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Dog Gone It: A Bark For Help

You know the evil stepsisters in Cinderella? The ones with control issues, who are mean, and quite possibly ugly? Did you ever wonder what horrible childhood they must have had in order to be so evil, because their behavior just doesn’t make any sense?

Some of you may remember my talking about Wink last July:

I went on and on about how well taken care of she is.

Five weeks ago, Wink escaped into the neighbor’s yard through a slightly hidden portion of rain-damaged fence. The neighbor’s yard has no fences, so she started shuffling off to Buffalo. She got picked up (probably for hitchhiking) and is currently being held without bail at a Save-A-Mutt shelter by Cinderella’s proverbial ugly step sisters. They refuse to return Wink to her rightful owner. Why? They are claiming that Wink is not being properly taken care of. They say they are going to find a “better” home for her and give her to someone else.

The ugly step sisters’ original story was that my friend was showing improper care because this incident happened before. And it did. Once. Over a year ago.

The Save-A-Mutt shelter had one of those lo-jack chips installed upon adoption and listed themselves as the primary owner and refused to list my friend as primary owner. It’s been FOUR YEARS and they still refuse to make her the primary owner. (WTF?)

The police say they cannot do anything about this kidnapping because it is a civil matter, not a criminal matter as there was a contract for this adoption.

After my friend got an attorney, the evil stepsisters at Save-A-Mutt changed their story to claim Wink showed up dirty with matted fur and while they were at it, made other false accusations.

Does this look like an unkempt dog to you?

Wink NYE 2005-6
New Years Eve 2005-6

Wink NYE 2008-9
New Years Eve 2008-9

I’ve only allowed two dogs into my home and Wink is one of them. Wink is the least neglected dog I know. Wink accompanied us to lunches and dinners at restaurants that allowed dogs. Wink has been to my New Year’s Eve parties. (Quiet, calm, New Years Eve parties with six to ten people, lest the “rescue” operation try to turn my parties into some debaucherous affairs.)

Her groomer has written a letter to testify to Wink’s care. Her groomer! You know, the person who cleans her and trims her fur on a regular basis. Fur that is too short to be matted, by the way.

It has been five weeks since Wink was “rescued” by Save-A-Mutt. Needless to say, my friend is distraught. I want to alert the media. I want to call Ellen. I want Prince Charming who has the other glass slipper to get over there already and save the princess. I want to help, but I don’t know what to do. I am writing a letter to Whom It May Concern to tell anyone who can read that this dog is the least neglected dog I know.

What power and control issues do the people at Save-A-Mutt have that have convinced themselves they are somehow “saving” this dog? We are not talking about a pit bull who has mauled someone. We are talking about a poor defenseless one-eyed ball of fur who needs her mommy!

We have to get Wink back. I’ve been trying to fix her up with a one-eyed cat for months, and this will ruin all that hard work.There is no way a guy would want a girl who is labeled “homeless”.

And what if the evil step sisters find another home for her? Can you imagine?

Do you know where my friend first discovered Wink and fell in love with her and made the donation and signed the papers and took her home and fed her and groomed her? That’s right, Save-A-Mutt.

What is wrong with people?

Boy, I sure hope this horrible story has a happy ending.

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  1. Pooba says:

    That makes me angry! That dog is just adorable! I hope this story has a happy ending too!

  2. Fluffbrain says:

    i have just one thing to say about this:
    (should i make up some t-shirts?)

  3. cranelegs says:

    Okay … it’s just a thought but do you think it might be possible she ran away because of the bow and clothing torture. i mean look at her. why it’s akin to ralphie wearing that dumb bunny outfit his deranged aunt made him (in The Christmas Story). Tell them you’ll stop with the bows and clothes and i bet you get her back licketty split. good luck!

  4. JD says:

    i’m back. no more blunt wit. just naughty jester. missed ya. and the dogs…..

  5. Pseudo says:

    I voted for you woman.

  6. Breathe says:

    Sounds like a hostage situation. I hear the navy seals have some time on their hands this week.

  7. Hoodchick says:

    They must exercise the dogs outdoors at some point. I’d take a stun gun and get my damn dog back.

  8. I hope this gets worked out and that pup can go back home because really, that is just all kinds of stupid.

  9. MommyTime says:

    This is seriously messed up. On the part of Save a Mutt, obviously. I hope your friend gets her dog back (though I’m not sure how to make that happen). And then I hope she takes the dog to the vet and has the vet remove the lojack.

  10. Blond Duck says:

    See, this is why I won’t adopt dogs. These people spend so much time micromanaging they won’t let decent people rescue and save animals! We must save Wink!

  11. Rebecca says:

    Nothing saddens me more than animals suffering at the hands of stupid people…I hope the pup is home with your friend where she belongs – SOON!
    Here’s a fun goat link from my home town that made me think of you.

