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Who’s That Knockin’ At Mah Door?

Ever since that singing scam artist swindled me out of 75 smackers, I never answer the door.

So last week, when the doorbell rang, my husband and I shushed each other and he spied through the peephole while ignoring the would-be solicitor. Then he tiptoed as fast as he could to the couch where I sat with my laptop to whisper to me that there was a giant aluminum can knocking on our door.


“Blog post,” he says.

He’s always thinking, that guy.

We scrambled to the window to peer through the blinds and this giant aluminum can (which wasn’t a an aluminum can, by the way), was already headed to the next door neighbors.

So I grabbed my camera and ran out the door to catch up with him and his human friend.

“Excuse me,” I called out to the ambling appliance, “may I take a picture of you?”

“Why sure!” the nice young human said as his giant friend stood by silently.

And they posed. And the human offered me his card.

air conditioner solicitors, costumes

It seemed ironic or something that some poor sap was sweating to death inside an air-conditioner costume in the summer heat, but people need jobs, so…

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  1. Julie Baugh says:

    My DH also finds blog posts for me – usually when the cat does something funny.

  2. Paula Wooters says:

    Ah, just when you thought there was no one interesting at the door anymore…
    Love it!

  3. Scargosun says:

    I can say with all seriousness that I would probably try their service after a stunt like that.

    1.  I’ll send them over right away. 🙂

  4. J. Bear Savo says:

    And you were going to let that opportunity pass you by… And the irony is delicious.

    1.  I know! Thank goodness someone had my blog back on that one.

  5. I just love that this happened to you. So in addition to blog posts “falling in our laps,” now we know it’s possible for them to “knock on your door.” Margaret, really, this is just so freaking awesome.

    1.  Me too, Kathy. Yeah, sometimes you just have to sit on the couch and wait. I got lucky. I envy myself.

  6. Sally says:

    I think you might enjoy getting a photo of a grown man (with a beard) that I see every morning on my way to work.  He’s wearing a chicken outfit, which looks like he’s molting, and waving a “Now Open” sign for a breakfast joint.  Turns my stomach.  But, I can’t get a good pic of him. 

    1.  Where is he???? Get my camera, STAT. I love that he is molting!

  7. Nicky says:

    I’m jealous. I never get any type of home appliance ringing my doorbell.

    1.  You just wait, next week, a garbage disposal will be stopping by asking you about your current drainage status.  Gee, that kind of sounded like a euphemism, or other rude remark. Good thing I don’t have a dirty mind.

  8. Thank you, for grabbing your camera and taking this photo! MADE MY DAY.

    “It seemed ironic or something that some poor sap was sweating to death inside an air-conditioner costume in the summer heat,” Um…. yeah!

    1.  You are welcome, Meleah!

  9. My wife used to do this sort of job to help us out when money was tight.  I can vouch that it is a real sauna in there.  Great way to lose weight, I suppose.

    1.  Seems like one would just shrivel up inside one of those. Speaking of which, I was a chicken once.

  10. Cheryl P. says:

    I love that you ran after him and asked for a pic.  I miss so many good pictures because I am a coward.

    AND you are so right…seems ironic that a man would be sweltering in an air conditioner costume.  HAAAAA

    1.  It’s amazing how shameless I can be with the motivation of blog.

  11. North says:

    I LOVE this post!!!  We feel the same way about answering the door…but, congrats to Ron for getting up and checking it out and giving you this great opportunity!!  And, I feel really sad for the A/C guy….maybe they have little battery run fans inside there! 🙂

    1.  That costume, just by principal, should be air-conditioned. I should have asked. Coulda shoulda woulda.

  12. I would want a photo too, if I ever saw such a thing!

  13. Pricilla says:

    Did he try and sell you anything? And irony is a fine art….

    1.  Well, we ignored him at the door, obsvies. And then I was sort of backing up away as I thanked him for the picture, so….no.

  14. Terra says:

    What a strange occurance, thanks for taking the photo and sharing it here. I guess the metal guy wasn’t an alien from space?

    1.  I wish! How awesome would that be?