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Motorcycle Diary of a Madman

Those of you who arrived here by Googling “motorcycle panties” have come to the right place. Anybody landing here through the key phrase “billy goats in high heels”, that’s next door…wierdo.

Why are we so comfortable hindsight-quarterbacking bad behavior, feigning dismay and asking, “What were they thinking?”, insisting that we would NEVER do such a thing, when in fact, we pull stupid crap all the time. It’s just that we don’t wind up maiming ourselves, or get caught on camera for the rest of the world to judge us afterwards, claiming that they would NEVER pull such a stunt and what were we thinking?

After announcing our infallability, we ostensibly sensible folk then jump on our motorcycles with our pants stretched halfway down our butts because it’s cool. It shows off our panties and it impresses the ladies. And when we zoom by said ladies on the freeway we weave in and out of traffic to get their attention.

But then our balls get all sweaty, because our legs are hugging tight against hot leather seats in the desert sun. So our leader, Gerard, gets a little wind flappage going in his shorts and stretches his legs straight out like kickstands. We think Gerard has one-upped us showing off for the chicas, so we follow his lead and play around too, because – say it with me – – “It sounded like a good idea at the time.”

motorcycle, motorcycle freeway riding, motorcycle freeway driving

Speaking of dumb-asses on motorcycles (oops did I type that out loud?)… have you seen this? Apparently in India, “hands free” means something else entirely/

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