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Of Bookworms and Trenchcoats

Have you ever walked down a city street late at night, alone, hearing only the click of your heels on the damp pavement, as the fog rolls in from the ocean, when all of a sudden a blogger steps out from an alley in a trenchcoat and whispers, “Psst. Hey buddy. C’mere. I wanna show you somethin.”? 

How many bookworms do you know who will show you the seedy underbelly of their lair? If they are anything like Nikki Krumpet, author of Blah Blah Blah Blog, they’ll pull you in, show you a little something-something, and shove you out the door – that’s all you get to see, you can go home now, thanks for stopping by, leave a comment on your way out, and don’t let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya.

We are like, totally best friends, Nikki and me. There’s only 451 degrees of separation between us. Fahrenheit, that is.

Nikki likes to read. A lot. Which prompted the need for her to invent ways to disguise them within her knick-knack shelves:

That picture is from her blog. You look at that and think, “Gosh, that’s a beautiful bookcase. Is that blonde oak?”

Nikki has something like twelve million books brilliantly stashed away in the nooks and crannies of her home, but you’d never know it, because she’s so adept at blending everything together. Each piece complements its neighbor.

Inspired by Nikki’s Martha Stewart ways, here is one of my furniture pieces dedicated to displaying my Spongebob Squarepants curios:

sbob books

If you walked into my house and saw this, just try to deny that the first words out of your mouth would be, “Gosh, is that the 2004 Limited Edition Paper Spongebob Pop-up?”

You didn’t even notice the books, did you? That’s because of the mad camo skillz I picked up from good ol’ Nik-Nik.

Anyway, thanks for stopping by, that’s all you get to see, you can go home now…etc.

small ban div

Goat Thing of The Day

yuma goat from ken

Thanks, Ken!

small ban div

So Nice, They Published It Twice…

So yeah, one my posts was such a runaway bestseller, that it has gone into a 2nd printing. It’s entitled “Found: FatCatchers Diary Discovered In the Garbage Behind Weight Watchers” and you can find it on the latest edition of MidLifeBloggers. The direct link to the post is HERE, and if you missed it the first time around and you’re Jonesing for more Nanny Goats comedic brilliance and can’t wait for the next regularly scheduled NGIP installment, then walk, don’t run to MidLifeBloggers!

And could you pick up a bag of Cheetos on your way over? We’re running low on snacks.

Not sure if you want to leave the confines of this blog to read my stuff on another blog? Well does this photo teaser help any?

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  1. natalie says:

    one of the few things we sent back from turkey was our books. all 29,384 of them. we got a call a couple of days ago telling us they arrived and will be delivered on friday. i was so glad to read your post so i can have a better idea how to disquise them. i’m off to buy some spongebob knick knacks! i wonder if i should buy a lot or if just a couple of good ones will distract from the bound paper frenzy that will be my loft.

  2. THE MUSE says:

    Land sakes i love you and panty goat blog…LOL
    the book shelf is brilliant!~

  3. Alex L. says:

    I read a book once… well I looked at the pictures… well, it was more a magazine, but that counts doesn’t it, most of the women had clothes on.

  4. Great post. But my favorite part today was the goat of the day. How cute!

  5. debbie says:

    Wow. I am so envious of your mad decorating skills. Just another example of how much better you are at everything:)

  6. Bobbi says:

    Do you really have the teen sensation Twilight book in your pile?
    P.S. What’s the Starbucks book about?

  7. Ann says:

    Who needs undereye concealer when you can wear a spongebob?

  8. That looks like my bookshelf, except mine is sagging in the middle.
    Have you read Infinite Jest? It’s quite an undertaking, but well worth it.

  9. Jessica Bern says:

    Interior design, please consider it? You’re a natural.

  10. If you want to dress up that shelf a bit more, you can put a giant dildo next to that Bill Clinton autobiography.

  11. mannequin says:

    Where are the large print Readers Digest? I don’t see any large print Readers Digest.
    The good thing about your style is that no one can see what you *really* read.

  12. Coco says:

    Hey, we have the same bookshelf! Except for Spongebob. I have PS3 games instead.

