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Long Distance Relationships: Do They Work?

I don’t know how many of you remember meeting Wink back in July.

Wink is a petite, lusciously soft-haired, one-eyed beauty. She likes long walks on the beach, sophisticated conversation, and hardwood floors.

Yesterday I met this handsome devil:

Helloooooo Kitty!

This middle-aged bachelor, enjoys lounging in the sun, and can hold his own when discussing Bach or Nietszche.

His name is Ringo and he’s all man. The best thing about Ringo is that he’s too sexy for his fur and doesn’t even know it. He likes to have a good time, but also has his quiet side.

And he knows how to vogue. Here’s one for the ladies:

Rawrrrrrr! Doesn’t this just scream Electricity?

The moment I met Ringo, I knew he’d be a perfect match for Wink. The only problem is that Wink resides in Hermosa Beach, while Ringo cribs it in Sacramento. That’s a 400+ mile separation. Not a desirable thing on those cold and lonely nights.

Perhaps one night, when it’s raining cats and dogs, destiny will bring them closer together.

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  1. Kath says:

    How strange, I was just telling a story about a one-eyed cat to a co-worker who is sporting a bruise around her eye after slipping and falling. And then I came here and saw this.

  2. Wow, i didn’t know so many pets have lost eyeballs.

  3. Carrie says:

    Reminds me of this:
    Dr. Peter Venkman: This city is headed for a disaster of biblical proportions.
    Mayor: What do you mean, “biblical”?
    Dr Ray Stantz: What he means is Old Testament, Mr. Mayor, real wrath of God type stuff.
    Dr. Peter Venkman: Exactly.
    Dr Ray Stantz: Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies! Rivers and seas boiling!
    Dr. Egon Spengler: Forty years of darkness! Earthquakes, volcanoes…
    Winston Zeddemore: The dead rising from the grave!
    Dr. Peter Venkman: Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together… mass hysteria!

  4. Midlife Mama says:

    LOL @ Mulled Vine: Hmmm….that hasn’t been my experience. Mine is far more demanding than a child or a dog. Hmmm….have to rethink that one. LOL

  5. georgie says:

    awwwwww arent they just adorable! Long distance relationships can work…just ask mr gp i am fixin to kick him out if he doesnt go back to work!

  6. Jill says:

    This is true love!! 🙂
    You have been bloggy boo-ed!!!!
    Go to my blog and grab your “boo” sign!!! Spread the boo spirit!!
    Boo… Baby Boo!!!!!!!!!!!!
    ~Jill 🙂

  7. Aubrey says:

    Seriously? Honest? This had me laughing. I can’t believe you found two, one-eyed, ADORABLE pets. It was fate. They will be together…somday.

  8. Mulled Vine says:

    Husbands are far less demanding than dogs, humph! 😉

  9. sheila says:

    What an AWESOME post! Poor little kitty! I don’t have anything as cute on mine today. But I do have spooky orbs! lol

  10. OMG they are both so adorable. They have two blind kittens at a local pet store and I’ve been thinking about bringing one home for some time now.

  11. Midlife Mama says:

    @ Mulled Vine: and they’re also like husbands! LOL

  12. Mulled Vine says:

    Great pics and a wicked name. We have a dog, two cats, and a hamster. Used to be two hamsters until one escaped to a glorious but brief escape. She met Ted our very large but agile tabby. 🙁
    Its funny how dogs completely change things. Cats are well behaved and fairly self-sufficient. Dogs are much more like children.

  13. ali says:

    the PERFECT couple!

  14. Yaya says:

    Awww! I love it! That is so cute!

  15. Lilly says:

    Perfect Match I say. How hilarious are you. I saw your blog name on the SITS roll call and I just thad to come by and take a look. Glad I did I will be back!

  16. Midlife Mama says:

    NVM . . . now both comments are there so… I’m a dork. LOL

  17. Midlife Mama says:

    I commented earlier but it disappeared. So… I’ll try again.
    I love your blog, and in honor of it, I gave you an award! Check it out! 🙂

  18. Midlife Mama says:

    You’re a sick, sick woman. And that’s why I like you!! LOL
    Come by my blog: I have an award for you!! 🙂

  19. Tricia says:

    Some things are simply meant to be. You have to find a way to unite them, or at least teach them how to email.

  20. quirkyloon says:

    I have always been a great believer in long distance relationships.
    I think they can thrive and succeed.
    No tomato throwing please.

  21. I love how he is winking at me…pimp! You know “petting the cat can make static-e-lec-tricity!”

  22. * tonya * says:

    Oh my. Yes, a match made in heaven. Please don’t forget to video a reunion … if there is one.

  23. justagirl says:

    u r making me laugh with that one eyed cat. i also had a one eyed when i was little

  24. LarryG says:

    i love those cats and dogs type evenings. the way you describe it is especially provocative!

  25. Anonymous says:

    They were meant for each other!! Too cute!

