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Interview with Uma Thurman. Yes THAT Uma Thurman

When is someone going to expose the fact that Hillary Swank and Matt Damon are the same person? Have you ever seen them in the same room togther? Have they both ever starred in the same film?

Also? They BOTH have that same upside down smile. You know what I mean. Where the corners are turned down instead of up even though their teeth are showing.

Anyway, I’m not the only one who thinks this, and as usual, that’s not why I brought you here.

No, I called this meeting today to discuss the right way and the wrong way to interview a celebrity. And those of you at home might want to call up your favorite celebrity now and follow along as I walk you through the proper steps.

First of all, be specific. I was on the phone with Uma Thurman the other day and I asked her if she had a funny story about the filming of Motherhood, an upcoming movie where she plays Eliza, a stay-at-home mother (SAHM) and mommyblogger. She said she didn’t have a specific funny story, although she did say “I think I threw my lower back out doing those endless pounding up-and-down-the-stair shots with dogs and it had been a few years since I’d had that back pack on. And I never liked those either. They make you feel like the baby is a not-very-well-secured ball of ice cream on a somewhat broken wafer cone. It’s quite nerve-wracking how spindly and top heavy you feel with that thing on.”

So while she did say something, I didn’t make it very easy for her and Uma had to work harder to come up with an answer. What I should have asked, obviously, is what she was wearing. Or how she was able to eat at the studio commissary with those big thumbs while shooting Even Cowgirls Get the Blues, although that would have been a little off-topic. But “off-topic” is my middle name.

So yeah, I was a dork and essentially asked, “Do you have anything funny to say, DERRRRRRRR???”

Luckily, some other bloggers were on the call and had the decency to ask intelligent, thoughtful questions.

Like Jennifer (Hip as I Wanna Be) who asked Uma how the audience would relate to her character, Eliza.

In response, Uma told us that “The character is someone who has chosen to be a stay-at-home-mother and yet she’s struggling with that decision. She feels fulfilled, yet compromised by being in total babyland and not stimulating other sides of herself.”

Uma Thurman in Motherhood

Lara (Chicken Nuggets of Wisdom) asked her if she felt motherhood had been overlooked by Hollywood. See what smart questions you can ask if you just think about it for a minute? Maybe I was blank because with no kids, I had nothing to draw on. In any event, Uma said she did believe that motherhood has been “put on the third shelf” in Hollywood.

Mary (Wired Moms) wanted to know if she was surprised by anything during the production. Uma said she was surprised how the children that she worked with were such good actors, having never played a realistic mom before.

Motherhood is one of the first films to tackle the subject of mommy-blogging. Uma’s character Eliza is a writer who blogs for a creative outlet. Kacey (Chronicles of a Mommy) asked Uma if she’d researched blogs for her role, and Uma admitted that she hadn’t, saying: “I feel so badly telling you that.”

Uma Thurman is Eliza in Motherhood

Motherhood opens Friday, October 23 in New York, LA, San Francisco, Boston, and Chicago. The rest of the country will have the chance to see it beginning on Friday, October 30.


For more information about Motherhood including a trailer, you can go to the Motherhood film website.

(All pics lifted from

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  1. SO COOL!! You got to talk to Uma Thurman!! I really would have liked to hear the answers to your questions instead.
    Thanks for sharing, and I can’t wait to see this movie.
    I heard you met Connie from The Young and Relentless… she was really excited to meet you.
    Can’t wait to hear your side of LasVegas.

  2. Deidre says:

    I am not sure if Hilary and Matt are the same person – but they are certainly siblings…

  3. Jennifer says:

    OMG! How could I have missed that?!! You are so right! Matt Damon and Hilary Swank are so definitely the same person. Wow! How come this hasn’t been brought to the attention of people everywhere, yet?
    ANYway…Uma Thurman as a mommyblogger, eh? Hmm…not sure if I can buy that or not. Does she weild a sword and yellow jumpsuit in this movie too?

  4. She did NO research on blogging moms? That’s it; I’m totally boycotting that movie.

  5. Great interview! I’m a little surprised she didn’t research blogging moms.
    Can’t wait to see it!

  6. Gladys says:

    Why don’t they do one on a middle aged random, rambling blogger? I mean I’m willing to sacrafice and give them my story…heck I’ll even play myself in the movie. I said PLAY myself not play with myself…

  7. Melly says:

    I would have asked her if she reads Ethan Hawke’s novels.

  8. Tracy says:

    Wonderful! I will have to go check out the movie! :o)

  9. Manic Mommy says:

    I want to see the movie, despite the fact that I’m living it. She does look pretty stereo-typed, which is disappointing. Also very disappointing that she didn’t read any mommy blogs. You need to immerse yourself in the blogisphere! (cuz, you know, I know what I’m talking about, Uma).

  10. Steven Bloom says:

    I just want to tell you that I love your writing style. I RSS your posts and they are the first ones I read.
    If you ever want to post on the local comedy scene, please let me know! (Unfortunately, they don’t allow nanny goats in the local comedy clubs though 🙂
    Thanks again for your entertaining writing. Steven

  11. Jayne says:

    I love Uma and now I feel like we’re practically BFF’s. I know you. You know Uma. That’s only one degree of separation! I wonder what she’s doing for lunch.

  12. dane says:

    manjo, uma.
    uma, manjo.

  13. Jan says:

    So, did Quentin Tarantino like making this film, too?

