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Goat Thing of the Day: Nubians

Today we will meet Jimmy Friel’s herd of Nubians in rural northern California.

A year or two ago, they started with two mated does, Alona and Sorbonne.

Then the kids arrived.

goat pictures, nubian goats, nubian goat pictures

This is Buttercup with Alona’s four kids.

goat pictures, nubian goats, nubian goat pictures

Here the kids have their first outing last Spring.

goat pictures, nubian goats, nubian goat pictures

Checking out the pond…

goat pictures, nubian goats, nubian goat pictures

Raiding the car…

goat pictures, nubian goats, nubian goat pictures

Sorbonne overseeing things.

goat pictures, nubian goats, nubian goat pictures

Got any great goat pics?

Submit them to Goat Thing of the Day.

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  1. […] you ever seen the blog Nanny Goats in Panties?  Margaret posts the best pictures of goats.  This is my favorite.  Someday I would love to have a goat […]

  2. Ginger says:

    Beautiful Nubians!

  3. Oh they’re so sweet. I love their ears 🙂

  4. Sheila says:

    I’m sending my kids off to my sisters this June – I’ll make sure they get lots of goat pictures. Is it true that male goats pee on themselves to turn on the girls?

    1. Wha…??? ACK! I don’t think I’ve ever heard that. Not that’s not true, though – I have no idea. When it comes to goats, I’ll believe just about anything.

      And I look forward to any goat pics you send my way!

  5. Oh my God they are SO cute… I want one. Do you think they’d get along with 5 Yorkies and a Min-Pin/Chihuahua mix?

  6. J. Bear Savo says:

    Oh, the picture with the chicken should be a caption contest.

  7. Lady Fi says:

    Oh my – these pictures are just adorable!

  8. I particularly like the seam up the back where they can strip their pajamas off. Very natty.

  9. Very cute kids 😉
    xo jj

  10. FragrantLiar says:

    A happy goat family. Those pics put a little spring in my step. I do love goats. Miss mine. (sigh) Wish we had pics of her (our Phoebe), but she lived back when I was a kid and cameras weren’t brought out to capture everything like they are today. If we’d known she’d pass so quickly, we surely would have.

  11. Linda R. says:

    You get some of the greatest goat pictures! Love ’em.

  12. That chicken looks like the baby sitter!

  13. Jayne says:

    Nubians are my favorite! Someday I shall have two females and their names shall be Anastasia and Lilith.

  14. Pricilla says:

    I am a great goat pic!

    These nubians are very cute but not as cute as I am although I am a bit scraggly these days….

  15. Nezzy says:

    ‘Nothin’ quite like a goat foreman to make sure things go smoothly!!!

    Ya gotta love those lop eared kids!

    God bless ya and have a fantastic day!!!

  16. I love these goat! They rock!