  13. Ronnica says:

    And who would want to disguise books? My book shelves (my roommate and I have 5 in our 2-bedroom apartment…they’re pretty much anywhere you look) look about like yours!

  14. Cynthia says:

    Your books look just like my books – except for spongebob. I admit I have no spongebob decor in my hacienda. I have midlife potporri and skrit. Do you dust your books? I don’t. After a while they turn a nice neutral grey. Goes with the rest of my stuff. Midlife crisis? Shouldn’t it be midlife cripeses? Cripes. I’m going off now to read your dumpster thingie.

  15. Michele says:

    Such a crack up! I love Nikki, too!

  16. Ellie says:

    Come On. She’s got *nuthin’* on your interior decor skills.

  17. your modifier is dangling says:

    …an alley in a trenchcoat?

  18. Lizzie says:

    Ha! My bookshelf looks the same way, but I hide all my dirty and embarassing books elsewhere 🙂

  19. Vic says:

    Look how you totally fooled the eye there. Was there a bookcase in the picture? Cause I didn’t even notice. Everything was so, Spongebobby.

  20. I am a bookaholic. It had gotten so bad last year, that I was buying books based on volume to try and slow me down!
    My books have been stacked two deep in the “library”, piled up on home-made shelves in the hallways, have taken up my bureau draws, with more on the floor with my clothes.
    Glad to see you live like me.

  21. Musing says:

    My Internet is all wonky tonight and I had to refresh the page like ten times just to get the comment link to show up. I’m so flustered now I forgot what I was going to say.

  22. Bill Clinton top row, Spongebob next row, HTML Java books after that, all these books define a piece of you but where’s the porn?

  23. lizspin says:

    I so sympathize with Niki. I could never work in a library. . . “You mean you want to take that book home??? With you???? Oh no! That wouldn’t be possible! We need to leave it here – you know – just in case. . . .”

  24. Rsusanna says:

    Gee that sight looks familiar….oh yeah, I have books lined up like that on shelves in my hallway. I had the bright idea to de-clutter the living room.

  25. Nikkicrumpet says:

    I was all misty when I saw the linky love….which I do really appreciate…but then you go and kick my ass with your far superior camo skills. Thanks for being the wind underneath my wings…and then knocking the wind out of me with a spongebob uppercut right in the belly!!! I bow to your greatness!

  26. Gosh, I’ve got soooo many books … that reminds me that I need to build more bookshelves. [sigh] I see you have BC book “My Lies”. LOL ♥ ∞

  27. LarryG says:

    I do, I do, I do Want that Sponge BOB!!!

  28. Chris Bowers says:

    Spongebob rocks!

  29. Okie Sister says:

    Too funny.
    I saw SpongeBob Squarepants on the second row, then notice SquintyeyedBill Caughtwithpantsdown on the first row.

  30. gingela5 says:

    I didn’t even notice Sponge Bob…I guess I’d need more than the Twilight series to hide all the crap laying around my house! 🙂

  31. Alison Veres says:

    I went to Ikea and bought a bookshelf called a “Billy” because my books were piling up and overflowing and gathering in little stacks all over my bureaus and nightstands and floors and kitchen counters. When I put all the stray books on the “Billy” I found there was some empty space. So I bought some more books. Then another “Billy” then some more books… I have, like, six “Billies.” I can’t stop.

  32. Blicky Kitty says:

    I think your home decorating posts are always my favorites. I still haven’t gotten over the shelf liner one…
    It that the Lies and the Lying Liars that Tell Them book? I’m so impressed that you read computer stuff — ya flippin genius.
    There’s just no way to own a ton books and make them look perfect unless you’re the gay guy that lives in the rooms you see in pottery barn. A clean house is the sure sign of and idle mind.

  33. Funny, I arrange my books to disguise my knick-knacks within by bookshelves.

  34. Jennifer says:

    I so need to bone up on my camo skills. I’d like to camo four children and a toys-r-us amount of toys and really make this place look empty. Ya think there’s help for people like me?

