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The Battle of the Fruitcake: A Christmas Song

And now, a sentimental Christmas song about love for your fellow man.

To be sung to the tune of Jingle Bells:

Dashing through the store,
They’re turning out the lights, 
They close at half past four,
The fruitcake’s in my sights,
I lunge for the last cake,
And so does some strange man,
“It’s Christmas Eve”, I beg of him,
I plead like no one can.

Oh, that cake’s mine, no it’s mine,
No, I saw it first,
Fists are hurled, blood spews out, 
A broken nose, I’m cursed – hey!
Grab his legs, he falls down,
Knocked out cold – I win!
‘Cause when it comes to my Aunt May:
“No fruitcake is a sin.” 


Merry Christmas, everybody!

fruitcake, christmas fruitcake, songs about fruitcake

(Image Source: morgueFile)


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  1. Carolyn says:

    Bawhahahaha!!!! Oh God, I wish I had had this on Christmas Day. It would have gone great with my Aunt Willamena's Egg Nog diddie.

  2. A Free Man says:

    Over a fruitcake? Really?

    Hope you and yours had a Merry Christmas!

  3. Beth says:

    I think this may be my new favorite Christmas song!

    Hope the holidays were grand.

  4. madmadmargo says:

    Okay, since you really mean it this time, I'll show up!

  5. Geez, your auntie must LOVE fruitcake!!
    YUK… I can't stand the stuff!

  6. You can have my share of the fruitcake – blech!

    Happy Holidays!!!!!

  7. Rhea says:

    That's hilarious. Great song!! Hope you enjoyed that fruitcake.

  8. bobbinlalaland says:

    Merry Christmas Margaret!

  9. ♥ Merry Christmas! ♥

  10. fragrantliar says:

    I rest my case. The perils of fruit cake cannot be overemphasized. And when an auntie is involved, the danger meter kicks up ten notches.

    Hope you're having a fabulous holiday season!


  11. marlaahansen says:

    Merry Christmas from one fruitcake to another!

  12. Collette says:

    Merry Christmas & may all the love & joy of the season be with you throughout the new year! (((HUGS)))

  13. cheri says:

    lol!! Weird thing is I actually LIKE fruitcake….

  14. Knucklehead! says:

    Merry Christmas! Hope it's wonderful.

  15. IDoThings says:

    HA! Good song. Tho the day I spill blood over fruitcake will be a cold day in . . .


  16. I can honestly say I have never tasted a fruitcake in my life. The green cherries always make me nervous 🙂

    Great parody Margaret.

    Merry Christmas

  17. Kristy says:

    Merry Christmas! If I had a fruitcake I'd send it your way…

  18. Pricilla says:

    Merry Christmas to you too, my goat loving friend. I am so glad your panties are in my life.

  19. t.j. says:

    Now THAT”S a Christmas song!! Happy Holidays!

    ps: you totally made my day with your comment – thanks for visiting!

    pps: do I dare admit I made fruitcake cookies yesterday? Oh yeah I did!

  20. Lidian says:

    Brilliant! I love it! And a very happy holiday to you too (and I know it will be since you got that last fruitcake and everything…)

    xx Lidian

  21. Jayne says:

    LOL! Love it! Best Christmas song parody ever! Does your talent know no limit? Merry Christmas, my friend…


  22. Nezzy says:

    Right back at ya'! Merry Christmas!!!

  23. CatLadyLarew says:

    Enjoy your fruitcake and your holiday!