Nanny Goats in Panties Rotating Header Image

Goat Thing of the Day: Performance Art

Imagine that clunky tinny circus music as you fidget in your seat, wondering if you shouldn’t have had that last fried something-on-a-stick, followed by absolute silence. Followed by a drum roll. The announcer comes over the microphone as you crane your neck upward: “Layyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyydees and Gentlemen! If you will direct your attention to Miss Lila one hundred feet above me….”:

via Julia from Sometimes Lucid

Is she going to walk a tightrope? Dive into a bucket? What is this poor goat, who is literally half white and half brown, as if her coloring was professionally done, doing way up there?

Also, here’s a lovely gift idea for the goat girl or guy who has everything:

as seen on Kim Graham Studios via Elmlish

Today’s is the last day to enter the Marrying George Clooney Giveaway. The contest ends at midnight tonight.
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  1. I feel so bad for the poor brown and white goat… he/she looks so scared. What are they making him/her do???
    And that freaky blond looks WAY too happy in those scary shoes… boots… hooves… thingys.
    Hubby's response? OOOKKKAAAYYY… WHY???

  2. anymommy says:

    That is really scary. I may have nightmares.

  3. goatgirl says:

    Oh man I need some of those cloven hooves.

  4. Laura says:

    Hi sweetie now I know what to get everyone in my life for Xmas. I'll let them know they have you to thank! I wish I could enter the Marrying George Clooney Giveway, but I think that would be a full circle, don't you?

  5. Muse Swings says:

    Count me in as totally weirded out here. In a way I'm relieved. I was afraid you were going to talk about the circus which I dislike intensely. (Lying down on my sofa…yeah, as a child of 4 my parents took me….)

  6. Melissa B. says:

    Thanks for sharing this…super funny! And I wanted to thank you soooooooo much for stopping by on my Special SITS Day. It's taken me a while to get back, but I hope to see you around the blogosphere again soon!

    The Sun Also Rises

  7. Julia says:

    First of all, I am honored to have my picture as part of your site!!! And second of all, the goat legs are hilarious. You know who ever invented it was high at the time, and in to some really kinky things!

  8. bobbinlalaland says:

    Please don't get me the goat leg stilts for Christmas! They are horrifying!

    And poor little goat on the tightrope, that makes me sad.

  9. Okay, somebody needs to call PETA. And get that hairdresser on the horn too. That goat's brown roots are showing.

  10. Hoodchick says:

    Well, she's obviously a half-breed. Not that there's anything wrong with that…

  11. Roxane says:

    What in the name of the good Lord is going on with those weird stilts LOL

  12. moooooog35 says:

    Somewhere, out there, a farmer is looking at that last picture and smiling like crazy.

  13. Erin says:

    Holy Cow!

  14. What the hell is she wearing…. and WHY???? How'd you like to find a pair of those under your Christmas tree!


  15. John J Savo says:

    I don't know if those goat stilts are funny, sad, or the weirdest thing I've ever seen…

  16. Um, yeah. I'll take some of them there stilts…


  17. Dale Ottley says:

    Wow the centaur exercise shoe things are cool. Is this a hint to your loyal readers to make sure YOU are gifted this stocking stuffer?

  18. Surfie says:

    What, only one pair of hooves? She must be saving up to get a pair for her front legs.

  19. what!? you've just shown us the best white elephant gift. ever.

  20. scott_free says:

    Well that goat is OBVIOUSLY going to ride a unicycle across the wire, Nanny, sheesh! You should know these things!
    Love those hooves, by the way! Would be perfect for my devil costume I'm wearing to church next Sunday…

  21. Lisa Twombly says:


    The brown and white goat, the goat shoes-those are perfectly normal.


  22. Jamie says:

    Oh my word that last picture made me laugh so loud!!!

  23. kathcom says:

    Jayzus, Margaret! Where on earth do you find these things?

  24. Nezzy says:

    It's the leaping Nannys! And the footware, are you serious???

  25. Pricilla says:

    The poor goat reminds me of the poor diving horse at the old Steel Pier in Atlantic City which I actually saw live. I am really dating myself now…

    As to the second: MY EYES! MY EYES!