Nanny Goats in Panties Rotating Header Image

This Year’s Christmas Card: The Yule Kids

If I were sending out Christmas cards this year (and I’m not, so don’t hold your breath), this is the picture I would slap on the front…

sent in by Tammy of Happenings on the Hill
And now…. a Christmas Carol:
Deck the halls with boys and nannies,
Baa-baa-baa-baa-baa, baa-baa-baa-baa.
Throw on makeshift hats from panties,
Baa-baa-baa-baa-baa, baa-baa-baa-baa.
Don we now our smiles and say cheese,
Baa-baa-baa-baa-baa, baa-baa-baa-baa.
Hurry up Mom before we freeze,
Baa-baa-baa-baa-baa, baa-baa-baa-baa.
From all of us here at Nanny Goats in Panties to all you “kids” out there…
We wish you a Merry SITSmas! (because today is a big bloggerama SITSmas card swapping extravaganza party thing where all the gals and a guy named Preston run around the blogosphere like crazy wishing each other a Merry SITSmas).
Also? There’s a big holiday party going on over at SITS, where EVERYONE, SITSta or not, can join in the fun. Prizes are given out every hour all day, so go hit SITS every 60 minutes. I mean, it’s not like it’s a work day or anything, is it?
Also? In between goofing off to win fabulous prizes, you can visit some of the SITS gals I recently met in Vegas:

The R Family Diaries
Mindless Junque

Also? If you haven’t yet entered the NGIP giveaway where you guess how much money is in the jar and the 15 closest guesses wins a copy of the hilarious memoir, Marrying George Clooney, then for the love of all that is holy, go enter now!
Also? I’ll be shutting up about the contest before 11:59pm on Wednesday, December 9, 2009.
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  1. LOVE the photograph, and the carole you wrote is fantastic.
    Wishing you a very merry Christmas and a happy new year!

  2. afreeman says:

    I keep hoping that the internet is going to make Christmas cards obsolete because I never could get organized enough for that.

    1. Not to mention the outrageous postage from your neck o' the woods!

  3. Adrian says:

    How cute. I love your imaginary children, they look just like you. Merry SITSmas, a day late.

  4. kathcom says:

    You just reminded me I have to send out Xmas cards soon. I wish I had cute little nanny goats on mine. It's hard enough to find ones that don't say “God” or “angel” or “Christmas” since I'm a non-theist. Apparently I just want to celebrate the “season.”

  5. veronica lee says:

    Merry SITSmas!! Lovely blog.

  6. andi_fisher says:

    LOVE the card that is so cute! Accompanying song is great also! Sorry I am late, but I am making my way through the entire SITSmas list, I want to visit everyone to wish everyone happy holidays! So Merry SITSmas!

  7. Merry SITSmas… hope you had a good one! : )

  8. melissa says:

    love the christmas card! The goats are too cute =)

  9. lajollamom says:

    Merry SITSmas. Your posts always make me laugh. Love the christmas goat carol.

  10. winey_mommy says:

    Haha! I love it. I love your blog. And I love depending on you to make me laugh 🙂

    Merry SITSmas!

  11. Rebecca says:

    Love the card and the song!

  12. annsrants says:

    Oh lord. I'd forgotten all about SITSmas. Probably because I celebrate SITSmukkah.


  13. Whitney says:

    The picture is hilarious! Merry SITSmas!

  14. Mad Woman says:

    That's a super cute picture…but the little ditty to accompany it made me giggle.

    Now I'm off to check out SITS. Not because of the prizes extraordinaire, but because you're the third person in an hour that I've seen mention it on a blog. I'm CLEARLY missing out on something.

  15. You think you can really shut up? 🙂

    1. About the contest? Yes. About anything else? Heck no!


  16. Roxane says:

    A very merry SITSmas to you and yours!

  17. WhisperingWriter says:

    I love the Christmas card.

    Merry SITSmas!

  18. Surfie says:

    That photo would make a great card. If you were going to send them. You can always email your Christmas cards! 🙂

    By the way, Zebra had her kids yesterday!! The girl didn't make it, and it was a close call with the boy. They've got him in the house to warm him up and feed him from a bottle while they try to get the momma to nurse him. She doesn't seem to be taking to it naturally yet. Hopefully he'll be fine. I took about a zillion pictures of him this afternoon.

    1. Oh, I hope the little guy does OK. I'd love to see pictures of him if you
      have a chance – I can include him on Zebra and Chocolate's Goat Thing of the
      Day day.

      – Margaret

  19. Maricris says:

    May all your dreams come true. Merry SITSmas!

