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Goat Thing of the Day: Baby Goats Hop on Bus

Last week, two baby goats hopped on a bus in Vancouver, Washington. They broke out of their pen and followed two woman to the bus stop. And tried to board a bus with the two women. And knowing how frugal goats can be, you can bet they didn’t have a bus pass.

Initially, I couldn’t find a way to embed the video here, and had planned for you to click on the picture below to take to you the Fox 12 Oregon News video. Or have you read the baby goat bus story on their website.

baby goats board a bus
Yoda and Yates. (Thanks, Sue!)

But then, Owen from the Magic Lantern Show happened to send me a link to where CNN picked it up and is therefore embeddable, so you can press play on this one:

Now, for the benefit of my many many thousands of Kindle subscribers who are unable to view video (unless you have the Amazon Super Massive Turbo Kindle Master 2012X), allow me to describe to you the contents of said video:  Two baby goats try to board a bus.

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  1. OMG, I saw this on the news and had a NGIP moment (so did The Hubs) and then I couldn't find it that night on YouTube but then forgot to look the next day. Glad you saw it and glad Owen was able to get you the embeded file, it is just too cute!!
    Have a great weekend!

  2. Agreed. Close the door. Quit staring at them. No offense, Nanny, but goats are a PIA. 😉

  3. debbie_suburbsanity says:

    Goat discrimination! That is plainly what that is.

  4. Wendi says:

    Moooog 35 stole my line.

  5. moooooog35 says:

    Two baby goats try to board a bus…

    I'm waiting for the 'priest and a rabbi' part of the joke.

  6. anymommy says:

    The last line rocked. We have a picture of Nepalese goats above our bed. Is that weird? You of all people should not think so 😉

  7. mrsmouthy says:

    That's mean to call those two, nice-looking ladies “goats.”

  8. marlaahansen says:

    Looks to me like the goats are the only smart ones!

    “Hey Yoda! Let's see how many times we can jump on and off this here bus afore they figure to close that there door.”

    “Ok, Yates. You going first or shall I?”

  9. Leeuna says:

    Oh they are so cute. But I kept repeating in my head “close the door, close the door.” The driver finally heard me. wheesh! I hope he didn't run them over!

  10. And here I finally thought I had a goat story I could share with you and I am beaten to the punch. I saw this story on an Anderson Cooper tweet while I was at work. I wanted to share it with you but I got busy and forgot until just now. But I should know better than to think you would miss out on a great goat story like this.

  11. Decoybetty says:

    Goats are busy, I totally get that. Things to see, y'all, things to see.

  12. Dude! Close the door already! Cute, though. Very, very, goatily cute.

  13. Ah, now I grew up in Vancouver WA. This kind of behavior does not surprise me at all.

  14. CatLadyLarew says:

    Oh, those goats are far too cute for their own good! Makes me want to take one home with me… but not on the bus.

  15. David says:

    I have to wonder why the driver was too retarded to simply close the fricken door after the two women got on-board.

  16. Nezzy says:

    Ya know they probably ate their pass for dessert. I think the gals are tryin' to go to Victorias Secret to buy some new panties!!

    Have a super day void of any goats hitchin' a ride!!!

  17. Nooter says:

    must be village goats- uptown goats woulda taken a cab

  18. Jayne says:

    Oh, no! Now I'm going to be worried about the goats all day. I hope they made it home safely.

  19. Dale Ottley says:

    The CNN video did not populate yet. I'll try to view it later. What the heck is so unusual about baby goats boarding public transportation anyway? They've got pl-a-a-a-ces to go and pe-e-e-ople to see too.

  20. winifred says:

    Spoilsports! I would have paid their fares and taken them home!

  21. Pricilla says:

    Abigail has tried to run off with the UPS man several times. He is not amused.
    The publicist is.

  22. Surfie says:

    Aw, those poor goats! I wonder what happened after the bus left. They're so cute! I'm going to have to keep my eyes peeled so I can spot a Goat Thing of the Day! I think that's going to be a little bit difficult here in Myrtle Beach though…

  23. IDoThings says:

    HA! Hey, how'd you get thousands of Kindle subscribers so fast?