  26. Linda says:

    They are SO CUTE! We had a one eyed cat when I was a kid, looked a lot like Ringo. His name was Junior. He used to lay in front of the stove. He was so sweet.

  27. Jan says:

    It’ll never work, and it has nothing to do with the fact she’s a dog and he’s a cat, although we all know how tricky these inter-species relationships can be.
    They’re both, um, winking their left eye. Standing face to face, they’ll never see eye-to-eye on anything.

  28. hip chick says:

    O.K. the dog is really cute, but the cat kind of creeps me out. I never said I actually completed the Monday list…whatever happens the rest of the week, at least I had a plan…I made an effort…

  29. Alex L. says:

    They’re both PIRATES! They need some little furry patches.

  30. Anna Lefler says:

    I smell a one-bedroom pad in San Luis Obispo…

  31. Awww!
    I was at the Pet ER this weekend…twice…and there was a dog whom they were able to save it’s eye, but a cat they didn’t think they were going to be able to. I had no idea it was such an issue.
    Mine’s eyes are okay but my gosh he gave me the scare of a lifetime, ack.

  32. chat blanc says:

    That brought a tear to my one good eye! *sniff*

  33. If only we could invent a teleportation device…

  34. Deb says:

    Sorry. I like Wink, the sassy one.
    Ringo reminds me of a used car salesman.
    Just sayin.

  35. HollyTriedIt says:

    Love this blog. My grandparents raised goats, so the name of the blog reeled me in.

  36. 3boys1mommy says:

    Goodness, I’ve seen you on so many blogrolls I just had to drop in and click around. You are so entertaining. Welcome to my blogroll.

  37. Cats don’t have relationships… I know. I own four of them. Well, “own” isn’t an accurate verb. Actually, it’s more like I work for four cats and they let me live in the same house with them…

  38. kirsten says:

    Damn! There’s always something with the good guys!

  39. Stephanie says:

    Wink. Fan-freakin’-tabulous…

  40. eve says:

    I got a Greyhound ticket I can donate to the cause.

  41. Nikkicrumpet says:

    YIKES…if they blink they’ll miss each other. You need to give them gas money and have them meet in the middle!

  42. mrsmouthy says:

    All you need now is a hook paw and you have the perfect Pirate Kitty. Yar!

  43. orion says:

    …and it’s only the left eye????

  44. black betty says:

    they are both precious!!! 🙂

  45. Awww, pretty kitty and pooch!!
    I think their offspring might look a tad weird, though…

  46. Rhea says:

    So, do we now need to have a discussion on inter-species dating and marriage?
    I think those two make an adorable couple but that they shouldn’t be allowed to adopt.
    Just kidding.

  47. Muse Swings says:

    Perhaps…that raining or is it reigning of cats and dogs will get them together. We can’t rein them in – we’re much to soft for that so yes, they reign, rain or shine.

  48. Ohhhhh! I love them both! What can we do to bring them together? They MUST meet (and fall in love forever).
    JD at I Do Things

  49. HeatherPride says:

    Oh yeah, I hope you videotape their meeting. I think it’s a match made in heaven!

  50. Ian says:

    Awwhawww oh no…. That cat is so suave.
    And I like the name Ringo.

  51. Becky says:

    Oh my goodness. That is a total crack up. You make me laugh everytime I read your blog.
    Both are so adorable. I’m partial to Lhasa Apso (sp?), Maltese and Shitzu’s myself.

  52. Poetikat says:

    Aw! Cute goes great lengths around here towards doses of forgiveness for just about everything. Hmm. Let’s see, what do we get? Hairballs, spews, poops in unwanted places, broken lamps, whining at 4:00 a.m., shoot-over beside the boxes, 2:00 a.m. fisticuffs on the bed, tuna cans from the garbage on the bed…the list goes on. If they weren’t so danged cute…I should think they’d be in fear of an untimely demise (or at least a long car-ride out in the country). Fuggedaboutit!

  53. Di says:

    I heart that kitty kat and I’m not even a cat person… any cat that is constantly winking is good by me. Here kitty kitty kitty.

  54. Jenn says:

    sounds like true love to me!

  55. MJ says:

    How cute! And so sweet!

  56. SuZ says:

    I’m melting b/c I’m in LOVE! 🙂

  57. Katie says:

    awwww I love them both! I just know they can make the relationship work! 🙂

  58. AMy says:

    How sweet they both are 😀

  59. gingela5 says:

    You should totally get them together! They’d make a super cute couple!

  60. Jenn Thorson says:

    Ah– so THIS is the truth about cats and dogs… 🙂

  61. Somehow I think these two will manage to see eye-to-eye on pretty much everything!
    BTW….have you considered Smooshing Your Boobs?….please do!!! It’s fun & for a GOOD CAUSE! See my blog…and/or here! 🙂

  62. dr. wifey says:

    that pose by the extension cord did it for me! maybe since they are both missing an eye, they will not notice that one is dog and the other is cat LOL

  63. Ken Geraths says:

    Only you could find these two, And you should get them together….. I want to see a post on that when you do it…lol