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Goat Things: Skippy the Teeter-Tottering Goat

Hello, and welcome to Goat Thing of the Day, a weekly series that brags, drags, and old hags.

Goat Photo

This week we present another faboo photo by Susan Maxwell Skinner.

goat pictures, goats, susan maxwell skinner

Thank you, Susan!


Saving Goats

If you’re on Facebook, consider “Liking” the New Moon Farm Goat Rescue and Sanctuary.

new moon farm, goat rescue

Here is the website link for New Moon. Thank you, Amy (and Ellen)!

Goat Festivals

If you find yourself in Tennessee this weekend, the 22nd Annual International Goat Days Festival takes place Friday and Saturday in Millington. Free Admission!

Goat Festival, Tennessee, International Goat Days Festival

Goats On Video

Meet Skippy, the teeter-tottering goat.


Thank you, Amy (and Irene)!

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  1. Brilliant photos, I really liked the goats.

  2. Rabbit jerky says:

    How cute those lambs are, so calm and cute, love them. I really love to own farm house full of goats and sheep.

  3. Linda R. says:

    Those babies are precious, and I love the teetering tottering goat.  I was waiting to see if both goats would go at it and teeter-totter together.

  4. Anonymous says:

    That goat is having so much fun on his teeter totter! Cute!

  5. Anonymous says:

    That goat is having so much fun on his teeter totter! Cute!

  6. Anonymous says:

    Finally voted for you. I don’t know how I missed that before, oy, my eyesight in my dotage. And Skippy the teeter-tottering goat? Love.

  7. Pricilla says:

    I asked the publicist and she says I cannot go to Tennessee for the festival. I do not think this is right. I am a goat so I should go to a goat festival. I can fest with the best! I can do the goat dance of joy. I can maaaaa ’til the humans come home.

    Stupid publicist

    1. LOL!

      Yes, but can you dance on a seesaw?

  8. Tina Carlson says:

    Awww, what a fun visit!  Adorable babies and a very coordinated youngster on the seesaw.  That’s what we call it down here in the South.  ;  )
    I voted again…good luck!

    1. A seesaw! Yes, that’s what we called them too. Maybe we called them both a teeter-totter and a seesaw depending on the time of day or something.

  9. Skippy is a lot more coordinated than I am.  I voted, and it said to come back tomorrow and vote again.  Is that true?  Is it over today?

    1. It is over today. At least I think it is. I think it just probably says you can vote every day (because that’s what it’s been saying for the last few weeks – man what a long contest) and then they’ll turn it all off tomorrow.

  10. I love that photo of those two adorable baby goats!
    How wonderful of the New Moon Farm, I “like” them on FB!
    And what a cute little goat on the teeter-totter!
    Thanks for sharing all these great things.

  11. that photo by Susan, is BEYOND precious!

    1. Susan is a fabulous photographer. I’ll have to tell you about her Royal connection when I see you………ON MONDAY!!!!!!!