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Goat Thing of the Day: Goats Are The New Chicken

Goat Art

So if I post someone’s art up on my blog without their permission, are they going to sue me? I mean, wouldn’t they see it as free advertising or promotion if they’re trying to sell it? Or wouldn’t they figure since it’s just on some stupid little personal blog, who cares? I don’t know, but if all you see below is a blank spot (and claw marks) where there used to be art, then you’ll know what happened. And when I get out of jail, I’m going to come after my ex-friend Ilsa for snapping this photo with her cell phone of club members’ art that hangs in the Capital Athletic Club here in Sacramento, where I’ve heard tell that Arnold Schwarzenegger works out.

Don’t adjust the screen on your computer (or Kindle). It’s a little out of focus.

Where was I? Oh yeah, going to jail. I mean, I’m more than happy to post the artist’s name, but I don’t know what it is, so if anybody out there happens to know who did it, let me know.

Goats are the New Chicken

No seriously, according to Willamette Week, goats are the breakout pet in the upcoming year.

And so in the spirit of past animal fads such as Vietnamese pot-bellied pigs and, of course, chickens, we’re forecasting goats as the must-have companion in 2010. 

So, look for them in your more trendy neighbor’s backyards very soon. And start buying stock in Purina (for the Goat Chow) now. Thanks to Adrian (Adrian’s Crazy Life) for pointing this story out to NGIP.

Photo seen on Willamette Week and taken by Vivian Johnson.

Goat Waves Baa-Baa

With apologies to the Kindle-ites, here is a video of a goat that waves. Email subscribers can click on this Goat Waving link to go to the YouTube video.

Thanks to Chris (of Angry Seafood) and my Twitter friend Jules for telling me about this one.

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  1. This WHOLE post made me smile… I want to get a pet goat, but my HOA would throw me out of my house! Not to mention, I think Nano would be really mad at me.
    I totally LOVE Darren the waving goat… I wanna feed him!

  2. Those are the cutest pics ever!

  3. Sparky says:

    Now THAT's cool! A waving goat. Goats are good to eat, you know. Sorry for that comment. [giggle]

  4. Leeuna says:

    Ohhhh how cute they are! I love the waving goat. That's incredible. Great art too. If you get sent to jail we'll bail you out.

  5. I want a pet goat, my lawn mower is on it's last breath. Darren is really cute. Goats are obviously smarter than Bassadors since I can't teach my dog to shake and certainly not wave.

  6. kathcom says:

    I love the goat painting. It looks like a basset hound crossed with Joe Camel. Do you think the goat craze will fade and, like puppies and kittens who were loved at Christmas, by April there will be stray, feral goats in the streets?

  7. Mr. Stupid says:

    Darren is really talented. He waves? That's amazing and really cute….
    Great painting….:)

  8. John J Savo says:

    See, when you said that “goats are the new chicken,” I assumed you meant for eating.

  9. Daisy says:

    I wish I could have a pet goat.

    ps: Hi Darren! ::waves paw::

  10. Jayne says:

    What sweet faces, but I still want the little tri-color mini Nubian from Central Park.

  11. marlaahansen says:

    Don't worry. I have a chocolate cake recipe and a file with your name on it. I got your back, Nanny!

  12. CatLadyLarew says:

    I'll happily wave to anyone who feeds me!

  13. fragrantliar says:

    That painted goat? That's how I would look if I saw Arnold in the dressing room of that club.

    I had an alpine goat when I was a kid. The kind that walk on half-inch ledges? Like on old pink Cadillacs? She died after eating some of our oleanders, which are HIGHLY poisonous (but we didn't know that then). It was devastating for us six kids, who watched her bloat up and die. Not to be a downer, but goats eat everything, and people who get them for pets need to be aware of that. 'kay, that was my PSA for the day…

    And the waving goat! How cute is that?

  14. Nance says:

    Somebody sent me this joke by email…I'm substituting “goat” for “dog” in the original… and tell me how you think this'll work out.

    Goats are your best friend! Try this: lock your husband in the trunk of one car for the afternoon and your goat in the trunk of another car. When you let them out, which one will be glad to see you?

    I don't have a dog, much less a goat, so I can't personally test out the comparison…so, I'm leaving my husband in the trunk.

  15. T.J. says:

    Then maybe in 2110 I can convince my husband that it will be vogue for me to FINALLY have one strolling around my yard!

    and I owe you a thank you: I just confessed to my readers that I keep a picture of a goat, not my family, in my wallet. A weight has been lifted and I credit NGIP for giving me strength πŸ˜‰

  16. Lin says:

    Darren rocks!

  17. A Free Man says:

    I don't know about goats as a pet, but they taste better than chicken! Goat curry is delightful.

  18. Dale Ottley says:

    I want to feed Darren too!

  19. SueAnn says:

    A goat that waves…whod da thunk it!?! LOL!! I don't think you will have to go to jail. I am sure they would be flattered if they knew you featured their painting!!

  20. Chris C says:

    When I found the article about the waving goat I thought of two things: this blog and animals now have the ability to communicate non-verbally.

    Thanks for the linkage πŸ™‚

  21. Beetle says:

    I love the painting! A goat that waves? How cute is that!

  22. Surfie says:

    Love the waving goat! If it were MY work you'd stolen for your blog, I wouldn't mind so long as credit was given. But if you do get sent to the pokey, don't forget to write!

  23. Julie says:

    I must be way behind the times. I am still longing for a pet pig! The goats are pretty darn cute, too, though!

  24. Nezzy says:

    Here when I thought I'd about seen everything ya hit me in the face with a waving goat! Heeeheehe!

    Have a marvelous day!!!

  25. that is one cool piece of art.

  26. Pricilla says:

    It's all part of our plan to take over the world.

  27. Joanie M says:

    I love Darren!