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What Happens When My Inner Child Gets Ahold of the Camera

Today I am the featured guest on Ann’s Rants: Confessions of a Work Week Widow for Free Association Friday, but before you click over there (and I think you should because I’m just a barrel of laughs, although I’m far too humble to ever say such a thing), I wanted to show you this picture I took when I was ten years old the other day, as evidenced by the description in the upper left quadrant:

I didn’t know sperm had eyes, did you? I guess that’s why it’s the ….. Seeeeeecret of the Deeeeeeep.

Anyway, please go over to Ann’s Rants, where today, hilarity ensues. Why? Because I’m on it. If you can’t trouble yourself just now, then at least set your TIVO, because you don’t want to miss it.

CLICK HERE to see my guest spot over at Ann’s Rants.

So Nice They Posted it Twice

Ann’s article featuring Yours Truly has also been published over at Humor Bloggers Dot Com!

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  1. Cheri Pryor says:

    My inner child thinks your inner child is funny. Post something about boogers and we will be lifelong friends….but you can leave the picture out. lol!

  2. Nikkicrumpet says:

    Just what do sperm have to look at anyway…it’s not like there are great views in their neighborhoods.

  3. Every time I click on our blog, I laugh HYSTERICALLY. That was way too funny.

  4. VE says:

    Why do sperm have eyes? It’s pretty dark in there…do they have mag lights too?

  5. Mojo says:

    Okay, the “kumquat” one just about put the coffee through the old schnozz. Now that I’ve stopped choking and coughing and spluttering, I believe you have the title slightly off. Wasn’t it “Kumtwat”? Or maybe it was “Thumbtwat”. Or possibly “Some Twat”… which I believe was subtitled “Sister”. Or some such thing.
    I digress.

  6. Mojo says:

    You had Bollywood Hits on Demand when you were 10??? How lucky!

  7. Sarah says:


  8. Carebear says:

    Hahahahahaha!!! Glad to see I’m not the only one with a juvenile sense of humor, LOL! Stopped by to tell you that while you did NOT win the BIG prize over at my blog, I liked your comment so much that I’m awarding you a consellation prize which will include yummy treats from Seattle!!!! So please email me your mailing address at so I can send you your prize!!!! And check out your mention over at my blog today!
    of Not Quite A Fairytale… Beauty and the little Beast

  9. LOL! Being 10 rules. I don’t know why anybody thinks otherwise.

  10. mannequin says:

    tsk, tsk, tsk. Sperms and Secrets of the Deep. Oh my.

  11. Scott says:

    I thought it was just men who had age-lapses?
    I read a newspaper article by SAPA the other day, in which they described the Kenyan Aristocrat murder case. They commented that it is the seocnd time that the man has been killed in two years.
    Heh heh.

  12. I can’t believe you didn’t know that sperm had eyes. I mean, COME ON! How do you think they get to where they’re going inside a uterus? They have to SEEEEE, dummy! Sheesh. And you call yourself a ten-year-old adult?

  13. Rhea says:

    I think you’re closer to 12 yrs old. lol Pure middle school humor, baby.
    You’re hilarious.

  14. K says:

    There are so many dirty jokes, I can’t pick just one.
    Love it.

  15. Nooter says:

    Fish heads, Fish heads
    Roly poly Fish heads
    Fish heads, Fish heads
    Eat them up, Yum!

  16. Sheila says:

    Sperm with eyes. Eweeee. They SO do not have eyes. (do they? lol)
    I’ll go check you out on the other places, very cool btw)

  17. Hah! Headed over to Ann’s to check you out.

  18. Braja says:

    I’m surrounded by stars: you, Ann, everyone….damn you’re hot 🙂
    And YAY I GOT ONTO YOUR PAGE!!!!!!!!! dance dance kick the heels (all in my imagination, if you saw me you’d know why…la la la la 555555!!!!!! lol)

  19. Joanna J says:

    Priceless. Absolutely priceless.
    You crack me up every time!
    Have a great weekend.

  20. Jan says:

    As my grandson used to say.. you crack me up!
    Jan 🙂

  21. The Muse says:

    Alright..I am headed that way!

  22. Beth says:

    Is it wrong of me to want to watch that show?

  23. Gladys says:

    My 12 year old little boy who lives inside of me is snickering too.

  24. Drew says:

    What in the hell were you doing up at 1:30 am when you were 10 years old!?!

  25. Amber says:

    Yipes! Scary sperm! I’m going to remember this and when my husband wants to do the deed I’ll just say something like, “Your sperm eyes scare me too much,” which will only confuse him but will hopefully distract him so he won’t want to do it anymore.

  26. Mighty M says:

    I’ll go check it out!

  27. Sparky says:

    I used to think a sperm bank distributed money … BOY, was I wrong! har har
    Just think, no commuting for 2 days. [sigh] Have a great weekend pal! :o)

  28. Valerie says:

    Funny, funny!! Off to Ann’s Rants.
    Have a great weekend!!

  29. Kristina says:

    Oh, you slay me.

  30. Jourdan says:

    hahaha, the eyes of a sperm. that’s hilarious. I’m not sure i knew what sperm was when i was ten years old!!

  31. Michelle says:

    I laughed out loud at this. I love your inner 10 year old!

  32. AnnsRants says:

    panting…panting…your Oreo Ms. Panites.

  33. Tracy says:

    There is something wrong with people who wouldn’t have taken a photo of that.
    Camera phone was the best thing ever invented, IMO.