I’m capable of promising to do it every day, but since I’m all about doing the minimum, today represents just that.

Speaking of the Super Bowl, who are you rooting for?

Yeah, me neither.

Woodson signing cheese head
(Image Source: U.S. Air Force/Staff Sgt. Mike Meares)

You can see what others did with today’s theme over on Nicky’s blog.

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  1. P.J. says:

    As I am finally catching up on blog posts for the challenge .. welcome to it. Careful … it’s like the Hotel California. Check out any time you like, but you can never leave.

  2. KZ says:

    The Gouda joke made me smile, but the bit at the end about the Super Bowl gave me a genuine chuckle. I don’t really follow sports, so that last line really appealed to me. Best of luck doing the minimum this month. 🙂

  3. HA!! YES!! Love it!

  4. Katherine says:

    I am so glad you are going to join in! And that Gouda picture? YUM!

  5. MikeWJ says:

    Being from Denver, I’m legally required to root for the Broncos. I hope they score more baskets than the other team and being home the Stanley Cup.

    1. MikeWJ says:

      Bring, not being. I can’t type.

  6. Malisa says:

    The Broncos. I think I am the only one among this crowd that gives a shit about the Super Bowl. So I will be writing comments tomorrow while eating gouda cheese and chicken wings and drinking copious amounts of bourbon. Cheers!

    1. Margaret says:

      I will be rooting for the food. And a lot of it. 🙂

  7. Yeah, that Nicky, she’s a total whackjob… you’re right about that. You should hear what the other voices in her head have to say about her. In any case, we’re all happy that you jumped in and out on Day 1. Now all you have to do is do the same thing but with different words on Days 2 – 28. Or you know, just think about doing that. Or think about thinking about it. You may want to consult with the other voices in your head. Just a suggestion.

    1. Margaret says:

      Woo hoo! I just wrote one for Day 2. I’m on a roll, baby!

  8. Mike says:

    Well, I do accept the blame for today’s prompt. Not the challenge though. That’s you-know-who’s doing.

    1. Margaret says:

      Are you writing, too, Mike? Or are you guys going in halfsies?

      1. Mike says:

        We’re both going to write. I mean, Nicky’s going to write. I’m still in denial about this whole thing.

  9. Ziva says:

    I am SO with you on the whole not even going to pretend to think about contemplating the notion of the very idea of doing it every day thing. Well said, I say.

    1. Margaret says:

      I’m looking forward to reading a bunch of your stuff and finally getting to know you a little!

      1. MikeWJ says:

        She just said she wasn’t going to post a lot, so I don’t see how you can read a bunch of her stuff, let alone get I know her.

        Sorry, I’ve been watching a lot of lawyer shows, and they’re picky as hell about logic and shit.

        1. Margaret says:

          I guess I was sort of hoping this challenge would motivate her, but we’ll see…we’ll see. 🙂

  10. laughingmom says:

    Nice try to appease the wrath of Nicky. She will find you…she always does.

  11. I am in favor of cheese if it is made with goat’s milk.
    I am not in favor of football. I don’t understand it. If you are going to butt heads where are the horns?

  12. I love your joke, and the fact that you took the minimalist way out. Bravo! 🙂

  13. I’m rooting for the snacks and the commercials, come Sunday! (That is, if I’m not too busy trying to figure out what I’ll do for the next few 30M2DoW prompts.)

  14. Linda says:

    Insanity is running rampant these days. Glad you jumped right in with the rest of us lunatics.

  15. What’s a Superbowl without cheese?

    Ah, heck, was that supposed to be a joke?


    Gouda day to you!

  16. Cheryl P. says:

    Look at you coming out on day one of the 30 minus two challenge.

    I applaud the fact you didn’t hide under the bed hoping that Nicky wouldn’t find you.

  17. nonamedufus says:

    Margaret, you gave it the ol college try, didn’t you?