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Tap, Tap, Tap…Is This Thing On?

As I witnessed my Amazon Reviewer Ranking plummet from 49,674 to 49,838, I thought, man, I gotta buy more stuff and tell the world what I think of it. And fast! I mean, once I tumble beyond that 50,000 mark, I may as well just throw it in.

But that’s not why I brought you here today. I wanted to tell you about my niece, a rising rock star on the local punk scene, who was a guest on Rob Fatal’s Waxaholixxx show on KSSU the other day. They shared and played some of their favorite music and he interviewed her like how they do real rock stars with “How did you get where you are today?” and “Who were your influences?” and I was beaming with pride as I streamed the show live from the station’s website. Especially when she mentioned her “aunt who was probably listening right now”. Woo hoo! That’s me!

Beside myself with pride and excitement, I couldn’t resist texting her every few minutes during the show:

~ omg ur on the radio! Thats so awesome!

~ your voice is soft, are you talking close to the mike?

~ dont forget to mention your CD

~ sit up straight, talk from your diaphragm

…and so on.

When the host told the listeners to call in if they had any questions for either one of them, I told MrMudPuppy he HAD to call and ask the Freak something. Freak is her stage name. Don’t ask – I can’t remember why.

MrMudPuppy told me I should call. After much pushing and shoving and a bunch of You, No-You!s followed by some hesitation – I’ve never called in to a radio station before – I picked up the phone. And the conversation went a little something like this:

“Hello, KSSU FM, you’re on the air.”

“Really I’m on the air?” (Pretty stupid, huh? My only excuse is that I was expecting a screener or something first, but I sallied forth.)

“Uh, well, this is Manjo MudPuppy. I’m a longtime listener, first time caller.” (Manjo is my alter email ego and MudPuppy is my married name. The plan was to speak in character while still letting Freak know who was calling, but when I blurted out “Huh Wha? Duhhhhh… Am I on the air?” in my normal voice, that pretty much blew my cover.)

“How ya doing?” (The DJ said this, probably wondering why in the hell he didn’t have the screener answer first, although he was laughing. Sort of.)

“Fine, thanks. Thank you for taking my call. I just had one question for the Freak of whom I’m a big fan. Who is your favorite Power Ranger and why? And I’ll take my answer off the air.”

I should note the Freak is a Power Ranger fan and yes, I’m still kicking myself for not coming up with a more blog-worthy question, but shit man, I was nervous. And running out of time trying to think of something witty, so get off my back. They had two callers the whole show anyway, I was just trying to add a little interactiveness. You try and come up with a brilliant idea with the clock ticking, you 24 Jack Bauer wannabe!

* * *

Nanny Goats Shout Out

Nanny Goats has gone global, man and in no small part thanks to Aileni Noyle, a Welshman and Megadeth fan living in Ireland. From his blog, Loose Ends, you’ll see a link called Nexus…. for the Index, Links and Other Stuff. This link takes you to his Nexus Page where you’ll find the link to Nanny Goats In Panties. Woo Hoo! We are on someone’s Other Stuff page!

This man has lived and if you check out his Once An Islander page his picture scrapblog, or his Personal Myth page, you’ll see the artist and thinker that Nanny Goats sees.

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  1. Freak must have FREAKED when you asked her that. I’m dying to know what she said later. : ) Mr. Mudpuppy must have been cracking up!

  2. Sorry, I didn’t really Gandalf & Grayson were still logged in on my computer. Sheesh.

  3. You really think quick on your feet, Margaret! Haha!

  4. flrdelis says:

    You goof-ball!!! (And “Manjo MudPuppy”… that’s classic!

  5. melly says:

    Ya know, you are on my blogroll.