  12. dana says:

    I can only imagine Wink’s emotions right now. He only knows that his owners have deserted him right back into the hell where they saved him.
    I wonder if a vet can have that chip removed and his owners FIX THE DAMN FENCE.

  13. Tina says:

    OMG! That is horrible. They are not “quite possibly ugly”, they are absolutely ugly people.
    Steal Wink back!

  14. You should post the email address for this organization so your readers can write angry letters…

  15. Charlene says:

    I’m sure if she was neglected, they wouldn’t be trying for five weeks to get her back. By now they would have another puppy and have moved on. Just saying. I hope thier lawyer gets a move on. Even without a contract of adoption, all the people willing to swear to her ownership and good care should be enough. Keep us posted. I don’t know what I’d do if someone took my puppu girls (and one does have a tendancy to run – and break leashes to do it). It happens.

  16. Scott says:

    She should go to a chemistry lab, distill some eau de pitbull pheromones, and then spray them all over her neighbours. Watch them rapidly go off anything canine.

  17. mannequin says:

    Heh. A neighbor once called the SPCA on us because our 16 yr old mutt had dermatitis. The “informant” had no clue and yet it caused them to pay us a visit.
    Yeah. The dog looks real neglected. How horrible, I’m sure Wink misses mommy.
    Torn between spitting fire and hate blogging Save-A-Mutt,

  18. Kristin says:

    OMG! That is horrible. I would be so angry and upset all at the same time if i couldn’t get my dog back. I hope she’s definately talking to her lawyer and getting things in order. Good luck! And kick some Save-a-Mutt butt!

  19. Nooter says:

    get a friend who is unknown to the evil step sisters to go in and adopt the dog, then they can return it to rightful owner afterward.

  20. Sarah says:

    WHAT? That’s crazy!
    That dog doesn’t look the least bit neglected.
    Pampered more than my child…possibly. But definitely not neglected!
    Hope Wink is able to go home soon.
    Maybe ya’ll should break in Save-A-Mutt and bust her out…Okay, that’s probably against the law and therefore a bad idea…

  21. Amy Mullis says:

    This dog is better dressed than I am–not to mention the stylish haircut. When there are dogs who honestly need a home, why are these poopy heads playing hard to get with one that already has a family? Let’s storm their facility chanting Save a Mutt, Kiss my. . .nooo, that wouldn’t work. But I hope it turns out okay. (And thanks for visiting my blog. I was headed to yours, because of the goats of course, and you beat me to it!)

  22. kel says:

    That’s insane! Wink looks wonderfully cared for!!
    ps. new here. Your blog is great!

  23. ToyLady says:

    It sounds to me like someone “found” a well-behaved, healthy, cute little puppy-dog and has decided to “adopt” it.
    Free Wink!

  24. Deidre says:

    A similar thing happened to my brother while he lived in canada – but they put the dog to sleep. THEY KILLED MY BROTHER’S DOG.
    Get Ellen involved for sure!
    OR I liked the idea of you adopting Wink – and giving her back to the owner.

  25. Betts says:

    OMG! i’m all for “save the animals” and all that, but geez… give this woman back her dog. If you figure out anything we all can do, let us know.

  26. Brandi says:

    i am on board for the Free Wink picket Line! I can take the hours of 3,4,5 in the pm!
    BTW….would you like to do a guest post for me? I am putting together a week of guest bloggers and I would love to have you on!

  27. Okay, we need “Free Wink” T-Shirts and bumper stickers from Cafe Press, stat.

  28. Mike says:

    I take very good care of my dog. She’s daddies little girl and I have dozens of people that can attest to it.
    If that ever happened to me and my dog, it would take all the power of god not to make me haul off and break every single one of these people.

  29. Joanna J says:

    Oh hell NO! This is not right. I Googled Save-A-Mutt and got Is that the same thing? Let me know…. I’ll write a letter that will set their hair on fire.

  30. vodkamom says:

    oh for God’s sake. Are you kidding??

  31. lizspin says:

    Sweet Jesus! Those stepsisters ARE ugly!!!
    It’s a disgrace to doggiekind!!!

  32. Save-a-mutt are bastards trying to find a cause to make sure their shotty org does not go down. Ridick!
    How do goats and dogs get a long? beware of the save-a-goat people.

  33. Yaya says:

    Oh no.
    Geez, you would think they would want pets to go back to their homes.

  34. Lindsay says:

    This post makes me want to kick someone’s ass. If someone took my dog, I would be one of those people that walks in and shoots the place up, and my neighbors would say “she was always so nice, so quiet” and my job would say “I can’t believe it. She was always so ethical.” But I would kill for my dog. I just know it.

  35. Ilsa says:

    That’s recockulous! It’s helping out gone out of control.
    Ringo said he hopes Wink gets out of jail/custody and back home soon!

