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It Hurts To Take My Pants Off

You know how you go to places like Tucson, Arizona, for the warm weather? Yeah, the day we got there, it was a sweltering 17 degrees, the coldest temperature since something like 1880.

Also? My better half and I caught this nasty snorky bug when we left Tucson so we’ve spent the better part of the weekend horking up our lungs. My body is all achy and my skin is so sensitive that it hurts to go to the bathroom. Not the part when I pee cause that would be a whole ‘nother trip to the doctor, but when I pull my pants down to pee.

I’m telling you this so that you don’t touch me for the next few days.

Meanwhile, here’s a cute Valentine’s Day story. I bought myself a nightshirt at the Hanes Outlet recently.

Valentines night shirt

And I failed to think of the implications on laundry day. As some of you know, my husband does the laundry and I failed to mention this particular purchase to him. So he says to me the other day, “Uhhh, I’m going to be the jealous husband and just ask. What’s with the shirt that says ‘Sending my love'”?

Because nobody buys themSELVES stuff for Valentine’s Day, right? Right?

Wrong. According to several sources, 15% of women send themselves flowers on Valentines Day. Have you ever done that?

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  1. Jay of the Depp Effect says:

    Ahahahahaha!! That’s funny! Did he believe you? LOL!

    I have heard that women buy their own flowers before! Seems odd to me, although, there again, why not?

  2. Jay of the Depp Effect says:

    Ahahahahaha!! That’s funny! Did he believe you? LOL!

    I have heard that women buy their own flowers before! Seems odd to me, although, there again, why not?

    1. I didn’t even realize that what I had bought was a Valentine-themed thing. I was just looking for night shirts and there they were. So I suppose laughing at him wasn’t the best response. 🙂

  3. Stefani says:

    Cute story about the nightshirt. 🙂

    Hopefully while you were in town you got to stay someplace warm and were not subjected to the gas & water shutdowns. The coldest temps on record and hundreds of people were forced to go without heat. You should have come back to visit last weekend, we got up into the 80’s.

    1. We stayed in Oro Valley, away from the gas shutdowns. And I heard that it warmed up…AFTER we left! 🙂

  4. Ginger says:

    Love the shirt. Hate that you hurt. Hope you’re touchable now?

  5. So sorry you don’t feel good. Hope you get better soon.
    I buy myself stuff like that all the time, but I usually ask the hubs if he likes it first. And since it’s “our” money, I can then tell people he bought it for me. TeeHee
    Nice that you get your hubby to do laundry, that’s one of the 2 things mine DOESN’T do… laundry and cooking. But he does everything else, so no complaints here.

  6. Tara Dharma says:

    yes! i have! and chocolates! and a dinner and a movie! and lots of good lovin’ later in the evening!

  7. Oh, that does not sounds like a fun bug to have, even with a really cute shirt. Hope you’re feeling better Margaret.
    xo jj

  8. awwww. feel better soon. I have never sent myself anything. But, I would TOTALLY buy that shirt for myself.

    1. Thanks, Meleah. Lots of hugs and kisses (no germs) to you this week!

    2. Thanks, Meleah. Lots of hugs and kisses (no germs) to you this week!

  9. But if we don’t buy ourselves Valentine’s Day gifts, who will? Guess your husband better beat you to the punch next year!

    1. Ha! Only we agreed no V-Day crap amongst ourselves and bless him, he kept to that promise.

    2. Ha! Only we agreed no V-Day crap amongst ourselves and bless him, he kept to that promise.

  10. Mariac says:

    That’s funny. It’s good that he felt a little jealous. We have to keep the husbands on their toes sometimes so they will appreciate us.

    1. You said it! Everyone needs some sort of barometer.

    2. You said it! Everyone needs some sort of barometer.

  11. Slommler says:

    Love the shirt!! And yes, I have sent myself flowers…sometime just for kicks and giggles!!
    Hope you are feeling better!

    1. Thanks, Sue Ann! Not so much coughing any more, now mostly sneezing.

    2. Thanks, Sue Ann! Not so much coughing any more, now mostly sneezing.

  12. I’m not going to fall in the Tucson trap this year. I learned my lesson.

    Your husband does the laundry?!?!? Seems to me I read here once that he does the cooking too and a bunch of other things. What do you do besides buy yourself stuff? And where can I get a husband like yours?

    1. “What do you do besides buy yourself stuff?”
      Hee hee!