  35. Tracy says:

    After five international moves during my adult life, I’m pleased to say I’ve kicked the book hoarding habit. And now that I have five kids, I’ve pretty much had to swear off curios of any kind.
    In fact, now that the 2 year old has figured out how to stack a stool on top of a table and reach the nearly 6 foot tall mantle, I am going to throw everything out of the house except for blankets and pillows and just live like that.
    Please do not write a post mocking me because you are jealous of me and my super minimalist style.

  36. Jen says:

    I have a bookcase just like yours, including Mr. Squarepants. Even have the Clinton book and a few of the PERLs. I must go to MidLifeBloggers now but I am afraid I will never return…

  37. ZenMom says:

    I love Nikki’s blog. But I relate much better to your book shelf style. 🙂 My own book shelf style falls somewhere far below Martha Stewart, but still above, say, Oscar the Grouch. The result that several areas of my house resemble a used bookstore.

  38. Pricilla says:

    My publicist/udder massage specialist sold everything, moved into a fifthwheel trailer and traveled the country. The trailer was deemed overweight due to the overabundance of books. (books can be very tasty to a goat, you know). The freightliner built to pull the trailer was designed with extra compartments to carry her books. She is still buying books. Her new house is only 1000 sq feet but is being built around how to have enough bookshelves for her books. They will provide added insulation you know. An addict is an addict is an addict…..

  39. ali says:

    i think your bookshelves and my bookshelves should get together and go bowling 🙂

  40. Jaci says:

    HA! Well, I think you aced the bookshelf decorating course, sweetie. But for an extra special smiley face check mark, you should add another sponge Bob for the sake of symmetry.

  41. Gladys says:

    My husbanad, Kahuna, finally made me start giving away some of my books when I tried to make them into furniture. He drew the line at the bed of books. I knew I should have used paperbacks.

  42. Ha ha! Love the book case – er – pile of books and Sponge Bob!

  43. Now I feel better….That’s more like what my bookshelves look like. God help us.

  44. Lynda says:

    Oh yeah, Sponge Bob completely distracted my eye…thanks for the tip!

  45. Actually my first reaction was, “Wow, she has a lot of books about Perl.”

  46. Midlife Mama says:

    OMG did you teleport my bookshelf to your house???? But I can’t see the books; ol’ Spongebob keeps getting in the way. LOL
    I am SO GLAD someone else has a bookshelf that looks like mine.

  47. annette says:

    Thanks for the decorating tip! I have a rather large Plankton I could use for camo…

  48. heather says:

    Okay, first of all, as soon as I read the post title and opening lines, I immediately had this: stuck in my head. Hee!
    I too read Nikki’s post, and am duly impressed with both of your mad camo skillz on hiding the books. We’re presently in stage one of getting our house ready to sell: decluttering. Alas, this has led to many a disagreement with my hubby, because we have different ideas of what a “cluttered” bookcase is, exactly. This is a huge problem in our house, as we’re two adult bookworms raising a rabid kid bookworm to boot, so we have more books than we have space to hold. Le sigh.
    I just boxed up about 100 books over the weekend to haul off to storage, and I’m a little jittery now, seeing all that empty space on the bookcase…

  49. Fhina says:

    How alike the home life of our own dear Queen, NGIP – It’s very like A Woman’s house, I’ll say. Nikki is a darling blogger, and I felt quite inferior when I perused her lovely interior!
    Love the goat pic – Fantastic, thank you for always making me laugh, NGIP!

  50. lisa says:

    Nikki’s bookcase is very nice, but sterile. I’ll take a SpongeBob curio collection anyday. Looking good.

  51. Blognut says:

    Hey! My bookshelf looks just like yours, only I never thought to call it a good thing. I’m feeling better now. Thanks!

  52. Yaya says:

    Glad to see another classic NGIP post! Love you!

  53. Hula says:

    NGIP-You outdo yourself in each new post! I did see Nikki’s post of her camo books and was quite impressed. But I have to say, yours is such a much better job of camo. I’m so impressed. Sponge Bob totally stole the show!

  54. winifred says:

    Love it. I’ve added a comment.
    Keep up the good work and keep me laughing in my retirement. It’s a bit like unemployment except you don’t have to go for job interviews.
    Let’s face it nobody wants a silver surfer.