  36. Anna Lefler says:

    This is OUTRAGEOUS. Is this a government agency or an independent organization? What else is this lawyer going to do? Do they adopt out – in which case can a “friend” adopt the dog and return it to its rightful mommy? Have the police been notified? FIVE WEEKS?!?! I’m really steamed about this. Please keep us informed, okay? Sweet Wink!

  37. Mary says:

    Oh my god… you have GOT to be kidding me. Do you have a local “action reporter?” If so CALL THEM NOW! Gather a phone list of people you know to call these idiots and attest to your character, or her character if they cannot attest to the dog’s care. What about the police? Essentially dogs are property, and these people have her property. She should file a police report and notify them that she is.
    And to think, some animal somewhere is probably suffering with abuse for real while these people waste their time with this crap.

  38. AnnsRants says:

    That Twink time-stepped her way into my heart. And my heart was already full.
    Sad story…

  39. This makes me so angry – and sad for your friend!
    Please make sure to let us know how it all runs out!

  40. Tammy says:

    Who do those people think they are. This is so wrong, they want dogs to have good homes, and this little dog does so why are they keeping it from it’s home and love. Ugh, someone should charge them with cruelity to animals because they are not focusing or saving the ones in need obviously.

  41. How sad! Poor little foo-foo dog 🙁

  42. Shannon says:

    This is horrible! I hope the media does get involved… so everyone can see what kind of “rescue operation” these yahoos are doing. I mean, if this kind of thing is what they are focusing their efforts on… how much real rescuing are they doing?!
    I hope Wink goes home soon!!!

  43. Mighty M says:

    Give that family back their PET!!! Can’t wait to hear about the happy ending soon!!

  44. K says:

    I hate this kind of stuff.
    You think they could find enough dogs that actually need saving.
    I adopted one of my cats from a shelter and they were a bit crazy too. They had to do a home visit and interviews. I’m pretty sure it would have been easier to get a foster kid.

  45. Sparky says:

    I’m with Daisymom! Does your friend have a gun? You can borrow one of mine deary. I would ruin those peoples lives forever if they ever messed with my pooches. Y’all need to campaign to GET THIS SHELTER SHUT DOWN!! It’s not about abuse .. it’s about abuse of power via Save-A-Mutt. Contact the local media. Get the ball rolling. Let us know what happens, ‘k?

  46. Here’s a thought, in the event that the evil, ugly, wicked stepsisters don’t let Wink’s mommy reclaim her……
    What if *you* showed up at the shelter and asked to be Wink’s new family, and then you could just return her to her rightful human?
    I mean, it doesn’t sound like Save-A-Mutt does much follow-up on pet adoptions if they didn’t even realize that Wink’s mommy got her from them in the first place.
    Just a thought. Though I like getting the media, especially Ellen, involved. I mean, I love Ellen.
    Alternatively, I bet you could raise a Goat Army to go over and chew on the stepsisters until they yell UNCLE. You know goats – they’ll eat anything.
    I hope Wink and her human are reunited soon!!

  47. Joe says:

    Jerks run amuck.
    Hope it all works out. Stupid do-gooders. I’m willing to bet that there are dozens of pets being abused while they are busy harassing your friend.

  48. Gladys says:

    Call channel 9 and let whatshisname get after them!
    This is ridiculous. One time our local Rover Rescue Rangers tried to take my dog that was standing right next to me. They said I didn’t have a collar and leash on her. DUH! She just broke the collar and I was trying to wrestle the leash around her excited head when you drove up yelling at me. I think they would have taken her too if my dog hadn’t threatened to chew their legs off. 🙂
    She wouldn’t hurt a flea but she sure sounds tough.

  49. That story makes me real mad. Anyone can tell that little Wink is a cherished and well-cared for little doggie. It would be heartbreaking if she does not get to go home.
    ps: I love her fancy diamond encrusted cocktail dress.

  50. Shalee Clark says:

    That is so terrible… You should write to Ellen. She’d be sure to help.
    I would sue them for abuse too.

  51. Alisha says:

    That’s horrible! I hope they give your friend back her dog! Wow … that is one pampered puppy!

  52. melly says:

    RU kidding me? I’m writing them a! Is that the real name..Save a Mutt?

  53. daisysmom says:

    If, by accident, Daisy, my lovely microchipped, dressed-to-the-nines puppy got lost and then rescued, I’d be thrilled. But if someone thought they could keep her for overnight… much less five weeks, they’d better have pretty good security because I’m coming after somebody- with one big gun. Exactly what right do they have to keep my dog? Says who? Walk tall and carry a big stick… and get out of my way between me and my dog.

  54. ByJane says:

    I can’t believe this could happen. What does the lawyer say???

  55. Pricilla says:

    If they spent this much energy actually SAVING dogs could you imagine the good they would do?
    You friend should sue them for abuse….

  56. Sheila says:

    Stupid people suck. Hope your friends gets her pooch back. Maybe the Save A Mutts should worry more about actual abuse. I wonder if it’s the same organization that gave Ellen all that trouble.