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A Street Named R

Sacramento’s downtown streets go from A to Z and one of them… is R. Oddly, it lies between Q and S Streets.

R Street used to have a bunch of historic stuff, like back in the 1800s or something, including a railroad track that ran down it. Sometime during the 21st century, R Street went out and bought itself a $13 million renovation. And a new name: Historic R Street Corridor. Let’s go see its new crib.

sacramento, r street corridor, historic r street district, street arch

They kept the old tracks and erected an arch over 10th and R Streets.

Sacramento, home of the 32 mile-long American River Bike Trail, promotes bike-friendliness, as well as public arty…ness. Hence some new bike racks on R Street created by local artists.

sacramento, r street corridor, bike racks, public art

So, there I was, walking down R Street, realizing there’s actually a theme to all this…

r street corridor, sacramento, public art, bike rack

…and it suddenly reminds me of High Line Park in Manhattan. And I wonder if that’s a little bit of what they’re going for.

r street corridor, sacramento, bike rack, public art, capitol lofts

And then…I swear I’m not making this up… I stumble on this business:

r street corridor, sacramento, hi line electric company

It was a bit spooky.

A lot of the art is either a bike rack that’s railroad-themed, or has something to do with the business it flanks. Like this dragon in front of this restaurant. (Happy Lunar New Year of the Dragon, by the way).

r street corridor, sacramento, bike rack, public art

This is the one in front of The Studio Theatre.

r street corridor, sacramento, studio theatre, bike rack, public art


And this is in front of the coincidentally named Hi Line Electric Company.

r street corridor, sacramento, public art, bike rack

And then there’s this statue in front of the Fox & Goose pub:

r street corridor, sacramento, fox and goose, public art

I’m waiting for someone to treat it too like a bike rack and strangle the poor goose’s legs or something.

I heard someone say that the artist claimed that it wasn’t intended to match the restaurant’s theme, that it was a total coincidence, but that made my head explode, so I try not to think about it.

Although…maybe he’s right. And maybe it’s not a fox at all because am I the only one who thought, hey that looks more like a pig?

Also? Doesn’t this pigfox look like he’s sniffing the goose’s butt?

r street corridor, sacramento, fox and goose

I know. I’m twelve.


I took this picture because I like the old rustic building. I just hope they keep it that way.

r street corridor, sacramento, old building

To me, it’s public art and with all the holes, it’s also a bike rack.

I got this rockin’ Commemorative Key Chain at the R Street Arch Lighting Ceremony that I’m keeping at a safe distance so you can’t steal it:

r street corridor, sacramento


Well, I hope you enjoyed your little tour of what they’re calling Phase 1 of the new R Street Corridor. Tune in next week when I reveal the name of the street that lies between 7th and 9th. Maybe I’ll lead up to it with a guessing contest or something.

sacramento, r street corridor



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  1. J. Bear Savo says:

    All sarcasm aside, I think the street looks great. I’m all for improving cityscapes and preserving history. Wish some of that would happen here in Scranton.

  2. Joanna Jenkins says:

    I should say something about “great minds” because when I saw your first photos I thought if High Line Park in NYC too!!!!

    xo jj

    1.  Yep. Great minds. 🙂

  3. Nora Blithe says:

    You know what worries me?  What happens when the Ramen house becomes a gas station?  Do they have to put up new art work or will the gas station have to put dragon in its name?  This is going to keep me up tonight.

    1.  I can’t believe you were willing to type in your comment all over again. I love you for that. It’s also why I always highlight/copy my comments before hitting the PUBLISH or SUBMIT button, because I’m not willing to type it all in again. You, my dear, are a gentleman and a scholar. Or something like that.

      1. Nora Blithe says:

        Or crazy, you forgot crazy.  That’s my vote anyway.  I usually do copy, just in case, but I failed to do so this day.  You can see how agitated I was worring about those statues!

  4. Random Chick says:

    That totally is a pigfox. And it is totally sniffin the goose’s butt. I am also perpetually twelve even though I have the body of a 45 year-old woman (and not Demi Moore’s either). 

  5. Nora Blithe says:

    I love when communities get a face lift but I’m really concerned about something.  What happens when the Ramen house goes out of business and becomes a gas station?  Are they going to change the art or does the gas station have to name itself after a dragon?  I’m going to lose sleep now.

    1.  That’s EXACTLY what my husband said. I mean, with a commitment like that, I suppose they can only allow dragon repair shops, or other Asian restaurants in that location.

  6. What a fun little tour. I haven’t been to downtown Sac in forever. I keep forgetting that I just moved back here so I can go visit now!

  7. Slommler says:

    Well it sure is an interesting area!  Love the “bike” racks.  And you are right…it does look pig-like!!  Ha

  8. gramps says:

    Lord, I’ve lived here for over 40 years and have only been to R ST once for a dinner.
    Guess that’s the same as never having been to the Train Museum.  People travel here from all over the world to see it.  Oh well.
    Damn. now I’m going to have to fight the traffic and see R St. 

    1.  I’ve never been to the Train Musuem either, Gramps, and I’ve lived here forever and a day! What a pair we are.

  9. OMG! The pigfox really DOES look like he’s sniffing the goose’s butt!!

    And just for the record I think Historic R Street Corridor is totally super cool.

  10. Sparky says:

    We can’t have animal art like that here in Georgia. Someone may shot it and try to stuff it. *giggle*

    Hey Margaret gotta funny video for ya. Funniest Fart Joke Ever OK, so I’m still 12 too. 🙂 🙂 🙂


    1. Graham Norton is one of my faves. And I giggled like an idiot over this video. Thanks, Sparky!

  11. Nezzy says:

    I did, I did enjoy my trip through R street.

    Yep….I’ll be twelve right along with ya!

    God bless and enjoy your week my friend!!! :o)

  12. LuLu Kellogg says:

    I was going to say the same thing Shoegal said…..the fox looked like a piggie and it was sniffing the goose’s caboose!

    Yep, I’m 12 too.


  13. sue hepner says:

    i know, i know…..

  14. Pricilla - Famous SpokesGoat says:

    Hey! Who stole my spool and put it in your town? That is MY spool. How can I jump up and see what is all around my goat pen without my spool?

    Oh, never mind. I must be blinded by all of the snow.

  15. Shoegal1975 says:

    I agree, it looks more like a pig than a fox and it’s totally sniffing the gooses butt.  Maybe he’ll get his Christmas goose early?

    And to the artist that says the matching statues and businesses are a coincidence? I call bullshit!