Nanny Goats in Panties Rotating Header Image

Goat Thing of the Day: Ninja Goats and Snow Goat

Snow Goat!

snowgoat Sun Painter

Caught this on Goat Berries, who in turn, caught it on someone’s Facebook Page which was originally captured in Spindale, North Carolina.

Nanny Goats in Panties Diapers

I’m telling you, it’s all the rage. Kim (The Soap Goddess of Midnight Oil Soap Company) presented this cute scene of her kids…one of them in diapers.

goat diapers, goat pictures

Image Source:

You can see more pictures of her goats on the Meet The Girls page.

Goats on Video

Hey, have you ever seen the Himalayan Ninja goats?

Link to Himalayan Ninja goats.  (Thanks, Screaming Meme!)

Goats and Morality

A post on Penelope Trunk’s blog and its comments has raised a debate about the fate of baby boy dairy goats. She says they’re bopped on the noggin. To death. Some of her commenters say otherwise. It is entitled “Goat Cheese Is the New Veal“, if you wish to get worked up about it on one side or the other.

(Thanks, Janna!)

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  1. How sweet was that. The oh my goodness glory those flyin’ goats are
    just unbelievable!!! Don’t ya just love cheep entertainment.

  2. Marshallmadness says:

    We have a baby goat in diapers, too…. Living the couch potato life. Her leg was broken by a goat mommy that stepped on her, and now she’s indoors, healed and loves our family… She will get too big for being indoors but we adore her. Many boy goats are sold, neutered, as pets and blackberry/weed eaters. They make adorable pets and are as sweet as puppies, super social and do not smell!!! Enjoy them, they are a lovely, good natured gift from above!!

    1. Awww, the poor little thing. Glad to hear she’s healed well. And I’ve learned so much about goats since I started this blog, that they have such wonderful personalities.

  3. Ninja goats ~ that’s just crazy… how did they figure out how to do that! Great photos also 🙂

  4. Mrs. Slug says:

    The snow goat rocks. The little kids and the kid rocks. The ninja goats rock, and YOU rock! I enjoyed catching up on all of my goaty reading, I have been working too much and blogging too little, but I can fix that, so here I am to get some goaty therapy! I also read about your airplane seat, I gotta say I have never seen anything like that in all of my years of flying, I must have been lucky or something. I will never choose seat 27A on any flight on any plane after seeing that. Thanks for your great blog, Love from Mrs. Slug 🙂

  5. A Snow Goat!!! What a hoot. And the diapered darling with the kids in bed is too cute.

    Happy Valentine’s Day Margaret.


  6. Acadia says:

    Does that kid have a beard?

  7. Mommysmartini says:

    That snow goat is beautiful. Really.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Those ninja goats are the most amazing animals I’ve ever seen! I want to be one.

  9. Aw. I love the Snow Goat!

  10. That baby in diapers is so CUTEEE.

  11. Slommler says:

    Those Ninja goats are amazing!! I have never seen anything like that for sure??!!

  12. Your goat looks amazing and lovely!

  13. Snow goat = cute!
    Bopping baby goat boys = very very bad.

  14. Linda R. says:

    Love the snow goat! My Mom and I made a snow pig once. It didn’t actually look like a pig, but it was too weird to call a snowman.

    Those flying goats are amazing. I’d love to know what the guy is saying.

  15. Pricilla says:

    Bwahahahaha. Ninja goats. I TOLD you we were going to take over the world.

  16. Thomas C. says:

    If a goat pooped in my bed, I would put diapers on it, for sure. Or, maybe I’d put a heater in the garage so that it could sleep out there.

  17. Jayne says:

    Haven’t eaten veal in decades. Looks like I can live without goat cheese now, as well. 🙁

    But I love the snow goat and the darling little kid in diapers. 🙂

  18. Nezzy says:

    Well ya had me at that cute little snow goatie but then it got better with the ‘kid’ in the diaper. How sweet was that. The oh my goodness glory those flyin’ goats are just unbelievable!!! Don’t ya just love cheep entertainment.

    Believe me folks…it doesn’t take much! Heeehehee!

    God bless ya and have a beautiful day! :o)

  19. Thanks for the shout out to Goat Berries! Doesn’t get any cuter than that goatie in a diaper snuggled in bed though. Gaaaaaah!