Nanny Goats in Panties Rotating Header Image

Priorities, Schmiorities

I spend a great deal of my leisure time ignoring my husband while playing on the computer, talking to YOU people. He’ll bounce into my office at home, asking me if I want to go to Starbucks, or go to Tiffany’s so I can “pick something out”, or tell me that his alien abduction is scheduled for 10pm and not to wait up, and I invariably reply: “Did you say something?”

And yet, he still supports my blogging. And burps my computer when it’s gassy.

I came back from L.A. recently and he had designed and ordered these for me:

I know!

Just for that, I think I will have dinner with him tomorrow, rather than throwing whatever gourmet meal he’s spent hours preparing onto a plate and taking it into my office. I might even remove the DO NOT DISTURB sign hanging outside my office door.

* * * NGIP SHOUT OUT * * *

Mahala over at Hidden Mahala lives in a place called Frog Pond Holler. Which makes for great blog fodder. When was the last time you read something like, “Who puts loose weiners in the freezer?”. For a good laugh, head over to her post entitled, Freezer Surprises and Wrestling Matches. Thank you, Mahala for adding NGIP to your blog roll!

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  1. kden says:

    What a sweet hubby. I won’t let mine read my blog. Maybe it’s because he is the subject a lot of the time! Love your blog.

  2. Susan Yeley says:

    those are awesome. i may get some of those if first i make up a big box for my husband as general manager title of his fantasy baseball team. which will never happen. we should be as supportive of each other as you two are.

  3. Those cards are sweet! I wonder if I can get ones with pictures of Dennis on them …

  4. Lisa says:

    Oh totally take him out to dinner and maybe even have sex afterwards. That is awwwweeessooome!
    I don’t know why I had to draw that out. Just did.

  5. OOohhh very cool 🙂 Definitely worth hanging the do not disturb sign 🙂

  6. Oh, I think he deserves more than dinner for those beautiful cards… (Wink, wink)

  7. Tricia says:

    I hope you’re buying him dinner, and then scheduling a massage (for him). I’m so impressed that I’m almost jealous.

  8. Your hubby’s a babe. Does he have a gay brother? A curious cousin? A questioning uncle? Advise ASAP.

  9. Holy crap that is the SWEETEST! Ahhh…

  10. He’s so cool. : )

  11. Ken Geraths says:

    Crap! now I have to get cards?
    This “keeping up with the Nanny” thing is hard. But I draw the line at a husband!..Can I get a wife or instead?.
    Send me a card please.

  12. fun with your name says:

    a satanist penning yon
    ::shake shake shake::
    nanny goat sin panties

  13. Jan says:

    Love your new cards!

  14. Munch says:

    I think it would be amazing if my spouse made me a customized trivia game based on my blog. Have fun breaking it in! How do you win?

  15. I just designed HBL some new cards and I’m so excited to get them. Hopefully tomorrow. Aren’t we just the best for doing this for our beloveds? Nice cards

  16. Hmmmm…
    Yep, he is a keeper!
    And where is your canvas request? I mean, seriously, you HAVE to participate. Maybe your hubby can figure out a way to print that on canvas?

  17. Woozie says:

    What the hell do you mean “you” people? My fingers, they’re snapping in a z-formation.

  18. nice!!!
    smiles, bee

  19. MJ says:

    Your review is up! Your review is up! Omigosh, your review is up!!!

  20. Mrs. G. says:

    The next time he wants to go to Tiffanys will you have him call me?

  21. Tiggy says:

    Nanny, I have a similar problem. Some guy keeps coming into my home office and asking if I want dinner, are we going out today, do I know how far past bedtime it is.
    His face kinda looks familiar…

  22. Those are awesome! I’ve gotta do some for my site. Not of nanny goats in panties but of I Do Things in bubbles. Wheee! Your husband is a sweetie!

  23. Mahala says:

    My pleasure 🙂