  20. marlaahansen says:

    Nanny Goats In Panties in Vegas? I would pay to see that show! 🙂

  21. chrisy says:

    Merry SITSmas…or is it BAAAAAA BAAAAAAAAA SITSmas?

  22. Amanda says:

    Merry SITSmas!

  23. Jamie says:

    I'm a new follower – Love your blog – love the picture too!!!

  24. MommaDJane says:

    Thanks for the sweet compliment on my SITScation photo! I just love the Christmas photo in your post as well. I love photos of kids enjoying themselves, laughing and smiling even if they aren't posing. It's perfect to capture a moment like that! Love it. Merry SITSmas!

  25. Gay Vaughan says:

    Oooh, thanks for visiting! I like this crazy thing called blogging;) Merry SITSmas to you!

  26. connieweiss says:

    Merry SITSmas! That's a great photo and would make the perfect Christmas card!

  27. Happy SITS Christmas to you too Margaret! Love your card.

  28. Michele says:

    Love the pic!! Love the song!
    You crack me up.

    Merry Sitsmas to you too ♥

  29. Christina W says:

    Merry SITS-mas.I love the picture!

  30. erinbassett says:

    Love that photo! 🙂

    Merry SITSmas!!

  31. joy says:

    That would be a great photo for Christmas cards!

    Wishing you a very merry SITSmas!

  32. 7ClownCircus says:

    I don't think you could have found a better, more apropos card for today! 🙂 Merry SITSmas!

  33. swirl girl says:

    Merry SITSmas to you too!
    love your carol – it's Ba-a-a-ad!

  34. So why no holiday cards this year? Just curious.

    1. Lazy……lazy…..ugh, I'm getting tired just typing this…must take nap..ZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzz……

  35. B-Dub says:

    Merry SITSmas to you! And all your nannies.

  36. Melly says:

    Fabulous photo! I wait and send cards out on Valentines day…when most people would really like to get a card. I always sign it, “happy belated holidays too”.

  37. carma says:

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm definitely going with the headless photo next year 😉 Oh, you have a contest going on? Must check it out…

  38. Merry SITSmas!!!

    I wish our goats were not so anti social! I want them on my christmas card!

    Jessica JOnes

  39. Dale Ottley says:

    Thanks for the shout out Nanny G. Very sweet of you. I love the song now because of this post I won't be singing the classic deck the Halls this year.

    Merry SITSmas to all and to all a goodnight!

  40. Sandy says:

    Have a very Merry SITSmas!

  41. Pricilla says:

    Oh, and Merry SITSmas my goat loving friend.

  42. Pricilla says:

    Hey, there's a goat in SITS! Did you forget?!

  43. Jeannie says:

    Merry SITSmas!!!

  44. Love the card! Adorable!

    Merry SITSmas to you!

  45. This should totally be your musical Christmas card with your kids singing your new tune!

    Sounds like a lot of work. Nevermind.

    🙂 Merry SITSmas.



  46. pam101360 says:

    I LUV it!


  47. Love the picture! Merry SITSmas!

  48. Love the photo and the carol!!! Merry SITSmas to you : )

  49. Very cute pic and song! I hope you have a wonderful SITSmas today!

  50. shannon says:

    You're too funny!

    “Baa-baa-baa-baa-baa, baa-baa-baa-baa”! HA!

    Merry SITSmas to you!

  51. Sparky says:

    That is a cute photo. This would be a very good choice for your Christmas card mailings, if you had any. 🙂

  52. Jeanette says:

    Merry SITSmas to you!!! Too bad you're arent sending those out – I would have loved to (try to) be on your Christmas card list!!! It's adorable!

    <a href=”
    “>Christmas Goodies Recipe Exchange

  53. amy721 says:

    Merry SITS'mas……

    cute card… even if you do not send it.

  54. MamaKatR says:

    Merry SITSmas!!! Love your photo card!

  55. Love your card! The song is very funny and a great picture to match! Merry SITSmas!

  56. scarymommy says:

    You should totally just send that pic out– see if anyone even notices!

  57. ghadav says:

    Merry SITSmas! Too Bizarre that you talk about a guy named Preston – that's my son's name 🙂

  58. Cute photo there! Thanks for visiting my blog and merry SITSmas to you as well! 😀

  59. Aytgim says:

    What a fun picture!
    Merry SITSmas!

  60. Teresha says:

    I love the photo and your own version of Deck the Halls…much funnier than the original! Merry SITSmas! baa-baa, baa-baa, baa-baa!

  61. Steph Jordan says:

    LOL too funny. I love the song. And that really would make a wonderful Christmas card LOL

    Have a colorful week
    Steph via SITS

  62. Leah says:

    Happy SITSmas to you! that Christmas card is so cute. And that is a funny song.