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Bugs: They’re Not Just For Breakfast Anymore

We have a couple of Tarmac strips in our little town called Sacramento International Airport, although the “International” part of it may as well have quotes around it. OK, I guess there is a flight to Guadalajara now and again. Not that I have anything against Guadalajara – I mean, who doesn’t want to order a drink whose Spanish name translates to Happy Buttocks? (These drinks are served at Los Famosos Equipales. But that’s not why I called you here today.

I walk through this “international” airport a few times a month and the Starbucks had a serious fly problem. I apologize in advance for not taking a picture of the large poster made of flypaper, but I promise you, it was gross. But alas, it’s gone.

Recently they installed these lights on the walls…

This coincided with the fact that there were no flies. Where could they be? I reached up with my camera and aimed down into the top of the light… 

For further enjoyment, you can click on the picture to enlarge.

Mmmmmm.  Kinda makes you want a Venti Mocha Flypachino about now, doesn’t it?

* * *

…And the answer to the trivia question the other day about where the Nanny Goats In Panties banner picture was taken:  Fremont, California. In Coyote Hills Park, near the San Francisco Bay.

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  1. Sara Wilson says:

    Wow, I am quiet impressed with this bug picture. After further inspecting it, I cannot tell if that is a huge bug in the upper right hand corner or something else? Either was its nasty.

  2. dane says:

    What “bugs” me is having to wait for your next post!

  3. Tricia says:

    Of course I’m sitting here with a Starbucks drink in my hand while reading this. Is one of my ice cubes a tad darker than it’s supposed to be? Ughhh.

  4. Brownie says:

    Off topic, but since you asked…Big Daddy is July 16th. Wait…does that make you and *I* lobsters, too?!

  5. Suzy says:

    I’m so desperate for a Starbucks latte right now I’d fish the flies out and drink it anyway.

  6. Melly says:

    I know what makes my buttocks happy and it ain’t no drink.
    Flypacinno…that’s funny. I think I’ll write up an “ode to this post” just cause I like it soooo much. I’ll never eat raisins again.

  7. Well that seals the deal, Rickey’s certainly never ordering from flybucks ever again…

  8. Meg says:

    Right now I’m thinking Dunkin’ Donuts.

  9. Alicia says:

    That is nasty. I wonder how often they’re cleaned? I was looking foward to seeing the fly-trap wallpaper.
    I would not order a venti frappacino there.

  10. Bex says:

    My first thought, when reading your post, was EEEEEEWWWWWWWWW. Totally gross. My second thought was that the light seemed to be a rather effective de-bugger. I think I need one for my deck because the mosquito’s are driving me NUTS.
    Funny post!!

  11. ud says:

    I think that those flies are just sleeping, they needed a nice place to be warm, yet relaxed and at the bottom of a light fixture works perfectly it appears…

  12. Joe says:

    I think I just threw up a little. Please don’t ever go into a McDonald’s or I may never be able to buy coffee out anywhere again.

  13. ali says:

    i think you need a new starbucks…

  14. honeywine says:

    First, and this is VERY important, does the drink really make your buttocks happy???? And if so, in what manner?
    Oh, and, props to whoever thought of the light. But seriously they need to clean that mofo! And apparently a lot of other things.

  15. april says:

    so the fancy “flakes” of chocolate on top of their foo foo coffee, is not really chocolate??…ew

  16. Double-venti no-foam cappucino with extra flies, please.

  17. augusto says:

    This reinforces the wisdom of my decision to have never set foot in a Starbucks.
    And I always thought the phrase was “like flies to shit” only to learn it is coffee that they like.

  18. natalie says:

    well…at least it’s working. and if the flies are in the light then they aren’t in the drinks. right? please say it is so…

  19. MadMad says:

    Ewwwww…..! How DID you get that picture, though? You should work for the Inquirer, or somethin’!

  20. SinisterDan says:

    Now you know where they get the raisins.

  21. peggy says:

    I’d say the bug light is a success!

  22. Mike S says:

    Damn, that’s right near where a pal lived. You went the freeway from Milpitas to where you turn off for the reservoir and turn left just down a bit before the water and go up a long narrow road to top of the hill. Cuold see over the western hills alla way to the water. MANY decades ago!!

  23. Damn… I just got my prize, for craziest mom story, from Newborn Identity… it is a Starbucks card…. I knew I should have gone for the I-Tunes card!

  24. diesel says:

    Scratch Bags is worried about Starbucks coming to India and making the place dirty? o-KAY.

  25. Bee says:

    Another reason why I make my own coffee. ::blech!::

  26. Scratch Bags says:

    Uggghh! This is gross. Star Bucks is yet to arrive India and I am already skeptical about its hygiene factor.
    Btw I mentioned about you on my blog. here you go-

  27. HRH says:

    I am so disappointed the flypaper photo is not here. hahaha. I would now like a picture of the expressions of the people in the airport that watched you take that picture. You are so lucky that security didn’t usher you out of there.

  28. SNOOORRRT! “Venti Mocha Flypachino” We are always cracking jokes on my son (15) about how he orders his “Caramel Machhiado” (no I can’t spell) I have never been so glad that I do not drink coffee, much less anything from Starflybucks….