      Every time I see a Tucson on the road now, I think of you.

      1. You didn’t answer the question.

        1. Actually, I didn’t answer three of your questions.

    2. “What do you do besides buy yourself stuff?”
      Hee hee!

      Every time I see a Tucson on the road now, I think of you.

  13. Amy K. says:

    I live in Tucson, and nobody was very happy for the two days that it got down to that temperature. I had to pick up my daughter from school because the pipes froze. I asked the principal how often that happens, and she told me, “It never has, at least not in my lifetime.” I hope you feel better soon. Feel free to come on back, it’s getting up to 78 degrees today. 😉

    1. 78 degrees? Woo hoo! That’s awesome. Of course the shoe will be on the OTHER foot when it’s 115 degrees there in July and I’ll just LAUGHHHHH! Because it will only be 109 here in Sacramento.

    2. 78 degrees? Woo hoo! That’s awesome. Of course the shoe will be on the OTHER foot when it’s 115 degrees there in July and I’ll just LAUGHHHHH! Because it will only be 109 here in Sacramento.

  14. tera says:

    I have not SENT myself flowers, but I have BOUGHT myself flowers at both the grocery store and a flower shop when I was single. Secret Agent Man used to buy me flowers but the cat almost always knocks the vase on the floor and then eats them.
    I clearly don’t need a goat.

    1. Interesting that you make that distinction. Because somehow it seems to be more pitiful the thought of going to the added effort and expense of SENDING yourself something as opposed to grabbing something at the store.

    2. Interesting that you make that distinction. Because somehow it seems to be more pitiful the thought of going to the added effort and expense of SENDING yourself something as opposed to grabbing something at the store.

  15. Jggaston says:

    Never sent myself flowers but I’ve surely bought many a box of chocolates!

  16. J. Bear Savo says:

    I once went to Tupelo, Mississippi for Christmas. Figured it would be warm the week I was there. Not only did I get stuck in an ice storm in Tennessee on the way down, but when I finally got to Tupelo, it was 20 degrees.

    1. Yuck!
      So, I caught your show. How fun! Any word on the feedback so far?

      1. J. Bear Savo says:

        Response from the public has been very positive. We don’t have any rating numbers yet.

  17. Nicky says:

    Just tell your husband to be thankful the shirt didn’t say “Thanks for the other night!”

    1. Ha! I will tell him. 🙂

    2. Margaret's Husband says:


  18. Sheila says:

    Of course we do – it’s fun getting our spouses jealous. When he asks, you just smile and say nothing.

    1. I laugh and say I sent them to myself. That drives them crazy!

  19. I buy stuff all the time for myself. I’ve sent myself flowers too. I hope you guys are feeling better! I hate when my skin hurts to the touch. Just leave the pants off, Margaret. Your man knows better than to think you mean something by it.

    1. What a wonderful idea. Just go pantsless. I mean, who’s gonna see me? The mailman? It’s not like I’ve got a box of chocolates waiting for THAT bozo. Unlike your postman who is getting a card today. 🙂

  20. T.J. says:

    Get well soon! Maybe buy yourself some chocolates to go along with the shirt? That always makes me feel better 😉

  21. Thomas C. says:

    I buy myself a heart shaped box of chocolates on February 15, every year, because the next day they’re cheaper, but just as delicious.

    1. Brilliant! I tend to load up on candy the day after too when they go down 50%, which just proves they are charging too much in the first place.

  22. Mommysmartini says:

    I’m you are so sick. My husband seems to have the exact same illness you do. It’s a good thing he doesn’t also have the same shirt. 😉

  23. Jayne says:

    What a cute shirt! Damn right I’m going to buy myself something for Valentine’s Day!

  24. Nezzy says:

    Well…ahummmm…sometimes a girl has just gotta do what a girls gotta do. I fear I am guilty of a Valentine purchase or ten for myself. Heeehehe!

    You get to feel better girl and get over this crud soon and very soon!

    God bless and have a cozy Valentine’s Day in your new nightie!!!

  25. Pricilla says:

    I hope you feel better. It sucks to be sick.
    I’ve not sent myself something for Valentine’s Day but if I saw something cute I would buy it….

  26. Linda R. says:

    Cute shirt! If I saw something like that I wanted I’d buy it for myself. I have not, however, sent myself flowers…don’t get them too often either.

    Sorry you’ve been sick. That sounds like a really nasty bug. I’ve been lucky so far and only had a mild cold.