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White House Dinners and..oh, I Wrote a Book.

Have you ever gone to a Presidential Gala and arrived late, only to discover that the First Couple is no longer greeting people at the end of the reception line and all the salmon biscuits are gone?

OMG – me too!!

But that’s not why I brought you here today. No, today I have a bit of news.

When I contemplated teaching younger folks how to write better, especially when it comes to blogging, I thought, Who in their right mind would buy what I’m selling?

And don’t you have to belong to an elite club or sleep with the right politician, or have an “in” with the Textbook Association of America, or have won a Nobel Peace Prize to get a textbook published and distributed to schools?

Then a homeschooling friend of mine told me that homeschool parents can choose whatever resources they want to teach their kids. And some public school teachers are allowed to provide additional learning tools to complement those “required-by-the-Textbook-Association-of-America textbooks.”

So I wrote a book. And today, I’m launching it, or dropping it, or whatever the cool kids are saying these days.

It’s called Adventures in Blogville: A Creative Writing Guide for Teens.

Blogville book cover 400w170 pages of essay-inducing hilariousness.

I hope.

Teenagers often feel like their voices aren’t heard, and blogging is a great way to validate and empower them.

This book isn’t just for kids, though. I’ve been told that adults can use the book as well because it teaches concepts about how to make your writing and blogging more compelling. It’s got some of the same concepts as my previous book, Sticky Readers, but it’s structured in a lessony-type format with assignments and everything! And it’s family friendly — not one F-bomb or prostitute can be found in its pages.

Oh! And it has awesome and silly illustrations by Quinnzel, whose art was recently displayed by BBC America at Comic-Con in San Diego and was more recently displayed on the Doctor Who World Tour.

I know!

I would tell you how awesome Adventures in Blogville is, but I’ve paid people to tell you instead. Well not so much “paid” as shoved my book down their throats and then shook them by their collars and asked them what they thought about it and you can see what they said on my very own special super exciting book page (I don’t want to give it away, but scroll down to the part that says “Praise for Adventures in Blogville.”)

Anyway, if you happen to know any homeschoolers or educators in your circle of fellow humans, mention Adventures in Blogville! I would appreciate it, and my starving orphan hamster would appreciate it.

More info about the book and where to get it.

Or just go straight to Amazon already!

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  1. High Five Margaret!!! Congrats on your new teen blogging book.

    You know I’m a big an of your first book and will definitely pass your info on about the new book. It’s VERY COOL!!!

    Hope life is good in your part of the world.

    xo jj

  2. pinoy says:

    I hope it is available on kindle. shipping books to my country is very expensive

  3. Indigo Roth says:

    Another book?! But I’ve not finished the other one yet? #slowreader I look forward to reading it, Margaret! Indigo x

  4. janishaag says:

    Bravo, Margaret! What an accomplishment! I’m delighted to have an early copy, and I know people who will want more… including me! Thanks for a great book!

  5. Lauren says:

    Congratulations Margaret! What a great idea. I know a mom who homeschools her kids. I’ll send her the link. Too bad f-bombs aren’t allowed. Though the mom would disagree.

    And the premiere of Dr. Who is this Saturday. Finally!

    1. Margaret says:

      Thanks for passing it on, Lauren! And I have been dying – DYING! – for the return of Doctor Who!

  6. Famous SpokesGoat Pricilla says:

    I wondered where you were. I have missed you. Your book look like it would taste great.

    1. Margaret says:

      It’s dee-licious, Pricilla!

  7. I’m so damn proud of and excited for you. So this is what you’ve been up to. Wishing you huge success. I still re-read “Sticky Readers…” Off to share!

    1. Margaret says:

      Thank you, Jayne! Maybe I can do some regular ol’ blogging again now.

  8. Way cool, Margaret! I’m sending this out to my homeschool contacts!

    1. Margaret says:

      Thank you Boom Boom! I appreciate that! 🙂