  14. Nezzy says:

    Ya’ll are gonna’ make Miss Nanny Goats in Panties jealous intervening Ms Thurman and leaving her completely out of the picture. Nanny IS the star of this blog, right? BTW, was Uma wearing any?…..Panties that is. Shoes and underwear are kinda’ considered optional here in the Ozarks.
    Ya’ll have a blast today!!!

  15. Mighty M says:

    Big thumbs – I think the lunch question may have been the best unasked question – bet she’s never had that one before!

  16. Anonymous says:

    Um, excuse me.
    “I was on the phone with Uma Thurman the other day”
    Yeah. I toss out sentences like that all that time. Like it’s nothing.
    You are some kind of golden god. How are you scoring these interviews? I LOVE Uma Thurman, mainly for her performance in Kill Bill. I’d probably ignore her new movie and focus only on Kill Bill, which obviously wasn’t the point of the interview.
    Oh so jealous.
    Oh, and great job (grinds teeth in jealousy).

  17. moooooog35 says:

    And not a single question about Oprah?
    Shit like this is why I need to do these interviews.

  18. Theresa says:

    Okay, there is no way that I’m ever going to believe that Uma or someone like her is a SAHM. They should have picked someone that could portray that better.
    And that pacifier in her mouth for the billing poster is corny.

  19. Sevi says:

    It happens to the best of us! I probably would’ve been that one person on the call asking if she had ever met Leonardo DiCaprio or something lame like that. I’m actually going to drag the man to see Motherhood with me!

  20. I have a few things for you on my blog :o)

  21. “I was on the phone with Uma Thurman the other day…” You are such a name-dropper 🙂
    Promise me I can be in the room when you are on the phone with George Clooney for the “Goat” movie interview, Pretty please!

  22. gg says:

    i’m glad you asked her a thought provoking question. one of my biggest pet peeves of anyone doing celebrity interviews {whether it be the red carpet or on the Today Show}is when they ask the dumb questions. my dream is to do nothing but interview celebs or work with them. i am living vicariously thru all you bloggers involved in the Motherhood film promo.

  23. Scott says:

    Ah Margaret…you always think your interviews are terrible. You’ll probably flip (along with the rest of us) when you do a decent one. 😉
    Good to see a post from you!

  24. Bobbi says:

    I like your questions better!
    Way to keep Uma on her toes!

  25. Pricilla says:

    You are talking to the important folk lately.
    When you get all famous like that are you going to remember us little goats?

  26. DG at Diaryofamadbathroom says:

    You get great interiews. Do you think the lacy panties are part of the reason why?

  27. elmlish says:

    There was a study done, not too long ago, where they measured a significant drop in intelligence when people were talking to people they found attractive.
    I fully believe this study as it is the least embarrassing justification for my own behavior in front of celebrities.
    Kudos on getting access to The Uma, she of the goddessosityness…hood.

  28. Jen says:

    It would have been cool had she stopped by a few mommy blogs before she did this role but as a “mommy blogger” I didn’t do any research when I started the whole thing. I still don’t know what I’m doing. She probably nailed it.

  29. Braja says:

    You said you have no kids….shame on you Ms Panties!!
    How did this happen, anyway, this whole interview with Uma thing? Have i missed something? Has she been calling around to blogging women and me, in my usual refusal to answer phones, missed it? 🙂

  30. Lisa says:

    You did better than I would have. I would be like all, “Hey Uma, remember that time when um, um, um, when Conan O’Brian, oh crap, ummmm, I mean David Letterman did that thing with your name and Oprah?”
    “yes”. (That’s Uma, she speaks in all lower case.)
    (This is me) “Yeah, that was awesome.”
    (I love me some Chris Farley.)

  31. Beth says:

    You impress me! I do love Uma as an actress but I am disappointed that she didn’t read some mommy blogs to get a good feel for the program. I guess she had researchers to do that for her.

  32. CatLadyLarew says:

    I am in awe of you, getting to interview all these celebs!
    What I want to know is why isn’t Uma’s picture on your follower widget? It’s the least she could do after admitting she didn’t do any blog research for the role! I’m very disappointed with her.
    But you and the nanny goats definitely rock!

  33. mrsmouthy says:

    The difference between Uma and a real mom is that it takes 2 hours for a professional to make Uma’s hair look haphazard (and beautiful), but a SAHM’s hair looks haphazard (and GROSS) in no time at all.

  34. AnnsRants says:

    Hey, at least you didn’t pull out the Oprah/Uma joke, right?

  35. Sharlene says:

    How could she possibly know anything about mommy blogging if she didn’t bother researching it? Hmmmm… do I wanna see this movie or is it just gonna piss me off?

  36. Roxane says:

    Im surprised that she read NO mommy blogs at all… I’m not a mommy-blogger but I am disappointed that she didnt do her homework. (look at me poo-pooing on an A-lister as if my opinion matters!)

  37. Jennifer G says:

    You know what I think? She should have been ready for that question. It was easy. You totally outfoxed her. So there!
    I went for the boring, predictable ones. (Which she totally COULD answer.)
    That is why you are Barbara Walters and I am like, the local weather girl.

  38. Amy B. says:

    Here’s what bugs me about this movie: I don’t like seeing Uma looking frumpy. There, I said it.
    Let a frumpy actress play a frumpy part. Let Uma remain the goddess that she is.

  39. Terrific post. Girl you sure to write well! So when is the movie coming out about Nanny Goats in Panties?